
bó lǎn huì
  • fair;international exhibition;trade fair;exposition;international fair;Expo
博览会 [bó lǎn huì]
  • [international fair] 大型的产品展览会

博览会[bó lǎn huì]
  1. 这使他在阿拉巴马州科学博览会上获得一等奖。

    This won him first prize at the Alabama State Science Fair .

  2. 亚洲最大的当代艺术博览会——香港巴塞尔艺术展因covid19而被取消,但任何上周计划参观的人都可以享受一个实验性的替代选择:播映室。

    Art Basel Hong Kong , Asia ’ s biggest contemporary-art fair , was cancelled because of covid-19 , but anyone who had planned to visit last week could enjoy an experimental alternative : the viewing room .

  3. 2010年的世界博览会是在上海举办的。

    The World Expo 2010 was held in Shanghai .

  4. 他的画在1878年巴黎博览会上展览过。

    His pictures were shown at the Paris Exposition of1878 .

  5. 与所有文化机构一样,画廊和艺术博览会正在适应新的现实

    Like all cultural institutions , galleries and art fairs are adapting to a new reality

  6. 5月7日至10日,首届中国国际消费品博览会将在海南省海口市举办。

    The first China International Consumer Products Expo is scheduled for May 7-10 in Haikou , capital of south China 's Hainan province .

  7. 中国品牌日活动于5月10日启动,将持续到至12日。活动内容包括,举办2021年中国品牌发展国际论坛,举办中国自主品牌博览会,引导地方自行组织开展特色品牌创建活动。

    The 2021 China Brand Day events kicked off on May 10 and will last till May 12 . During the period , China will host an international forum brands .

  8. 第五届丝绸之路国际博览会5月11日举办。根据会上发布的三年行动计划,为促进跨境电商的发展,我国将提升中欧班列货运服务水平。

    The China-Europe cargo service will be improved to spur the development of cross-border e-commerce , according to a three-year action plan released at the Fifth Silk Road International Exposition that opened on May 11 .

  9. 中国&东盟博览会战略发展的SWOT分析和战略定位

    On the SWOT of Strategic Development for China-ASEAN Expo and Its Strategic Location

  10. 关于中国&东盟博览会举办OEM合作洽谈会的设想

    The Assumption on Holding the OEM Co-operation Negotiation during China-ASEAN Expo

  11. 周一泄漏的消息称,第一款主流E系列触摸屏手机将会在诺基亚博览会上发布。

    Nokia 's plans for its in-house Nokia World expo should include its first mainstream Eseries touchscreen phone , leaks revealed on Monday .

  12. 瑞士//巴塞尔艺术博览会(ArtBasel)可能已落幕许久,但由于巴塞尔坐拥众多博物馆,这座瑞士城市的文化景观得以很好地延展至秋季。

    SWITZERLAND / / Art Basel may be long over , but this Swiss city 's cultural scene hums well into fall thanks to its museums .

  13. 6月中旬爱马仕在巴塞尔艺术博览会(ArtBasel)上推出了这批140厘米长的方巾,官网售价7000欧元(约合8820美元)。

    Since mid-June , when the French luxury brand unveiled the 140-centimeter-square scarves at Art Basel , it has been selling them online for 7,000 ( about $ 8,820 ) .

  14. AWS国际焊接博览会见闻

    Knowledge of AWS International Welding Fair

  15. 卡姆表示,他预计双方合作有可能运用一种完善室内设计的艺术成份,在一年内开发出新的国际理念,包括可能举办北京迈阿密设计博览会(DesignMiamiBeijing)。

    Mr Kamm said he expected the partnership to develop ideas for new international concepts within a year , including a possible Design Miami Beijing , with an art component to complement the interior design .

  16. 它是为世界博览会(WorldExhibition)而建的,但后来成了城市的象征,可以在周末使用。家人可以在塔下散步,以一种让人意想不到的方式享受这个空间。

    It was conceived for the World Exhibition but later became an icon of the city and could be used on weekends , and for families to walk under and enjoy that space in an unexpected way .

  17. 从1984年冬季等离子光谱会议及35届匹兹堡会议和博览会展望ICP-AES的发展

    Recent developments in ICP-AES according to 1984 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry and 1984 Pittsburgh Conference & Exposition on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy

  18. 有鉴于此,BOI已将博览会推迟到明年1月。

    – the BOI has postponed the fair until January .

  19. 十一月十四日我向你办公室在Lille国际博览会上提供的服务提交了帐单。

    On 14 November I submitted a bill for services rendered to your office at the Lille International Exposition .

  20. 泰国投资促进委员会(BOI)的2011年博览会,本来是要展示投资泰国的种种好处。

    The 2011 Board of Investment Fair was supposed to showcase everything great about investing in Thailand .

  21. 在2005年北京国际航空博览会期间,中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)展示了最新的PLZ05155毫米自行榴弹炮模型。

    During the2005 Beijing International Aviation Expo , NORINCO revealed a model of its latest PLZ05155mm self-propelled gun-howitzer .

  22. 除非出现意想不到的突破,否则这一消息标志着重建这座曾举办1851年万国工业博览会(GreatExhibition)的玻璃建筑的宏伟计划画上句号。一年半以前,伦敦市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)大张旗鼓地宣布了这一计划。

    Barring an unforeseen breakthrough , the news marks the end of the grandiose proposal - launched with great fanfare by London major Boris Johnson a year and half ago - to rebuild the glass structure that hosted the Great Exhibition of 1851 .

  23. 提供的教育机会在BlogWorld与新媒体博览会将超过所有人的预期。

    Theeducational opportunities offered at BlogWorld & New Media Expowill exceed everyone 's expectations .

  24. 世界博览会的形象依赖于很多因素和参与者,即主办国的主动性,参展国的热情和BIE的支持。

    The image of World Expositions is dependent on a number of factors and players , namely the initiative of the host city , the enthusiasm of the participating countries and the support of the BIE .

  25. 奥托经常同其他人合作进行设计,他与坂茂(ShigeruBan)合作,设计了2000年德国汉诺威世界博览会上的日本馆,与罗尔夫·古特布罗德(RolfGutbrod)合作设计了1967年蒙特利尔世界博览会上的西德馆。

    Mr. Otto often designed in collaboration with others , collaborating with Shigeru Ban on Japan 's pavilion for the 2000 Hannover Expo in Germany and with Rolf Gutbrod on the West German pavilion at the Montreal Expo of 1967 .

  26. 博览会的游客分享了35000多份披萨,剩余的300米长的披萨由食品供应站BancoAlimentare分给了慈善机构,以帮助那些需要资助的贫苦人口。

    More than 35000 slices were cut for visitors to the Expo and some 300 metres of pizza were given to the foodbank Banco Alimentare to be redistributed to charitable organisations that assist the poor and the needy .

  27. 米兰博览会将设在1.7万平方米的遗址在西北的城市,包括对佩罗和Rho市部分领土,根据Formigoni的总体规划。

    Milan Expo will be located on a1.7-million-square-meter site in the northwest of the city that includes parts of the municipal territories of Pero and Rho , according to Formigoni 's master plan .

  28. 3周前,苹果未能给出乔布斯不会在macworld博览会的会议上发表年度基调演讲的原因,该会议定于今日在旧金山开幕。

    Three weeks ago , Apple had failed to give a reason why Mr Jobs would not deliver his annual keynote speech to the Macworld conference , scheduled for today in San Francisco .

  29. 迪士尼在2017年7月的D23博览会上宣布了这部电影的主要演员,加拿大演员MenaMassoud扮演可爱的街头老鼠阿拉丁,英国演员NaomiScott扮演茉莉公主。

    Disney announced the film 's main cast in July 2017 , at its D23 Expo . Canadian actor Mena Massoud was cast in the title role as lovable street rat Aladdin , and British actress Naomi Scott was chosen to play Princess Jasmine .

  30. 周二,她和另一个机器人Mario一起参加了ITB博览会。Mario是一个红白相间的小型机器人,由法国的亚尔迪巴朗公司制造。本次展览显示出了机器人将在旅游业中能够发挥什么样的作用,比如说为酒店旅客办理入住。

    She was joined at the ITB fair on Thursday by another robot host Mario , a small red and white robot made by French Aldebaran Robotics , showing how they might be put to use in the travel industry , such as checking in hotel guests .