
  1. 我当然是很高兴能重新站在这但是这个假期里我沐浴阳光放松身心还看了好几种sangria的调法我还参加了两场婚礼婚礼总是那么美好

    I 'm really happy to be back though , but I got a ... I got a little bit of sun , I relaxed . I read a lot of sangria recipes . And I went to two different weddings which are always beautiful .

  2. 漫步海滩、沐浴阳光。

    Walk on the beach , and bathing in the sunshine .

  3. 亲爱的朋友,沐浴阳光同样有治愈的效果。

    Bathing in the sunshine is also healing dear friend .

  4. 我喜欢躺在草地上沐浴阳光。

    I enjoy lying on the grass under the sun .

  5. 动物挤在一个拥挤的空间,它们几乎没有机会到户外或者沐浴阳光。

    Animals suffer in crowded spaces where they rarely have access to the outdoors or sunlight .

  6. 我们沿着海滩漫步,一路上看到一排排仰卧着沐浴阳光的人群。

    We walked along the beach , past the rows of supine bodies soaking up the sun .

  7. 他重返了大海,在清晨享受微风,在下午沐浴阳光。

    Who went back to see and felt a cool breeze each morning and the sun in his face every afternoon .

  8. 好了,各位团友,请在沐浴阳光的同时领略红枫湖的美丽和妩媚吧!

    Well , you Mission Friends , bathed in sunshine at the same time enjoy the beauty of Hongfeng Hu and charming !

  9. 该是沐浴阳光的时候!该是在春天里上交友网捕鱼的时候!

    It 's time to be bathed in brilliant sunshine . It 's time to go fishing in spring and in Jiaoyou net .

  10. 早上,你可以去当地的一家小咖啡馆,沐浴阳光,喝咖啡。

    In the mornings , you can go down to a small local cafe , soaking up the sun 's rays and drinking coffee .

  11. 通常暖暖阳光都会在星期三或星期四如期而至,这时我们都会伫立在房间里,渴盼地探出窗外,分享沐浴阳光的那份雀跃不已。

    Usually the warm foreshadowing of things to come arrives on a Wednesday or Thursday when most of us are stuck in some room staring out a window wanting to enjoy the joy of its arrival .

  12. 试想一下,如果上下班像登上沐浴阳光的游艇一样轻松;如果透过办公室的窗户,你能俯瞰浩瀚的大海;如果每天清晨总在一个别样的、具有异国风情的港口醒来,你觉得怎么样?

    Imagine if your commute to work was as easy as stepping onto a sun-drenched yacht . Or if your office window overlooked the open seas . How about waking up each morning in a different exotic port ?

  13. 你在甲板上沐浴阳光,即使你能看到,不涂防晒霜时你没被晒黑,但你不会觉察到皮肤从何时起被晒伤。

    You 're on the deck catching rays , and even though you know you aren 't supposed to tan without sunblock , you figure you 'll be able to tell if you start to get really burned .

  14. 田野间一片芬芳,盛开的雏菊紧贴在我们脚旁,年轻的情侣对对相聚,老妇人坐着沐浴阳光,每条街上都有这样的曲调在我们耳边回荡,咕咕,喳一喳,卜一威,嘟一威嗒一喔!

    The fields breathe sweet , the daisies kiss our feet , Young lovers meet , old wives a-sunning sit ( 8 ) , In every street these tunes bur ears do greet ( 9 ) , Cuckoo , jug-jug , pu-we , to-witta-woo ! Spring !

  15. 我看见她坐在靠窗的桌旁,沐浴在阳光中。

    I saw her sitting at a window table , bathed in sunlight .

  16. 海湾沐浴着阳光,离岸150米左右有一群皮划艇运动员。

    The bay was bathed in sunshine , and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore .

  17. 在海滩上沐浴着阳光的游客

    tourists sunbathing on the beach

  18. 几天前,可口可乐(coca-cola)数字沟通主管亚当布朗(adambrown)在亚特兰大把车洗了,浑身沐浴着阳光。

    A few days ago , Adam brown , the head of digital communications at Coca-Cola , got his car washed and the sun shone down on him in Atlanta .

  19. Mila曾经花时间在加里福尼亚的海岸边上和我们待在一起,在那里我们配对、繁殖、诞生我们的后代,并在全年沐浴在阳光之中。

    Mila once spent time in our presence along the coastline of California where we mate , breed , birth our calves , and sunbathe throughout the year .

  20. 尽情沐浴在阳光下,太阳会温暖你的心。

    Bask in the sunshine . It 'll warn your heart .

  21. 他们躺在沙滩上,沐浴在阳光里。

    They lay on the beach and were saturated with sunshine .

  22. 全家都喜欢沐浴着阳光悠闲地散步。

    The whole family was enjoying a leisurely stroll in the sunshine .

  23. 我们沐浴着阳光雨露!

    The sunny gentle breeze and rain we shower joyful !

  24. 终其一生都沐浴在阳光中

    and spend their whole lives basking in the light .

  25. 女孩沐浴着阳光,娴静地坐了一会。

    The girl sat quietly in the sunshine for a few minutes .

  26. 郁郁葱葱的树木沐浴着阳光。

    A blooming tree absorbs the sun 's rays .

  27. 日光浴者沐浴着阳光。这是浴缸还是淋浴喷头?

    The sunbather was soaking sun Is this a bathtub or a shower ?

  28. 村庄沐浴在阳光中。

    The countryside was bathed in brilliant sunshine .

  29. 沐浴着阳光的影子,幻想着自己能变成一只小蜜蜂,永远停在你的肩头。

    I 'm taking a shower of sun , dreaming to be a bee .

  30. 万物沐浴在阳光中。

    The world was all steeped in sunshine .