
  • 网络dayton;Daytona;Dayton,OH
  1. 在俄亥俄州代顿早期大学学院(DaytonEarlyCollegeAcademy),学生们在模拟审判中学习宪法。

    At the Dayton Early College Academy in Ohio , students learn about constitutional law in mock trials .

  2. 《代顿和平协定》(daytonpeaceaccords)签署约15年后,该地区仍战乱频繁。

    Some 15 years beyond the Dayton Accords , the region remains one of armed instability .

  3. JohnHeitmann是俄亥俄州代顿大学历史学教授和汽车历史学家协会副会长。

    John Heitmann is a history professor at the University of Dayton in Ohio and vice president of the Society for Automotive Historians .

  4. Kenseth赢得了他的首次代顿500赛车冠军

    Kenseth got his first Daytona 500 win .

  5. 他们的试验地选在代顿附近的一个奶牛场。

    They tested them in a cow pasture near dayton .

  6. 它是在1995年的代顿协议上确立的,马克的名字指的是德国马克。

    It was established as such by the1995 Dayton Agreement .

  7. 关于实现波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那联邦的代顿协定

    Dayton Agreement on implementing the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

  8. 骑手们说摩托周的一个亮点是在代顿海滩的主要街道上骑行。

    Riders say one of the highlights of Bike Week is riding down Main Street in Daytona Beach .

  9. 特大撞车、暴雨延赛、黑马夺冠让本届代顿赛事显得有点儿疯狂。

    A big crash , a rainout , and a surprised winner made this a wild one in Daytona .

  10. 1903年,莱特兄弟在代顿制造了一架带一个发动机和两个螺旋桨的飞机。

    Then in Dayton , in 1903 , the Wright brothers built an airplane with a motor and two propellers .

  11. 1995年《代顿协定》签订以来,巴尔干正逐渐变成一个相对稳定的地区。

    Since the signing of the Dayton peace accord in1995 , Balkan has gradually become a region of relatively stable .

  12. 在代顿逗留时,欣克利是真的没枪,还是他改变刺杀卡特的主意了?

    Did Hinckley really not have a gun with him in Dayton ? Or did he just change his mind ?

  13. 4年后他的弟弟奥维尔于1871年8月17日出生于俄亥俄州的代顿。

    His younger brother , Orville , was born four years later in Dayton , Ohio on August 17 , 1871 .

  14. 代顿海滩的摩托周,三月的第一周开始,另加三天,共十天。

    Bike Week in Daytona Beach , Florida , takes place during the first full week of March , plus three extra days .

  15. 作为俄亥俄州代顿大学的一名新生,我急于给我的新宿舍同伴留个好印象。

    As a freshman at the University of Dayton in Ohio , I was eager to make a good impression on my new roommate .

  16. 美国《代顿每日新闻报》消息,美国俄亥俄州59岁的连体双胞胎朗尼•盖里昂和唐尼•盖里昂终于获得了他们蒙昧以求的东西:一张舒适的床。

    Conjoined twins Ronnie and Donnie Galyon , 59 , of Ohio , finally have something they have sought for years : a comfortable bed , the Dayton Daily News reported .

  17. 当她回到我们在代顿大学的“贫民窟”时,她给我们讲了关于洪水的事,以及她在洪水中毁坏的粉蓝色贝里塔车。

    When she returned to our house in " The Ghetto " of the University of Dayton , she told us of the floods and how her powder blue Beretta had been destroyed .