首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 阿香,你刚刚说什么孙女吗?

    Ah xiang , just now you say what granddaughter ?

  2. 阿香小姐,这连内衣也要脱掉吗?

    Miss ah xiang , is the bra also need to take out ?

  3. 仿佛一夜醒来,男人的小甜心就变成了阿香婆。这之间,偏偏缺少让男人做好心理准备的自然过渡,男人对这样的变化感到茫然失措。

    It seems a sweetie wife turned old and mature woman overnight , which makes her husband feel at a great loss without preparing for this change psychologically .

  4. 青岛阿香餐饮管理服务有限公司自2000年创立以来,深入市场,积极了解快餐行业的发展趋势,注重产品开发,以用料考究,工艺精湛,严格管理而确保产品质量,来满足广大客户要求。

    Qingdao A-Xiang Catering Management Service Co. LTD , since its establishment in 2000 , studies market in-depth regulars , focus on new products development . The products meet the customers ' requirements by use of consummate craft and strict management .