
zhěn zhì
  • make a diagnosis and give treatment;treatment
诊治 [zhěn zhì]
  • [make a diagnosis and give treatment] 诊疗

诊治[zhěn zhì]
  1. 目的对肺栓塞(PE)的患者进行临床诊治,评价早期诊断及治疗的意义。

    Objective To make a diagnosis and give treatment to PE early and evaluate their significance .

  2. 结合局部辨证提高治痹疗效在AR的诊治中,不能单纯依赖鼻腔局部症状及主诉,而应该发挥中医辨证论治的优势,将局部辨证与整体辨证相结合。

    Improving the Effect of Treating Arthralgia Syndrome by integrating with Local Differentiation of Syndromes When we make a diagnosis and give treatment to AR patients , we should combine the part with the entire symptoms .

  3. 明天我得把狗带到兽医诊所去诊治。

    I 've got to take the dog to the vet 's tomorrow .

  4. 如果疼痛持续不消退,要请医生诊治。

    If the pain continues , consult your doctor .

  5. 我的医生让我去找一位专家诊治。

    My doctor referred me to a specialist .

  6. 专门诊治笼养鸟类的兽医

    a veterinary surgeon who specialises in the treatment of cage birds .

  7. 诊治他的几位医生在电话里讨论了一番,一致认为他必须离开家人一段时间。

    His doctors conferred by telephone and agreed that he must get away from his family for a time .

  8. 这种病很难诊治。

    There is hardly a cure for this disease .

  9. 柳宗元患病,请来一位名医诊治。

    Liu Zongyuan was ill . He called a famous doctor for diagnosis1 and treatment .

  10. 接着,这位老人又派人去请来另一名内科医生,他没有提及第一位医生,这次得到了完全不同的诊治。

    Then the old Man sent for another physician , saying nothing of the first , and an entirely1 different treatment was ordered .

  11. 十天后,扁鹊劝说桓公趁病入侵肌体,事尽快诊治,桓公还是不吱声。

    Ten days later , Bian Que advised the Duke to take treatments when the illness was only ion the flesh , but the Duke still had not said anything .

  12. 16层螺旋CT血管成像在肺癌诊治中的价值

    The Value of 16-Slice MSCT Angiography in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lung Cancer

  13. 目的:探讨提高多发性内分泌肿瘤Ⅱb型(MENⅡb)诊治水平和方法。

    Objective : To explore and improve the diagnosis and treatment of multiple endocrine neoplasia , MEN ⅱ b.

  14. 目的评估CT血管造影(CTA)在脑血管病诊治中的价值。

    Objective To assess the value of cerebrovascular diseases .

  15. 方法1998年1月至2000年12月诊治60例小婴儿头皮血肿及合并症,均经头颅CT扫描证实。

    Methods Sixty infants with scalp hematomas intracranial complications , or both diagnosed by CT from Jan.1998 to Dec.2000 were reviewed .

  16. 目的提高肾移植术后急性排斥反应(简称急排,AR)的诊治水平。

    Objective To improve the diagnostic and treatment level of acute rejection after renal transplantation .

  17. 方法回顾36例DAI患者诊治经过。

    Methods Review the diagnosis and treatment of 36 patients with DAI .

  18. Air-CT扫描对CPA区蛛网膜粘连的诊治作用

    Role of Air-CT Cisternograph of the CPA in Diagnosis and Treatment of Arachnoid Adhesion

  19. 目的:探讨肝癌合并门静脉癌栓的血流动力学变化及其CT表现,为肝癌的诊治及预后提供帮助。

    Objective : To investigate the hemodynamic changes and CT findings of hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) with tumor thrombosis in portal vein ( PVT ) .

  20. 目的总结异基因造血干细胞移植后中毒性表皮松解症(TEN)诊治经验。

    Objective To conclude the experiences of the diagnosis and treatment of toxic epidermal necrolysis ( TEN ) after allogenic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation .

  21. MRCP与ERCP在胆道梗阻病变中的诊治分析

    MRCP and ERCP in the diagnosis and treatment of biliary obstruction

  22. 无精症睾丸病理与血清FSH水平的关系及对不育诊治的意义

    Relationship between testicular biopsy and serum FSH in azoospermia

  23. 凋亡抑制因子Survivin与肿瘤诊治的研究进展

    Advances in research on Survivin , the inhibitor of apoptosis in cancer diagnosis and therapy

  24. 3350例次诊治性ERCP的早期并发症及处理分析

    Early Complications and Management of ERCP with a Report of 3350 Cases

  25. 多发性内分泌腺瘤2A的诊治(附2例报告)

    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 A ( Report of 2 cases )

  26. 目的探讨急性时相蛋白(APP)在化疗患者医院感染诊治中的价值。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the value of acute phase protein in the diagnosis and therapy for nosocomial infection monitoring .

  27. 本文回顾性分析我院从1980~1991年常规应用CT后140例脑脓肿的诊治。

    One hundred and forty patients with brain abscess were reviewed after CT scaning used routinely from 1980 to 1991 . Cryptogenic infection was the most common etiology .

  28. 结论BE是胃食管反流病(GastroesophagealRefluxDisease,GERD)严重的并发症;胃食管反流病诊治进展

    Conclusions BE is a serious complication of GERD ; Progress of Diagnosis and Treatment on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

  29. PCNA、B超及生化指标在诊治异位妊娠中的研究

    The Study of Diagnosis and Treatment in Ectopic Pregnancy from PCNA , B Ultrasonography and Biochemical Indexes

  30. 目的了解卵巢早衰(Prematureovarianfailure,POF)患者的临床特征及治疗现状,以指导临床对POF的诊治。

    Objective To explore clinical features and current treatment status in Chinese women with premature ovarian failure ( POF ) .