
  • 网络diagnostic antigen
  1. 伪狂犬病病毒gE蛋白是一种重要的诊断抗原,可用于伪狂犬病根除计划中的鉴别诊断。

    Glycoprotein E of Pseudorabies Virus is known to be an important diagnostic antigen in pseudorabies eradication campaign .

  2. 用SPF鸡制备IBD诊断抗原及血清的研究

    Study on preparation of diagnostic antigen and serum for IBD using SPF chickens

  3. 结论用分子生物学手段制备并纯化了人工重组抗原B,为批量生产诊断抗原、制备单克隆抗体及筛选噬菌体抗体库奠定了基础。

    Conclusion Hydatid disease antigen B can be produced by molecular method and applied in monoclonal antibody production and phage antibody library scanning .

  4. 临床检测结果表明N蛋白可作为诊断抗原用于牛冠状病毒病的流行病学调查。

    It was also suggested that the N protein may be a useful antigen for serodiagnosis and epidemiological investigation of BCV .

  5. 将PEG沉淀法纯化的RV全病毒作为诊断抗原建立RV间接ELISA检测方法。

    The RV purified by PEG precipitation was used as diagnostic antigens to establish the indirect ELISA .

  6. 本实验试图利用HA基因的表达产物来作为LAT或ELISA的诊断抗原,尝试用其来代替灭活病毒作为诊断抗原。

    This experiment tries to use the expression product to be the diagnosis antigen in LAT or ELISA .

  7. 目的寻找旋毛虫肌幼虫排泄分泌(ES)物中的特异性诊断抗原。

    Objective To find out the specific diagnostic antigens in excretory-secretory ( ES ) products from muscle larvae of Trichinella spiralis .

  8. 结论猪囊尾蚴全囊尿素溶性纯化抗原是较理想的囊虫病ELISA诊断抗原,有诊断应用价值。

    Conclusion The data suggested that purified urea-soluble antigen from C. cellulosae the diagnostic antigen , was an ideal one for this disease diagnosis with ELISA .

  9. 表达蛋白可望成为有价值的PRRS诊断抗原。

    The recombinant N protein is potentially valuable antigen for serological tests and immunoprophlaxis of PRRS .

  10. 本试验以EMA-1基因重组蛋白为诊断抗原,用ELISA方法对延边地区马巴贝斯虫病进行了血清学调查。

    Babesiosis equi serum epidemiology investigations in yanbian area were using the EMA-1 genetic recombinant protein as diagnosis antigen by the ELISA .

  11. 制备了绿脓杆菌的快速诊断抗原,建立了绵羊肺炎支原体抗体检测的间接ELISA方法,并进行了大规模的血清学调查。

    The rapid diagnosis antigen of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was made , and the indirect ELISA was established to measure the antibody of the goats and sheep . Based on the above , the large-scale serum investigation was made .

  12. 结果显示,杆状病毒表达的rSS有望替代SARS-CoV全病毒,作为安全、敏感和特异的重组诊断抗原,并为探索重组亚单位疫苗的可行性奠定基础。

    The results here indicated that baculovirus expressed rSS is promising to replace the whole SARS-CoV as antigen in ELISA and IFA for detecting the SARS-CoV specific antibodies and potential subunit vaccine candidate .

  13. 目的克隆表达驽巴贝虫诊断抗原基因BC48,建立间接ELISA诊断方法。

    Objective To clone and express BC48 gene of Babesia caballi , and to establish an indirect ELISA for the diagnosis of B.caballi in equine animals .

  14. 结论昆虫细胞表达rSN有望替代SARSCOV全病毒,作为安全、敏感和特异的诊断抗原,应用于ELISA和IFA血清学检测。

    These results indicate that the insect cells expressed rSN is promising to replace the method to use the whole SARS-CoV as antigen in ELISA and IFA assay for the detection of the SARS-CoV antibody .

  15. 部分华支睾吸虫成虫15/16kDa蛋白成份为有效诊断抗原,可以替代CAA用于华支睾吸虫病的血清学诊断。

    Some 15 / 16kDa proteins from CAA are effective diagnostic antigens and can be used as a substitution of CAA for the serological diagnosis of clonorchiasis .

  16. 用亲和层析纯化的猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)重组核衣壳蛋白GST-N作为诊断抗原,建立检测PRRS血清抗体的间接ELISA方法。

    Using recombinant nucleocapsid protein GST-N of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus ( PRRSV ) as antigen , an indirect ELISA for the detection of antibodies against PRRSV was developed .

  17. 以GST-EO融合蛋白为诊断抗原,初步建立了用间接ELISA检测猪瘟血清EO抗体的方法。

    Using the purified protein as coating antigen , an indirect ELISA were developed for detecting the anti-EO antibody in the CSFV serum by exploring the concentration of coating antigen and dilution degree of serum .

  18. 结论弓形虫复合抗原基因P30-ROP2在毕赤酵母中成功分泌表达,表达产物具有免疫活性,为弓形虫病诊断抗原及疫苗研制奠定基础。

    These results provide basis for the researches on the diagnostic antigens and preparation of vaccine in Toxoplasma infections .

  19. 同时用重组Calpain蛋白作为诊断抗原,粪检血吸虫病阳性患者血清作为一抗,肝吸虫阳性患者血清作为考核交叉反应血清。

    The calpain was used as antigen , serum of patients , whose dejecta had schistosome , was used as primary antibody , the serum of patient who had Clonorchis sinensis was used as control for cross-react .

  20. 表明22、24、26KD抗原蛋白为斯氏肺吸虫的特异性诊断抗原,免疫印渍技术为斯氏肺吸虫病的高度特异、敏感的一种新型诊断方法。

    All were negative . The results indicated that 22,24,26kD antigenic proteins of P. s are useful diagnostic antigens and immunoblotting will be a new specific serodiagnostic method for paragonimiasis .

  21. 包虫病诊断抗原的纯化及诊断效价

    Purification of Diagnosis Antigens from Hydatid Cyst Fluid and Its Application

  22. 人旋毛虫病血清与诊断抗原的检测方法的比较研究

    Comparative studies on serodiagnostic methods and diagnostic antigens for human trichinosis

  23. 因此,核蛋白可以用作理想的诊断抗原。

    Therefore NP could be regarded as an ideal antigen for diagnosis .

  24. 华支睾吸虫成虫特异性诊断抗原分析

    Analysis of specific diagnostic antigens of Clonorchis sinensis adult worms

  25. 预测胞桨型苹果酸脱氢酶是一个潜在的诊断抗原。

    This cytosolic malate dehydrogenase gene is a potential antigen for diagnosis .

  26. 以重组鞭毛蛋白的特异性区段作为诊断抗原具有可行性。

    It showed the feasibility of recombinant protein as a diagnostic antigen .

  27. 结核分支杆菌免疫学诊断抗原的研究进展

    Advance in the research of immunodiagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen

  28. 卫氏并殖吸虫成虫的特异性诊断抗原

    The specific diagnostic antigens of Paragonimus westermani adult worms

  29. 马来丝虫病特异性诊断抗原研究

    Studies on specific diagnostic antigen for filariasis

  30. 同时登革病毒样颗粒也可作为诊断抗原应用于登革热血清学诊断中。

    Meanwhile , dengue VLPs could also be applied to serological diagnosis of dengue fever .