
  • 网络sanjiang dong autonomous county;Sanjiang County
  1. 三江侗族自治县茶叶产业发展现状与对策

    Current status and strategies of tea industry development in Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County

  2. 2006年5月广西三江侗族自治县的侗族木构建筑营造技艺已列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。

    In May 2006 , the techniques of timber frame construction of Dong in Sanjiang Dong autonomous county was approved to be on the first National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage .

  3. 广西三江侗族自治县侗族体质调查

    Physical anthropology on Dong Nationality in Sanjiang Autonomous County , Guangxi

  4. 广西三江侗族自治县的宣传画、农民画和风情画统一于当代民间绘画的范畴中。

    The picture posters , peasant painting and landscape painting , unity in the category of contemporary folk painting .

  5. 政府与民众力量在民俗风情旅游发展中的运用&以广西三江侗族自治县为个案苗族与侗族的芦笙,其共鸣箱用木板制做;

    The Function of Government and Masses Force in the Development of Folk-custom Tourism ; The Miao and Dong people make their resonator with wooden plates ;

  6. 本文简单介绍广西三江侗族自治县木构风雨桥建筑的历史、社会与自然背景,以及风雨桥的几种类型,综述其结构、构造、功能与建筑艺术特征。

    This paper briefly introduces the building history , social and natural background as well as the type , construction , structure , function and specific artistic characteristics of the covered wooden bridges in Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County , Guangxi Chuang Autonomous Region .