
  • voucher;coupon
  1. 获胜者每人将会获得两张电影票的代金券。

    The winners will each receive a voucher for a pair of cinema tickets .

  2. 农民可以在任何参与该项目的农业经销商那里使用他们的代金券。

    A farmer can use their voucher at any participating agro-dealer .

  3. 代金券必须于9月14日之前兑现,所以你最好快点。

    Vouchers must be redeemed before September 14th so you 'd better get cracking to cash in .

  4. 委员会发给老年人免费代金券。

    The council gives old people free tokens .

  5. 如果英国也遵循这种早已被很多北欧国家采用的方案,就意味着店内会摆放一种机器,它能识别出被投入的空瓶空罐,并印出一张可在该店消费的代金券。

    If the UK follows the sort of scheme adopted long ago across much of northern Europe , the empty bottles and cans would go into a machine that would identify them and give you a coupon1 to spend in the shop .

  6. 花店送来的手花会是一个满天星花环和一张价值5美元的肯德基代金券,这样你就可以自己选择用哪种口味的炸鸡腿来搭配你的手花,有原味吮指鸡、劲脆鸡腿以及肯塔基烤鸡腿三种选择。

    The florist sends a corsage with baby 's breath and a $ 5 KFC gift check so you can choose a piece of Original Recipe , Extra Crispy or Kentucky Grilled Chicken for the corsage centerpiece . ( Source : latimes )

  7. 艾莉森泰勒(allisontaylor)过去常常向丈夫及家人索要一些豪华身体护理品代金券和蒂芬妮(tiffany)珠宝等,用于一些特殊场合。

    Allison Taylor used to ask her husband and family for vouchers for luxury body-care products and tiffany jewellery for special occasions .

  8. “它取代并改善了此前使用纸质代金券的系统,”Hesse说。

    " It replaces and enhances previous voucher systems that worked using paper vouchers ," said Hesse .

  9. 据NGG称,一位拒收优惠券的面包师被告知可以将这些代金券送给她的丈夫。

    A baker who refused such an offer was told to give the vouchers to her husband , the NGG said .

  10. 电子代金券更安全,而且可以对农资经销商立即付款。

    E-vouchers are more secure and allow instantaneous payment to the agro-dealer .

  11. 最近耐克给我寄来了一张92美元的代金券,被我寄了回去。

    Nike just sent me a $ 92 voucher .

  12. 大多数员工都会因一杯免费茶或代金券而心怀感激。

    Most employees feel grateful for a free cup of tea or money-off vouchers .

  13. 就算一无所有,我也不喜欢代金券计划。”她说道。

    I do not like the voucher plan.Not even for nothing , " she said .

  14. 电子代金券可用于预订其他航线的航班。

    The credit shell can be used by guests to book flights to other destinations .

  15. 要不就送一张离婚代金券?

    How about a divorce voucher ?

  16. 赞比亚的农民可能凭借一个电子代金券系统从而更快地获得农业产品和服务。

    Zambian farmers could gain faster access to agricultural products and services with an electronic voucher scheme .

  17. 益普索会奖励完成网上调研的用户,提供在如亚马逊或者约翰路易斯购物的代金券。

    Ipsos rewards users for completing surveys online , offering vouchers from the likes of Amazon and John Lewis .

  18. 第二,政府可继续运营学校,收取与代金券等额的学费。

    The second is that the government could continue to run schools , charging a fee equivalent to the voucher .

  19. 共和党人想最终让医保成为代金券计划,保证数量有限的资金用于医疗保险。

    Republicans would like to eventually make Medicare a voucher program , guaranteeing a limited amount of money for health care .

  20. 但像88岁的民主党人尤福拉·弗拉泽尔这样的批评人士担心代金券不能支付各种开销,而且还会殃及穷人。

    But critics , like 88-year-old Democrat Eufaula Fraizer , fear the vouchers would not cover costs and would hurt the poor .

  21. 跟“黑色星期五”传统的代金券赊购相比,周五奢侈商店没有多少交易是廉价出售的。

    So the few deals at luxury stores on Friday are not so much bargains as token nods to the Black Friday tradition .

  22. 尽管她们已经安排妥当,带上了购物清单、减价优惠券、纸巾、代金券和环保购物袋,但还是觉得手忙脚乱。

    And this is despite being organised and armed with shopping lists , money off-coupons , tissues , vouchers and recycled carrier bags .

  23. 更多的改变包括将发放给移民的现金换成实物福利,比如购物代金券或车票。

    Further changes replaced the cash payments migrants receive with benefits in kind , such as vouchers for consumer goods or bus tickets .

  24. 第三个问题是,代金券体系可能导致毫无规则可言的局面,骗子和宗教极端分子也会出来办学。

    A third concern is that the voucher system will lead to a free-for-all , with schools provided by charlatans or religious extremists .

  25. 卡拉奇的数万个贫困家庭明年将收到代金券,可以凭券将子女送入廉价私立学校就读。

    In Karachi , tens of thousands of poorer families will next year receive vouchers to send their children to low-cost private schools .

  26. 更为极端的做法是,可以向受援者发放援助代金券,用于兑换一系列慈善团体和援助机构提供的服务。

    More radically , aid recipients could even be given aid vouchers redeemable for services provided by a range of charities and aid agencies .

  27. 例如,他对利用积分卡数据算计顾客、通过提供代金券诱使他们转换品牌的做法提出了批评。

    He has , for instance , criticised the use of loyalty card data to game the customer by offering them vouchers to switch brands .

  28. 或许可以在给德国人提供税收优惠时,以代金券的形式发放,而且那些代金券只能在地中海边跟团度假时才能使用。

    Perhaps they could all be given a tax cut in the form of a voucher , redeemable only for a package holiday by the Mediterranean ?

  29. 在该项目注册的农民有资格获得已经预付款的移动电话代金券,每一张价值53美元,可以在农资经销商那里使用。

    Farmers who register with the scheme are eligible to receive pre-paid mobile phone vouchers , each worth around US $ 53 , to use at agro-dealers .

  30. 我们得到代金券,可以用来支付课程费用,选择要做什么,花多少时间。

    We 're given vouchers which we use in a way to pay for the sessions , choosing what to do and how many hours to put in .