
jié jī shì jiàn
  • Hijacking incident;skyjacking
  1. 我已听说了那次劫机事件

    I have been told about the hijacking .

  2. 波士顿有可能发生劫机事件。

    We got a possible hijack in progress out of boston .

  3. 他们正采取措施防止劫机事件的发生。

    They are taking measures to guarantee against the occurrence .

  4. 他曾勇敢地试图阻止那次劫机事件。

    He made a brave attempt to prevent the hijack .

  5. 你知道最近在伊朗发生的一起劫机事件吗?

    Did you know about the recent hijacking in Iran ?

  6. 我已听说了那次劫机事件。

    I have been telling about the hijack .

  7. 在两起劫机事件中,美国乘客被单独挑出来杀害。

    During the two airline hijackings , American possengers were singled out and murdered .

  8. 埃及客机保安人员挫败由伊斯坦布尔开往开罗航班发生的劫机事件。

    Security guards thwarted hijacking on an Egypt Air flight from Istanbul to Cairo .

  9. 我们当然不希望在今天的飞机上发生劫机事件。

    We certainly don 't want a highjack to ha en on the plane today .

  10. 劫机事件造成日内瓦机场早间出现混乱,机场一度关闭。

    The arrest follows early morning confusion at Geneva airport , which was shut down as the event unfolded .

  11. 许多国家为了对付最近恐怖主义分子劫机事件的激增,采取了派重兵和装甲车防守机场的措施。

    Some countries have responded to the recent spate of terrorist hijackings by deploying heavily armed guards and armored vehicles at airports .

  12. 1996年的那起劫机事件中,劫机者要求飞机转向时,机上正好有4名眼镜蛇成员。

    In this instance , in 1996 , four Cobra members were on a flight when a hijacker demanded the plane be diverted .

  13. 尤其是2001年发生的9.11劫机事件使全球民航业乃至全球经济遭受重创。

    Especially , the " 9.11 " hijacking in 2001 made the global civil aviation industry even the global economy undertake a heavy damage .

  14. 他说,上次坠毁发生在1996年的劫机事件中,另外一次唯一的坠毁事件是在1988年,群鸟撞到飞机引擎。

    He noted the last crash was in1996 during a hijacking , while the only other crash , in1988 , was when birds hit an engine .

  15. 2001年9月11日发生的世贸大厦劫机事件是最严重的恐怖袭击事件,直至今日,美国全国仍心有余悸并保持全面安全警戒。

    Today , the United States remained on full alert after the worst terrorist outrage since the World Trade Centre towers were destroyed by hijacked jets on September 11 , 2001 .

  16. 我最为逼切的一个问题是:当我们已经彻底消灭了劫机事件的发生时,怎么可能在同一时段内劫持四架飞机?

    One of the most immediate questions that I have is : How is it possible to hijack four planes in a period when we really have done away with hijacking .

  17. 在当地时间29日发生的6小时劫机事件中,本杰明·伊恩斯是最后一批被释放的遭劫持乘客之一。他与劫持者赛义夫丁·穆斯塔法拍了一张自拍。而劫持者此前自称穿着自杀式炸弹背心。

    Benjamin Innes was one of the last captives to be released by Seif al-Din Mustafa during Tuesday 's six-hour hijacking episode and took a picture with the man who claimed to be wearing a suicide vest .

  18. 捷克警方说,俄罗斯航空公司的一架飞机在劫机未遂事件后紧急迫降布拉格。

    Czech police say a Ru ian airliner has made an emergency landing in Prague after an hijacking attempt .