
quán yù
  • heal;recover;recovery;restoration;mend;recure;clear up;fully recover from all illness
痊愈 [quán yù]
  • (1) [fully recover from all illness]∶病除;病愈

  • (2) [recover]∶病后恢复健康

  • 他还没有痊愈

痊愈[quán yù]
  1. 他会好起来的。以他的年纪,他很快就会痊愈。

    He 's going to be just fine . At his age he 'll heal in no time

  2. 如果你保持伤口清洁,它很快就会痊愈。

    This wound will soon heal if you keep it clean .

  3. 不久后她就病倒了,而且未能痊愈。

    She fell ill soon after and did not recover .

  4. 医生们对她的痊愈不抱什么希望。

    The doctors did not hold out much hope for her recovery .

  5. 没多久,我的肺脓肿就痊愈了。

    Before too long my lung abscess healed up .

  6. 他患了严重的流感,尚未痊愈。

    He was recovering from a severe bout of flu

  7. 如果他们当时马上就给她的胳膊做手术并用钢针固定,她现在可能已经痊愈了。

    If they 'd operated and pinned her arm at once , she might have healed by now

  8. 医生们对他的痊愈失望了。

    The doctors could hold out no hope of his recovery .

  9. 他们都痊愈归队了。

    They all recovered and returned to their units .

  10. 伤员奇迹般地痊愈了。

    The wounded man made a miraculous recovery .

  11. 伤口尚未痊愈。

    The wound is not yet healed .

  12. 祝你早日痊愈。

    I wish you a speedy recovery .

  13. 这个病人已病入膏肓,没有多少痊愈的希望了。

    The patient has contracted a fatal illness . There is little chance of his recovery .

  14. 她常年躺在那儿不能活动,没有痊愈的希望。

    There she lay year in year out , unable to move , and with no hope of recovery .

  15. 我患了疟疾,刚刚痊愈。

    I 've just recovered from a bout of malaria .

  16. 他再次痊愈是靠医生的关怀。

    He owes it to his doctor 's care that he is quite well again .

  17. 母已痊愈,唯体力尚未恢复。

    Mother 's well now , but she hasn 't fully recovered her strength yet .

  18. 她还没有痊愈。

    She 's not recovered yet .

  19. 这只鹈鹕不久就能痊愈。

    This pelican is expected to fully recover .

  20. 比如:(这只获救乌龟的伤势痊愈后,动物管理员们把它放归了野外。)

    The zookeepers set the rescued turtle free after it recovered from its injury .

  21. 研究显示,与婚姻稳定的老年人群相比,“银发离婚者”患心脏病后更不易痊愈。

    Research shows so-called ' silver splitters ' are less likely to survive a heart attack than those who remained wed1 .

  22. 婶婶养伤期间什么异常情况都没有了,但是伤口刚刚痊愈以后她就继续和以前一样每晚在房子里面到处游走。

    While she was recovering , she caused no trouble , but as soon as her wound healed , she resumed her nightly slithering about the house .

  23. 经皮穿刺置管的手术并发症显著高于手术置管组(P均<0.01).痊愈20例均为急性肾功能不全、药物或毒物中毒及坏死性胰腺炎。

    The complications of percutaneous puncture tube placement were obviously higher than those of surgical tube placement .

  24. 根据适应症选择合适的各种手术,其痊愈率无明显差异(P>0.05)。

    The success rates of the different surgical procedures based on individual cases have no obvious difference ( P > 0.05 ) .

  25. B组44例肺部感染痊愈时间1~3周,死亡6例,两组病例的疗效有显著差异。

    44 cases in group B cued in 1 ~ 3 weeks and the other 6 cases dead , the difference is significant .

  26. 地图状角膜炎有效率和两组痊愈病例疗程比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    The effective rate of geographic keratitis and courses of treatment of the cured patients were not statistically significant between two groups ( P > 005 ) .

  27. 两组治疗总有效率和痊愈率对比有统计学差异(P0.05)。

    The total effective treatment in both groups and compared recovery rates were significantly different ( P0.05 ) .

  28. 治疗合理组临床痊愈率和MRI病灶消失率及好转率均明显高于治疗不合理组。

    The rate of clinical and MRI improvement in patients with adequate treatment were markedly higher than patients with inadequate treatment .

  29. 结果术后死亡1例,死亡率56%。术后并发低心排血量综合征3例,III度房室传导阻滞和心包积液各1例,经治疗均痊愈。

    Postoperative complications included low cardiac output in 3 cases , pericardial effusion in 1 and IIIo AB block in 1 case .

  30. 跖疣A组31例,痊愈26例,复发5例;B组28例,痊愈18例,复发10例。

    A group of 31 patients with plantar warts cured 26 cases of recurrence in 5 cases ; B group of 28 cases , 18 cases were cured , 10 cases of recurrence .