
  • 网络Pasta sauce;Spaghetti Sauce
  1. 我给你拿点意大利面酱

    Mmmhmm . I 'll get you some pasta sauce ?

  2. 然而一些罪魁祸首,像我们熟知的可口可乐和冰淇淋(用在这里是为了比较),还有许多其他不太明显的食物例如意大利面酱,汤汁和被称作很健康的麦片都含糖量很高。

    While some culprits , such as Coca-Cola and ice cream are well known ( and used here for comparison purposes ), there are many other less obvious foods - such as pasta sauce , soup and so-called healthy granola - that are loaded with the white stuff .

  3. 这幅照片中,我正在帮着做意大利面酱。

    My dad 's making my breakfast in this picture .

  4. 那边有意大利面酱嗯

    Erm , there 's pasta sauce over here .

  5. 有时候,她还会在周日做些牛肉末用于配搭平日的意大利面酱和墨西哥卷饼。

    On Sundays , she sometimes cooks ground beef for pasta sauce and tacos during the week .

  6. 并且它们的覆盖范围比你想象的要广——比如添加在番茄酱、即食燕麦片和意大利面酱里。

    And they 're in more products than you might think - in ketchup , instant oatmeal and spaghetti sauce , for starters .

  7. 这似乎有点荒谬,但科学家对此解释说,原始人类的进化需要进食高热量和高糖的食物。这种说法仍有待证实。还有一个问题:含有添加糖的产品比你想象的要多——比如番茄酱、即食燕麦片和意大利面酱。

    Seems a bit preposterous , but a possible explanation , say scientists , is humankind 's past evolutionary need to eat foods high in calories and sugar .

  8. 熟食和商店中买的意大利面酱、汤和补丁中的水果蔬菜也算,但建议“偶尔吃这些东西”或食用量要少,因为这些食物通常含有较多的盐、糖和脂肪。

    Those in ready-meals and shop-bought pasta sauces , soups and puddings are also included , but advice urges " only to have them occasionally " or in small amounts as they are often high in salt , sugar and fat .

  9. 经纪公司Stifel,Nicolaus&Co.的分析师福沃德(PaulForward)说,就像是用一瓶非常昂贵的红酒做意大利面面酱一样。

    It was like using an expensive bottle of red wine to make spaghetti sauce , ' said Paul Forward , an analyst with Stifel , Nicolaus & Co.

  10. 污染产品的列表已经扩大到包括冻烤宽面条,饺子及意大利肉酱面酱。

    The list of tainted products has since widened to include frozen lasagna , tortellini , and bolognese sauce .

  11. 科尔扎尼承认,擦亮巴里拉(Barilla)品牌至关重要,因为其他自有品牌在意大利面食和面酱市场所占的销售份额正不断扩大,并且巴里拉集团所用原材料的价格每年上涨3%至4%。

    The chief executive admits that burnishing the Barilla brand is vital as private label continues to take sales in pasta and pasta sauces and as input prices for the Italian group increase 3-4 per cent a year .