
ɡuó jiā huò miǎn
  • state immunity
  1. 第一部分ICSID仲裁裁决执行中的国家豁免问题的提出。

    The first part puts forward the question of State immunity about the enforcement of ICSID arbitration judgments .

  2. 第二部分是对ICSID仲裁裁决执行中的国家豁免问题的分析,分为实证分析和理论分析两部分。

    The second part of the ICSID ruling the analysis of the enforcement of the question of State immunity , divided into empirical and theoretical analysis of two parts .

  3. 关于财产免于制约措施的国家豁免

    State immunity in respect of property from measures of constraint

  4. 广义有限自动机理论限制性国家豁免(理)论

    Generalized finite automaton theory restrictive doctrine of state immunity

  5. 论国有企业与国家豁免原则

    On the State-owned Enterprises and Principle of State Immunities

  6. 我国应制定《国家豁免法》,明确规定限制豁免的做法。

    China should promulgate Law on State Immunity and make clear restrictive immunity .

  7. 国家豁免与外交豁免都是国际法领域的重要法律制度。

    Both state immunity and diplomatic immunity are important legal practice in international law .

  8. 浅析国家豁免的几个问题

    Analysis of the Issues the State Immunity

  9. 第二部分研究了国家豁免的理论与实践。

    In part two , it is about the theories and practices surrounding state immunity .

  10. 关于国家豁免的欧洲公约

    European Convention on State Immunity

  11. 美国国家豁免法的新发展及其对中国的影响外国国家元首的司法管辖豁免

    U.S Foreign Sovereign Immunities Law : Developments & Impacts ; jurisdictional immunity of foreign heads of states

  12. 论国家豁免原则

    On the principle of immunity

  13. 联合王国国家豁免法

    United Kingdom State Immunity Act

  14. 管辖权的限制主要表现在国家豁免,外交豁免和涉外管辖权条款方面。

    The jurisdictional restriction exists primarily on state immunity and diplomacy immunity as well as foreign jurisdiction clause .

  15. 第二章为管辖豁免。本章阐述了英国的国家豁免、外交豁免和国际组织的豁免制度。

    Chapter two , i.e.jurisdiction immunity , expounds the systems of state immunity , diplomatic immunity and the international organization immunity .

  16. 国家豁免是现代国际法上最重要、最复杂,也是最现实的问题之一。

    State immunity is one of the most important , most complicated and also most realistic problems in modern international law .

  17. 关于国家豁免范围,许多国家先后抛弃了绝对豁免的主张,转向限制国家豁免的立场。

    As to the scope of state immunity , many countries have switched from the stand of absolute state immunity to limited state immunity .

  18. 国家豁免泛指一国的行为和财产不受另一国的立法、司法和行政等方面的管辖。

    State immunity generally means that one nation 's action and property are not within the jurisdiction of another nation 's legislation , judicature and administration .

  19. 由于执行地国法院适用的是本国的国家豁免规则,这就使得同一份仲裁裁决在不同的国家产生不同的执行结果。

    Because the doctrine of state immunity are different in different states , these will make the same arbitration produce different results in different execution court .

  20. 第四部分研究了国家豁免的几个主要例外,即商业交易、侵权行为和雇用合同。

    In part four , it is about several typical problems concerning the exception to state immunity , i.e. commercial transactions , tortuous acts and employment contracts .

  21. 我国应适应世界的发展趋势,采用限制豁免论,尽快制定我国的国家豁免立法。

    China should adapt itself to the trend of development in the world , adopt the doctrine of restrictive immunity . And make our own immunity law as soon as possible .

  22. 国家豁免问题会影响国家与私人利益的平衡,影响国际贸易的发展,影响国家之间的关系,必须妥善处理。

    The state immunity influences the balance between states and private persons , the development of international trades and even the relationship between countries so that we have to deal with it appropriately .

  23. 国家豁免的主体包括国家及其政府机关、联邦国家的组成单位、国家政治区分单位、国家机构或部门和其他实体、国家代表。

    The subject of state immunity includes states and their governmental organs , components in federal countries , political units of a state , state organs or departments and other entities , state representatives .

  24. 本文分为五部分:第一部分是对国家豁免的概述,重点研究了国家豁免的概念、根据。

    It has been divided into five parts : In part one , it is about the introduction of state immunity . It mainly studies the concept , significance and theoretical basis of state immunity .

  25. 在雇佣合同与国家豁免的关系问题上,国家之间的最大分歧在于,政府的雇员是否有权以及在什么程度上有权在法院地国起诉雇佣国。

    The most obvious divergence of different countries in the relationship between state immunity and employment contracts is whether and to what degree government employees have the right to take action against the employer country at the forum state .

  26. 对国家豁免的概念、根据、理论和实践进行了探讨,并深入细致地论述了在国家管辖豁免中国家行为的性质认定问题和国家豁免的例外问题。

    It discusses the concept , the significance and the theoretical basis of state immunity . It also addresses how to determine the nature of act of state for jurisdictional immunity and exceptions of state immunity deeply and in great details .

  27. 针对日本国法院驳回中国战争受难者起诉的一些主要理由,我们可以从法律角度对个人起诉日本国的主体资格、日本国的国家豁免、诉讼时效和条约解释进行分析和论证。

    In view of the main reasons why the Japanese court rejected the appeal of Chinese victims , an analysis is made of the individual 's qualification for prosecuting Japan , of Japan 's jurisdictional immunity , of prescription and treaty explanation .

  28. 国家管辖豁免制度的新近发展与中国的对策

    On the Recent Development of Jurisdictional Immunities of States and China 's Countermeasures

  29. 国家元首豁免是国际法发展史中较古老的课题。

    Head-of-State Immunity is one of the most ancient topics of International Law .

  30. 第一部分为国家主权豁免原则概说;

    Chapter one is an induction of the principle of state sovereign immunity .