
huì kuǎn dān
  • money order
  1. 请给我一张包裹单和一张汇款单好吗?

    May I have a post application and a money order ?

  2. 于是,他为接收罚单的诺福克警察局写去了一封信,并寄去了这张1美元的汇款单。

    So he wrote a letter to the Norfolk Police Department and included the money order .

  3. 对于大额的支票和汇款单要使用挂号邮寄。

    Use recorded delivery for large cheques or money orders .

  4. A:在那儿我也能要汇款单吗?

    A : Can I get money orders there , too ?

  5. 能不能请把这张汇款单兑现。

    Can I have this money order cash , please ?

  6. 款项汇入组委会账户后,将银行汇款单传真到组委会进行确认。

    E-mail or fax the remittance bill to the committee for confirmation .

  7. 单相交流同步发电机你们发送汇款单吗?

    Single-phase AC synchronous alternator Do you send money orders ?

  8. 用这张汇款单您最多可以电汇2000元钱。

    You can wire up to $ 2000 with this money order .

  9. 我想把这张汇款单兑现。

    I want to cash this money order , please .

  10. 那么,请问收款行是哪一家?美洲银行。请填写汇款单,在这儿签名。

    Please fill out the remittance form and sign your name here .

  11. 我想取这张汇款单上的钱。

    I 'd like to cash this money order .

  12. 我要一张50美元的汇款单。

    I need a fifty-dollar postal order , please .

  13. 请把汇款单,汇款和汇款手续费交给我处理。

    Please return the form , remittance , and handling fee to me .

  14. 我想要一张汇款单邮寄0钱。

    I want a money order for0 yuan .

  15. 我可以在这兑现汇款单吗?

    Can I have this money oder cashed ?

  16. 有一张500美元的邮政汇款单。

    A postal order for five hundred dollars .

  17. 我要一张三百元的汇款单。

    I want a postal order for300 yuan .

  18. 给我张汇款单好吗?

    I 'd like a money order please .

  19. 请给我兑换这张汇款单双具名银行承兑汇票

    Can I have this money order cashed , please acceptances with two bank names

  20. 请给我一张汇款单。

    Give me a post order , please .

  21. 我要一张汇二百美元的汇款单。

    I want a money order for200 dollars .

  22. 诺福克警察局警官阿莫斯透露说,福格蒂的汇款单最后没有被换成现金,它将被裱起来在警察局的博物馆里展出。

    Fogarty 's money order will not be cashed , Norfolk police Officer Amos said .

  23. 请您清楚地填写这张汇款单,尤其是金额、名和地址。

    Please fill out the money order clearly , especially the number , name and address .

  24. 请拿张汇款单。

    A money order , please .

  25. 你们发送汇款单吗?

    Do you send money order ?

  26. 请给我兑换这张汇款单随函寄上账单,请寄款。

    Can I have this money order cashed , please Enclosed is our bill ; please remit .

  27. 汇款单涉及三方:汇款人(付款人)、收款人、受票人。

    There are three parties to a money order : the remitter ( payer ), the payee and the drawee .

  28. 不久,他购买了1美元的汇款单却忘了汇走。

    Soon after , he bought a $ 1 money order to pay the fine but forgot to send it in .

  29. 支票、局汇款单和汇票(括国际汇票)可以直接支付到你的账户上。

    Cheques , postal orders and money orders ( including International Money Orders ) can be paid direct to your account also .

  30. 我在省城结了婚,只给家里草草写了一封信,母亲接信后,给我们汇来一千元,汇款单的留言栏上留了几个黑点。

    After I had been married in the provincial capital , I wrote a letter to my family in words of one syllable .