
  1. 关于保加利亚境内土耳其裔穆斯林少数民族困境问题宣言

    Declaration on the Plight of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Bulgaria

  2. 穆斯林少数民族流动人口子女教育问题研究

    The Study of the Children 's Educational Problems of the Muslim Floating Population

  3. 在欧洲,有许多人赞成放弃对以色列的支持,用以安抚我们社会中穆斯林少数群体的不满。

    Many in Europe argue in favor of abandoning Israel in order to address the grievances of our Muslim minorities .

  4. 但这并不意味着我们的穆斯林少数群体会突然改变他们的行为和接受我们的价值观。

    It would not mean our Muslim minorities would all of a sudden change their behavior , and accept our values .

  5. 第一道防线是情报,在一定程度上因为极少的有关极端主义者的消息由穆斯林少数民族提供。

    The first line of defence is intelligence , not least because very little information on extremists is being provided by Muslim minorities .

  6. 2004年,伊斯兰狂热分子、饱受争议的电影制作人特奥·梵高制造的谋杀案引发了(伊斯兰)同穆斯林少数民族之间的冲突。

    The murder by an Islamist fanatic of Theovan Gogh , a controversial film-maker , in 2004 sparked clashes over relationswith the city 's Muslim minority .

  7. 在每一个我与穆斯林和其他少数族裔领袖见面的城镇,那里居民在日常生活中感到的恐惧都使我震惊。他们害怕暴力、偏见、仇恨和歧视。

    In each city and town where I have met with [ Muslim and other minority ] leaders , I have been struck by the sense of fear that pervades their lives : fear of violence , bigotry , hate , discrimination .