
  1. 这个地区最近发生了一连串劫持事件。

    There have been a series of hijackings recently in the area .

  2. 头版是对劫持事件的连续报道。

    The front page is devoted to the continuing saga of the hijack .

  3. 展品包括关于罗斯威尔事件的信息、麦田里的怪圈、其他不明飞行物目击资料、51区和外星人劫持事件的报道。

    Exhibits include information on the event , crop circles , other UFO sightings , Area 51 , and abductions .

  4. 负责监控海盗行为的国际海事局(internationalmaritimebureau)数据显示,今年,亚丁湾来往船舶已发生77起袭击,31起劫持事件。

    This year has seen 77 attacks on vessels in the Gulf of Aden , with 31 hijacked , according to the international maritime bureau , which monitors piracy .

  5. 劫持事件是由一个反对政府的小集团组织的

    The hijack be organize by a group of opponent to the government

  6. 我刚从人质劫持事件中生还。

    I just survived a hostage situation .

  7. 校园人质劫持事件应对机制

    The Mechanism to Combat Hostage-hijacking in Schools

  8. 然而,大部分劫持事件都能以和平的方式解决,尽管过程比较漫长。

    Most hijackings , however , do end peacefully although it can be a lengthy process .

  9. 都发生在发生人质劫持事件的大使馆内,男人和女人都躲在里面。

    takes place in this embassy where men and women are hiding out during the hostage crisis .

  10. 意大利外交部证实了这次劫持事件,并说船员人数为22人。

    Italy 's foreign ministry , which confirmed the hijacking , put the number of crew members at 22 .

  11. 结论本次探究未发现偶发劫持事件对儿童心理卫生状况的影响。

    This second research did not discover conclusion abiogenesis hijack the incident influence to state of children mental hygiene .

  12. 周四,中国敦促菲律宾尽快公布对此次劫持事件的调查结果。

    On Thursday , China called on the Philippines quickly to release the findings of a probe into the hijacking .

  13. 载有8名菲律宾劫持事件遇难者遗体的包机周三返抵香港。

    A flight brought the bodies of8 victims of the hostage event in Philippines back home to Hong Kong on Wednesday .

  14. 最近的一次劫持事件针对一艘从加拿大驶往中国、装载着铁矿石的8万吨船舶发生在上周三。

    The most recent hijacking – of an 80,000-tonne vessel carrying iron ore from Canada to China – came last Wednesday .

  15. 在前缀劫持事件中,如果这些关键的AS相信了劫持路由,成为感染者,则前缀劫持的影响力将明显扩大。

    If these critical ones receive the hijacking route and become infectors in a prefix hijacking incident , the impact of this attack will be enlarged observably .

  16. 阿拉巴马州小镇人质劫持事件进入第五天,目前谈判工作仍在继续进行,谈判人员试图让劫持者放了被关在地下仓库的5岁男孩。

    A hostage situation is in its fifth day in rural Alabama where negotiations continue to try and free a five-year-old boy being held in an underground bunker .

  17. 面对不断攀升的海盗劫持事件及赎金请求,人们也越来越重视承保海盗风险的保险条款。

    In facing of increasing number of kidnaps and mint ransoms asked by the pirates , people accord great importance to the insurance clauses which cover losses by piracy .

  18. 青年党人否认与这次的劫持事件有关,他们明确指出这次肯尼亚的军事演习是一次真正的恐吓,他们发誓要报复。

    Al-Shabab , which denies playing a role in the recent kidnappings , is certainly treating Kenya 's military maneuvers as a real threat , and has vowed retaliation .

  19. 经历了2002年的教堂劫持事件和多次爆炸案(包括2004年的两次地铁爆炸案),莫斯科已经学会了如何应对这种状况。

    Moscow , which has lived through a theatre siege in2002 and several previous bombings , including two in the metro in2004 , has learned to cope ( see article ) .

  20. 能够尽量避免恐怖劫持事件事态的恶化和升级,最大限度地保全人质、行动警员、恐怖劫持分子以及一些无辜人的生命,亦具公众安全心理安抚效应,体现了现代生活的价值理念。

    Negotiation is a very important part in protecting the safety of hostages , action police , terrorists and other innocent people as well and also reflects the value of modern life .

  21. 昨日,菲律宾警方首次承认,在菲律宾首都马尼拉发生的香港游客劫持事件中,一些遇难的香港游客可能被菲律宾警方开枪射杀。

    Some of the victims may be shot by the police of Philippines in the event of hijacking tourists of Hong Kong in the capital city of Manila , admitted firstly the Philippine investigators yesterday .

  22. 劫持事件发生在距离索马里海岸几百千米的索马里海岸,正常来说,该地区相对来说比较安全,不会遭遇这种袭击。

    The hijack took place hundreds of kilometers from the coast of Somalia in the middle of the Indian Ocean , an area of sea normally thought to be relatively safe from this kind of attack .

  23. 虽然眼镜蛇特遣部队还未参与类似于以色列总参侦察营的行动,但是他们于1996年成功解救了格拉茨-卡尔劳监狱劫持事件的人质,是唯一在空中制止劫机的反恐小组。

    While EKO-Cobra hasn 't had any sorts of operations like the Sayeret Matkal , they have ended a hostage taking in Graz-Karlau prison in 1996 and are the only counter-terrorist team to end a hijacking while the plane was in mid-flight .

  24. 劫持事件在汉代具有一定普遍性,以至汉律对持质有明文规定。从马王堆一号汉墓出土香料与香具探析汉代用香习俗

    Hijack was so prevalent in the Han Dynasty that it was proclaimed in writing by law . Interpreting the Customs of Using Spice in the Han Dynasty from the Spice and Its Containers Unearthed from Tomb No.1 of the Han Dynasty at Mawangdui

  25. 该地区残酷的海盗袭击和数十次劫持事件促使美国,欧盟,中国,俄罗斯,印度和其他国家派遣战船,保护通过索马里和也门之间的狭窄水域的商船和私人船只。

    pirate attacks and dozens of hijackings in the area ed the United States , the European Union , China , Russia , India and other nations to send warships to protect commercial and private vessels transiting the narrow waterway between Somalia and Yemen .

  26. 在中国及其它地区的谈判者正竭力斡旋苏丹与南苏丹之间激烈的石油支付争议之际,此次劫持事件表明,两国边境地区的安全形势正日趋恶化,陷入僵局的石油争端有可能引发暴力冲突。

    While negotiators from Beijing and elsewhere struggle to mediate the bitter oil payment dispute between Sudan and South Sudan , the kidnapping illustrates the deteriorating security situation along the border between the two countries and the risk that the deadlocked oil dispute could turn violent .

  27. 香港警方处置劫持人质事件模式研究

    Study on Model of Dealing with Hijacking Hostage by Hong-Kong Police

  28. 谈判是处置劫持人质事件的重要手段和组成部分。

    Negotiations are the important means and the constituent of handling hostage-taking .

  29. 陈刚刚从韩国返回香港,当劫持人质事件发生时。

    Chan had just returned from Korea to Hong Kong when the hostage drama happened .

  30. 在劫持人质事件应急处置工作中,机制起着基础性的作用。

    In the event of hijacking hostage emergency handling course , mechanism plays a basic role .