
  • 网络Ordovician;ordovician system
  1. 鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系碳酸盐岩沥青A和沥青C的生物标志物特征

    Biomarker characteristics of bitumen A and bitumen C of Ordovician carbonate rocks in Ordos Basin

  2. 中国中部及北部地区奥陶系&三叠系的牙形刺色变指标(CAI)图

    Conodont color alteration index ( cai ) maps of Ordovician through Triassic rocks in central and North China

  3. 寒武系与奥陶系界线位于D.中国的泥盆系

    The Cambrian - Ordovician boundary set between D. THE DEVONIAN SYSTEM OF CHINA

  4. 奥陶系富集Au;

    Enrichment of Au during the Ordovician period ;

  5. 目前,在黄骅坳陷的北部和南部地区,奥陶系碳酸盐岩进入中成岩阶段B期,有利于天然气的生成与聚集;

    At present , the Ordovician carbonates are in the middle diagenetic stage B in the southern and northern Huanghua depression , which is favorable for generation and accumulation of natural gas .

  6. 结果表明,这两条剖面寒武-奥陶系界线附近的碳同位素组成以负δ13C值为主。

    Carbonates across the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary of both sections mainly record negative carbon isotope values .

  7. 塔河地区奥陶系发育加里东中期、加里东晚期&海西早期和海西晚期的逆断裂,断裂走向总体为NW向、NE向、EW向和SN向为主。

    Many reverse faults develop in Ordovician palaeokarst in Tahe region , which include mainly NW , and NE , and EW , and SN directional .

  8. 奥陶系Winnipeg组可能已处于主要石油排出期长达200百万年或更早。

    The Ordovician Winnipeg may have been 200 my old or older during its main oil expulsion phase .

  9. Hg在寒武系和奥陶系中明显富集。研究区位于鄂尔多斯西缘凹陷带的贺兰山中段地区,寒武&奥陶系地层出露齐全。

    The study area lies in the middle part of the Helan Mountain area in the depression zone on the western margin of the Ordos block , where the Cambro & Ordovician strata are well exposed .

  10. 结果ZB区奥陶系风化壳侵蚀沟谷及顶面起伏形态的识别解释结果与地质综合研究成果基本吻合;开发井的预测结果与实际钻井结果符合程度高,并取得了良好的应用效果。

    Results The identified results of eroded channel-vale and reservoir top fluctuant configuration were consistent with the integrated geological research results in ZB block , and the forecasting results of exploitation wells were accorded with the actual drilling results very well and acquired better effect .

  11. 通过典型样品的氢同位素、δ13C2和轻烃异庚烷值指标关系分析,说明腐泥型气只能来自奥陶系,不可能来自石炭系。

    Based on argon isotope and the relation of iso-heptane value with δ 13C2 , the sapropelic gas in mixed gas of the central gas field can but come from Ordovician , not Carboniferous .

  12. 从岩相序列到米级旋回,从沉积相序列到三级层序,可以将研究区域的奥陶系划分为8个三级层序,即OS1至OS8。

    Form lith-facies succession to meter-scale cycle and from sedimentary-facies succession to third-order sequence , the Ordovician in studied area can devided into 8 third-order sequences , they are OS1 ~ OS8 , which can be grouped into two second-order sequence . Tongzi Fm .

  13. 用层序地层学评价鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系碳酸盐岩油气聚集带

    Assessment of hydrocarbon accumulation zone in Ordovician carbonate rocks by sequence-stratigraphy

  14. 鄂尔多斯南缘奥陶系碳同位素地层学研究

    Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of Ordovician , the Southern Margin of Ordos

  15. 陕北奥陶系钾盐层位的发现与研究

    Discovery and Study on Ordovician Potash Salt Horizons in Northern Shaanxi

  16. 塔中地区奥陶系海相碳酸盐岩储层的溶解动力学特征

    Dissolution Kinetic Characteristics of Ordovician Marine Carbonate in Central Tarim Basin

  17. 而本文作者认为,上述天然气主要是源于石炭、二叠系的腐殖型热成气,依据是:①奥陶系风化带的天然气属于煤成气;

    The gas from Ordovician weathered zone belongs to coal-formed gas ;

  18. 山东省青州地区寒武-奥陶系界线研究的新进展

    Latest biostratigraphic advances of Cambrian-Ordovician boundary in Qingzhou area , Shandong

  19. 鄂尔多斯南缘奥陶系构造沉积演化研究

    A Study on the Ordovician Tectonic-sedimentary Evolution in Southern Ordos Region

  20. 冀中地区奥陶系两种储集类型

    Two types of pore structures in Ordovician reservoir in central Hebei

  21. 贵州寒武系的分区寒武系与奥陶系界线位于D。

    The Cambrian Divisions of Guizhou The Cambrian-Ordovician boundary set between D.

  22. 古生界为泥盆系。其次为寒武奥陶系和石炭二叠系;

    Devonian System of paleozoic secondly Cambrian-Ordovician System and Carboniferous-Permian System .

  23. 皖南寒武-奥陶系白云岩类型及成因探讨

    Types and origins of Cambrian - ordovician dolomite in southern Anhui

  24. 塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩溶发育模式的测井分析

    Well-log analysis on Karst model of Ordovician carbonate in Tahe Oilfield

  25. 鄂尔多斯东南缘奥陶系碳酸盐岩成岩温度

    Diagenetic temperature of Ordovician carbonate rock in southeast margin of Ordos

  26. 苏北地区奥陶系牙形刺及其色变指标

    Ordovician conodonts from northern Jiangsu and indices of their colour alteration

  27. 华北地区奥陶系灰岩岩溶研究的几点思考

    Several Thinkings on Ordovician Limestone Karst Study in Area of North China

  28. 山西省柳林奥陶系古岩溶顶部方解石充填物

    Calcite fill on the top of Ordovician paleokarst in liulin , Shanxi

  29. 塔河油田奥陶系储层流体包裹体研究

    Fluid inclusions analysis of the Ordovician reservoir in Tahe Oilfield

  30. 塔河油田奥陶系油气地球化学特征与油气运移

    Petroleum geochemistry and hydrocarbon migration in Tahe Oilfield of the Tarim Basin