
  1. 显然,中国内地学校在这方面能提供最多的机会,但在香港排名前三商学院——分别属于香港大学、香港中文大学和香港科技大学——的全日制MBA学生中,内地学生的比例也占到10%到25%不等。

    Clearly , a mainland Chinese school will offer most opportunities in this respect , but mainland students also make up between 10 per cent and 25 per cent of full-time MBA students at the three highest-ranking homegrown business schools HKU , CUHK and HKUST .

  2. 1997年,他成了职业球员,加入三商虎球队。

    He turned pro in 1997 and joined the Mercuries Tigers .

  3. 本章主要分析了三商之间的关系。

    This chapter mainly discusses the relation of them .

  4. 三商映射是完备映射和开映射的共同推广。

    Tri quotient maps are a common generalization of perfect maps and open maps .

  5. 三商开发与大学生综合素质的提高

    Development of " Three Intelligences " and Improvement of College Students ' Comprehensive Qualities

  6. 上述三所商学院都在教授普通MBA课程。

    All three business schools are teaching a general MBA .

  7. 印度也在增加产能,带头的是三大生产商:塔塔钢铁(TataSteel)、京德勒西南钢铁公司(JSWSteel),以及国有的印度钢铁管理局公司(SteelAuthorityofIndia)。

    India is adding capacity too , led by its big three producers : Tata Steel , JSW Steel , and state-backed Steel Authority of India .

  8. 二流或三流商学院一直在作一些非常有趣的事情,因为它们必须这样做。

    The second - and third-tier institutions have been doing really interesting things , because they have had to .

  9. 但较高的铁矿石价格也将吸引边缘的、成本较高的矿山投入生产,从而侵蚀三大生产商现有的市场份额。

    But higher prices will also lure marginal , higher-cost mines into production , chipping away at the incumbents ' market share .

  10. “三大商帮”中的两枝,徽商和江浙商人在此役中损失惨重,从此一蹶不振。

    Two of the " Three Business Group ", Hui and Jiang Zhe mechants suffered heavy losses in this war and never got over .

  11. 第三,商学院渴望得到其他学科的尊重,因而需要拿出大学所要求的那种晦涩难懂的研究成果。

    Third , business schools were desperate for respect from other academic disciplines and needed to produce the sort of arcane research that universities demanded .

  12. 江浙商人俨然与晋商、徽商并称为当时的“三大商帮”。

    The Jiangsu and Zhejiang merchant with the Jin business and the Anhui merchants and was called " three big business gangs " at that time .

  13. 这三大生产商之一(要求匿名)表示:我们对去年的钢产量要高于统计数据表示认同。

    One of the big three – which asked not to be named – said : We agree steel production last year was higher than the statistics suggest .

  14. 明清时期大的社会环境,包括国家制度、国家政策、传统文化观念以及道德伦理等在很大程度上决定了三大商帮相同的利润去向。

    Ming and Qing Dynasties great social environment , including national systems , national policies , traditional cultural values and moral ethics , the three companies to help determine the profits of the same fate .

  15. 凯雷购得雅士利17.3%的股份。雅士利是一家总部位于广东省的家族所有企业,专业生产婴儿配方奶粉,是全国三大生产商之一。

    The fund has taken a 17.3 per cent stake in Yashili , a family-owned company based in the southern province of Guangdong , which specialises in infant formula milk and is a top-three national producer .

  16. 研究思路更是进一步澄清了本文所采用的研究方法、拟解决的问题以及想表达的思想内容。二、三大商帮的商业利润去向及其影响。

    Research ideas in this paper is to further clarify the methodology used , intended to address concerns and would like to express the ideological content . Second , Business profits to help the three companies fate and effects .

  17. 本部分正是按照这一思路罗列了三大商帮的商业利润去向并对其影响进行了分析。三、国家政策、制度缺失与历史文化传统下的利润去向。

    This section is listed in accordance with this line of business three business profits to help whereabouts and the influence is analyzed . Thirdly , National policy , institutional and historical lack of profit under the movement of cultural traditions .

  18. 三大商帮商业利润去向相异的原因是本文的核心内容,从比较分析中可以得出正是区域社会环境造就了不同商帮商业利润的不同去向。

    Three different companies to help business profits is due to movement of the core content of this article , can be obtained from the comparative analysis of regional social environment is created to help different business in different business profits whereabouts .

  19. 欲分析三大商帮商业利润去向的异同之处,首先必须明确这三大商帮商业利润都有哪些去向,然后比较其异同,进而分析其原因。

    For analysis of the three major commercial business profits to help the whereabouts of similarities and differences , the three companies must first be clear what are the destination to help business profits , and then compare their similarities and differences , and then analyzes their causes .

  20. 截至9月底,三大运营商已推出5000余个创新工程,签署了约1000个5G商业合约。

    By the end of September , China 's three major telecom operators had launched more than 5000 innovation projects and signed around 1000 5G business contracts .

  21. C(60)三阶微商吸收光谱分析

    Third Order Derivative Absorption Spectra of C 60

  22. 2009年年初,三家运营商均拿到了3G牌照。

    Early in 2009 , three operators are got the 3G licences .

  23. 同时,三大运营商也取得了期盼已久的3G牌照。

    Meanwhile , these three operators also got the long-awaited 3G licenses from the government .

  24. 用介电函数的三级微商谱精确确定GaxIn(1-x)P临界点的能量值

    Accurately Determining the Position of Interband Transition Energy for the Ga xIn 1-x P by the Third Derivative Spectra of Dielectric Functions

  25. 尽管3G运营牌照的下发给三家运营商带来了机遇,但也带来更多的威胁和考验。

    Although issuing 3G license brings opportunities to the operation of the three operators , but also produces threats and challenges .

  26. 在开环供应链中回收主体有生产者责任组织(PRO)、第三方生产商。

    In the opened-loop supply chain , there are new participants : producer responsibility organization ( PRO ) and the third manufacturers .

  27. 为了弥补这方面的劣势,三大运营商均力争让高端用户增加支出,特别是通过使用3G数据应用来增加支出。

    To balance that , all three carriers are bent on making top-end customers spend more ; especially by using data applications on 3G .

  28. 随着3G技术的发展,三大运营商大力推进3G网络建设,标志着3G时代的到来。

    With the development of 3G technology , the three operators vigorously promote the construction of 3G networks , labeled with the 3G era .

  29. 现对这三家运营商进行了SWOT分析,论证了各自理应进入的大客户细分市场的原则;

    Based on SWOT model , this paper examined principles adopted by the three telecom carriers to enter the segment of major accounts .

  30. 随着3G技术的日渐普及和推广,中国电信、移动、联通三大运营商对终端用户的争夺日趋激烈。

    With the growing popularity and promotion of 3G technologies , competition for the terminal users among China Telecom , Mobile and Unicom is becoming increasingly fierce .