
  • 网络boko haram
  1. 尼日利亚总统古德勒克·乔纳森昨天公开表示反对博科圣地组织。

    Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan spoke out yesterday against Boko Haram .

  2. 尼日利亚政府表示,他们仍在同“博科圣地”组织进行会谈。

    The Nigerian authorities say they are still meeting Boko Haram .

  3. 杜夫卡表示博科圣地犯下的是反人类的罪行。

    Dufka said they should be viewed as crimes against humanity .

  4. 而博科圣地继续攻击和杀害尼日利亚平民。

    And Boko Haram just continued attacking and killing Nigerians .

  5. 近来,“博科圣地”组织在博尔诺州的活动越发频繁。

    Boko Haram activities have recently been on the increase in Borno .

  6. 在卡诺的人民害怕博科圣地组织,

    People in Kano are scared of Boko Haram ,

  7. 警察和士兵,博科圣地头号目标,都十分惴惴不安。

    Police and soldiers , top Boko Haram targets , are on edge .

  8. 四年前,“博科圣地”组织对尼日利亚政府发动了致命的暴力袭击。

    Boko Haram launched the deadly campaign of violence against Nigeria authorities four years ago .

  9. 是“博科圣地”组织内部的派别吗?

    Are there factions within Boko Haram ?

  10. 激进的伊斯兰组织博科圣地组织不断在尼日利亚的这部分地区展开攻势。

    Attacks for the militant Islamist group Boko Haram are constant in this part of Nigeria .

  11. 博尔诺州州长卡希姆·史提玛称博科圣地的领袖阿布巴卡尔·谢卡乌是个疯子。

    Borno governor Kashim Shettima describes Boko Haram 's leader , Abubakar Shekau , as insane .

  12. 这个博科圣地激进组织,这个名字的意思是西方教育是一种罪恶。

    This militant group , Boko Haram , their name means western education is a sin .

  13. 周一公布的一段视频中有人自称是博科圣地的领袖。

    A video released on Monday shows a man who claims to be Boko Haram 's leader .

  14. 在晚上,军队袭击了涉嫌窝藏博科圣地成员的一间房子。

    During the night , the army attacked a house suspected of sheltering members of Boko Haram .

  15. 萨尼表示,政府应当解决处理导致博科圣地发出诉求的更广泛的社会因素。

    Sani says the government should address the broader social factors that contribute to Boko Haram 's appeal .

  16. 柯妮什:你能告诉我们一些“博科圣地”组织头目发表声明的具体信息吗?

    CORNISH : What more detail can you tell us about the announcement from the Boko Haram leader ?

  17. 比如在我的国家尼日利亚,我们和博科圣地的冲突,以及在肯尼亚和索马里青年党的冲突。

    such as we have with Boko Haram in my country , Nigeria , and with Al-Shabaab in Kenya .

  18. 尼政府表示已经与博科圣地达成协议安全释放学生。

    The country 's government says it 's reached a deal with Boko Haram to set the girls free .

  19. 但对此也有质疑的声音,因为政府做出此番声明后博科圣地组织继续袭击尼日利亚人。

    But there were doubts about that because Boko Haram continued to attack Nigerians after the statement was made .

  20. 周四,军方以在偏远村庄的“博科圣地”组织为目标发动突袭,据悉该村庄是武装分子藏匿的据点。

    Thursday the Defensive targeted Boko Haram in remote villages where the militants are believed to have their strongest presence .

  21. 格林:尼日利亚政府是否仍就释放这些女孩和“博科圣地”组织进行谈判?

    GREENE : So are there still negotiations happening between the Nigerian government and Boko Haram to try and free these girls ?

  22. “博科圣地”想要将伊斯兰律法纳入宪法,并向西方教育宣战。

    Boko Haram is seeking to enshrine the Islamic sharia law into the constitution and has declared war against the Western education .

  23. 但是,袭击发生地临近“博科圣地”武装组织的据点。

    However , the area where the attack took place is close to the regional stronghold of the Boko Haram militant group .

  24. 萨尼表示,政府现在必须明白,仅仅把博科圣地当作一个安全方面的威胁,是无法结束暴力的。

    Sani says the government must now understand that approaching Boko Haram exclusively as a security threat will not end the violence .

  25. 美国国会议员史蒂夫·斯托克曼表示,华盛顿计划访问尼日利亚期间采取措施对抗武装组织“博科圣地”。

    US congressman Steve Stockman said Washington planned to take action in combating militant group Boko Haram while on the visit to Nigeria .

  26. 这个委员会建议和博科圣地开启对话谈判,但是前提条件是博科圣地要放弃一切形式的暴力并交出他们的武器。

    That committee recommended opening talks with Boko Haram , but only after it renounces all forms of violence and surrenders its arms .

  27. 博科圣地意为西方教育是罪恶的,该组织持续挑战尼日利亚政府,并扬言要推翻政府。

    Boko Haram means Western education is sinful , and the group continues to challenge the Nigerian authorities , it 's threatening to topple .

  28. 最近周日的攻击中,一枚被认为是博科圣地设置的炸弹造成邻国阿达马瓦约40球迷死亡。

    In the latest attack Sunday , a bomb believed to be planted by Boko Haram killed about 40 football fans in neighboring Adamawa state .

  29. 博科圣地宣称对尼日利亚的许多袭击事件负责,包括教堂爆炸以及联合国办公处爆炸事件。

    The Islamic militant group has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks in Nigeria , including church bombings and the bombing of a United Nations building .

  30. 事实是“博科圣地”没有任何表态,而这个组织经常发布视频表达他们想表达的事情,这点让尼日利亚民众感到非常可疑。

    The fact that there has been no word from Boko Haram , who often come out with videos to say what they want to say , has Nigerians very doubtful indeed .