
  1. 阿勒颇大清真寺里做礼拜的穆斯林祈祷者。

    Salah Muslim prayer , Aleppo Great Mosque .

  2. 其挑唆跟随者于今天,每周的穆斯林祈祷,结束之后在街道上进行抗议。

    It 's telling its followers to protest in the streets after today 's weekly Muslim prayers end .

  3. 穆斯林教徒祈祷时用的一种小毯子。

    A small rug used by Moslems during their devotions .

  4. 穆斯林在清真寺祈祷和举行宗教活动。

    Moslems pray and hold religion activities in a mosque .

  5. 黎明的清真寺尖塔,一位穆斯林的轻声祈祷。

    A minaret at sunrise and the soft lament of a Muslim call to prayer .

  6. 2010年,勒庞把穆斯林在街头祈祷比作1940-44年纳粹占领法国。

    In 2010 Ms Le Pen compared Muslims praying in the streets to the 1940-44 Nazi occupation of France .

  7. 位于维斯康星洲南部的富兰克林市有一座基督教堂每周允许穆斯林在其中祈祷五日。

    The Faith Presbyterian Church in Franklin city in southern Wisconsin has allowed Muslims to perform prayers five days a week .

  8. 荷兰一所警局试图帮助在押穆斯林面向麦加祈祷,却在拘留室画出指向错误方向的箭头。

    Dutch police station trying to help Muslim detainees face Mecca for their prayers painted arrows in cells pointing in the wrong direction .

  9. 穆斯林们诵经、祈祷。

    Muslims chanted and prayed