
  • 网络luzhou-flavor liquor
  1. 通过在湘泉浓香型白酒的混蒸混烧工艺中添加TH-AADY和糖化酶,进行多季节连排生产试验。

    TH-AADY and saccharifying enzyme were added during mixed-steaming and mixed-heating of Xiangquan Luzhou-flavor liquor for multiple-seasons consecutive production test .

  2. 湘泉兼香型白酒在浓香型白酒中的应用

    Application of Xiangquan Mixed-flavor Liquor in the Production of Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  3. 浓香型白酒糟醅中可培养酵母18Srdna全序列的系统学分析

    Systematic Analysis of 18S rDNA Total Sequence of Cultivable Yeast in Luzhou-flavor Fermented Grains

  4. 为了弄清中国浓香型白酒发酵糟醅真菌微生物优势菌群的系统发育规律,对不同发酵时间糟醅样品的微生物18Srdna进行了PCR克隆分析和同源性比较。

    To probe the fungal communities in fermented grains , clone analysis and phylogenetic tree of 18S rDNA fragments were taken after using PCR amplification on samples of the fungal community in center of fermented grains from different fermentation time .

  5. 研究制备了PEG柱,将其应用于浓香型白酒检测酒中己酸乙酯和乳酸乙酯含量,实践证明,PEG柱分离效果较好,检测速度快,结果准确,且经济耐用。

    The preparation of PEG column and its application in the determination of the contents of ethyl caproate and ethyl lactate in Luzhou-flavor liquors had proved its superiorities including comparatively better separation effects , rapid determination operation , accurate determination results and economic durability .

  6. 从发酵7d的浓香型白酒发酵酒醅中分离到84株酵母茵,通过形态特征、生理特性检测及18Srdna分子生物学水平鉴定方法将其归为6个类群,并建立系统发育树。

    84 strains of yeasts were isolated from Luzhou-flavor fermented grains ( fermentation for 7 d ) . All the strains were classified into 6 groups and phylogenetic tree was established through morphological feature analysis , physiological characteristics detection and 18S rDNA molecular biology identification .

  7. 浓香型白酒的配料与窖内升温排水沥青路面的材料组成及特性

    Analysis on the Material Composing and Characteristics of Porous Asphalt Pavements

  8. 浓香型白酒货架期稳定性研究

    Research on the Stability of Luzhou-flavor Liquor in the Selling Period

  9. 中国浓香型白酒生产过程的技术质量控制与管理

    Technical Quality Control & Management in the Production of Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  10. 生命动力素在浓香型白酒中的应用实验

    Application Test of " Life Vitality Elements " in Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  11. 浓香型白酒可控蒸馏技术的研究

    A Study on the Controllable Distillation Technique of Luzhou-flavour Liquor

  12. 浓香型白酒贮存过程中四大酯减少特点的分析

    The Change Rule of Four Mass Ester During Storage of Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  13. 浓香型白酒计算机辅助勾兑系统的开发与应用

    The Development and Auxiliary Application of Computer Blending in the Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  14. 初步探讨了影响低度浓香型白酒的因素,总结了一些低度酒制作的实践经验。

    The factors influencing the production of low-alcohol Luzhou-flavor liquor were discussed .

  15. 离子色谱法测定浓香型白酒中有机酸含量

    Determination of Organic Acids Content in Liquor by Ion Chromatography

  16. 浓香型白酒黄水的应用探索

    Research on the Application of Yellow Water of Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  17. 对浓香型白酒工艺中黄水滴取工序的改进

    Innovation of Yellow Water Absorption Technique in Luzhou-flavour Liquor Production

  18. 高产增香产酯神曲在浓香型白酒生产中的应用

    Application of High-yield Flavour-increasing Ester-producing Bran Koji in the Production of Luzhou-flavour Liquor

  19. 浓香型白酒发展较快,其消费量已占市场的70%。

    Luzhou-flavor liquor developed quickly and it had achieved 70 % market share .

  20. 浓香型白酒固态发酵规律模型的预测研究

    Research Solid-state Fermenting Liquor Process of the Prediction Model

  21. 浓香型白酒淡雅变化及其品质控制与发展趋势

    Elegant Change of Luzhou-flavor Liquor & Its Quality Contral and Its Development Trend

  22. 浓香型白酒、果露酒出现失光和晶状沉淀的分析

    Analysis of Losing Lustre or Crystal Sediment in Luzhou-flavour Liquor and Fruit Wine

  23. 浓香型白酒生产工艺与质量关系的思考

    Relationship of Production Techniques and Quality of Luzhou-flavour Liquor

  24. 模糊模型识别方法在浓香型白酒酒质评价中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Fuzzy Model Identification Method in Liquor Quality Evaluation

  25. 利用黄酒糟生产优质芝麻香酒的研究浓香型白酒糟醅微生物分离方法初探

    Production of Sesame-flavor Liquor By Yellow Rice Wine Lees

  26. 浓香型白酒酒体抗冷冻及过滤工艺的研究

    Research on the Anti - freeze and Filtration Technologies of Luzhou - flavor Liquor

  27. 中国浓香型白酒窖池中原核微生物的特性及系统发育分析

    Character and Phylogenetic Analysis of Prokaryotic Microorganism in the Strong Aromatic Chinese Spirits Cellar

  28. 浓香型白酒窖池糟醅原核微生物区系的分类研究

    Research on Pronucleus Microbial Floras in Fermented Grains in Fermentation Pits for Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  29. 川酒历史悠久,是中国浓香型白酒的发源地。

    Sichuan has a long liquor-making history .

  30. 酸酯平衡关系与浓香型白酒稳定性的研究

    Research on the Balance Relation Between Acid and Ester & the Stability of Luzhou-flavor Liquor