
  • 网络Meniere disease;meniere
  1. VEMP作为一种无创性前庭功能检测方法,在诊断梅尼埃病和上半规管裂等疾病时有一定的临床参考价值。

    As a non-invasive technique in assessing the vestibular function , VEMP had some clinical values in the diagnosis of ear lesions such as Meniere disease and superior semicircular canal dehiscence .

  2. 穴位注射联合头皮针刺治疗梅尼埃病效果观察

    Curative Effects of Acupoint Injection Combined with Scalp-acupuncture on Meniere Disease

  3. 利用螺旋CT三维图像对梅尼埃病患者前庭小管外口的研究

    An investigation on the implications of external aperture of vestibular aqueduct in Meniere 's disease by three-dimensional image of spiral CT

  4. 结论运用内耳3D-FLAIRMRI加咽鼓管鼓室内导入造影剂钆,可以显像梅尼埃病内淋巴情况;

    Conclusions3D-FLAIR MRI with intratympanic gadolinium through eustachian tube can clearly reveal the visualization of endolymph in patients with Meniere 's disease .

  5. 结论DPOAE有助于早期梅尼埃病的诊断。

    [ Conclusion ] DPOAE is valuable in diagnosis of early Meniere ′ s disease .

  6. 目的:观察梅尼埃病(MD)患者前庭小管(VA)周围骨质发育情况。

    Objective : To study the development of the bone around the vestibular aqueduct ( VA ) in Meniere ′ s disease ( MD ) by CT .

  7. 分三组观察梅尼埃病(Meniere′sdiseaseMD)患者前庭小管(Vestibularaqueduct,VA)CT影象,即正常耳组、非MD眩晕组及MD组。

    Objective To study the vestibular aqueduct ( VA ) with CT in Meniere , s disease ( MD ) . Method The experiment consisted of three groups : normal ear group , non-MD vertigo group and MD group .

  8. 本文报告34例30~40岁梅尼埃病患者常规测听(0.25~8kHz)和高频测听(9~20kHz)与相同年龄组正常人比较的结果。

    High frequency ( 9-20 kHz ) audiometry was conducted on 34 patients with Meniere 's disease , and normal subjects as control .

  9. 经颅多普勒超声在梅尼埃病诊断中的应用

    Application of Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis of Meniere disease

  10. 乙状窦后径路内镜下选择性前庭神经切断术治疗梅尼埃病

    Endoscopic technique utilized into the selective vestibular neurotomy by retrosigmoid approach

  11. 梅尼埃病与偏头痛性眩晕的听-前庭功能比较

    Auditory and vestibular functions in Meniere 's disease and migrainous vertigo

  12. 单纯内淋巴囊减压术治疗梅尼埃病的远期疗效

    Long-term results of simple decompression of endolymphatic sac for Meniere 's disease

  13. 眼震电图在梅尼埃病和椎基底动脉供血不足鉴别诊断中的研究

    Study on the Differential Diagnosis Value of ENG between MD and VBI

  14. 梅尼埃病患者的脑血流放射性核素显像分析

    Cerebral radionuclide angiography in patients with Meniere ′ s disease

  15. 免疫转印法检测突聋及梅尼埃病患者血清中抗内耳组织自身抗体

    Test of Serum Auto-antibodies in Patients with Sudden Deafness and Meniere 's Disease

  16. 中药治疗梅尼埃病临床观察

    Treatment of Meniere 's Disease With Chinese Herbal Medicine

  17. 梅尼埃病的基本病理改变为内耳膜迷路积水。

    The basic pathology of MD is endolymphatic hydrops .

  18. 梅尼埃病手术方法的选择

    Selection of surgical methods for Meniere ′ s disease

  19. 梅尼埃病外周血T淋巴细胞总数及亚群的测定

    T lympholeukocytes summation and subgroup be determined in Peripheral blood of Meniere 's disease

  20. 鼓室内注射地塞米松治疗难治性梅尼埃病

    Intratympanic dexamethasone injections for intractable Meniere 's disease

  21. 梅尼埃病患者与组织相容性白细胞抗原-II类基因关联的研究

    An association study of histocompatibility leukocyte antigen class II with Meniere ′ s disease

  22. 血小板聚集功能障碍与梅尼埃病的关系

    Relationship between Platelet Aggregation and Meniere Disease

  23. 内淋巴囊引流术治疗梅尼埃病

    Endolymphatic sac drainage for Meniere 's disease

  24. 尼莫地平注射液治疗梅尼埃病

    Treatment of Meniere 's Disease by Nimodipine

  25. 梅尼埃病的外科治疗

    The surgical therapy of Meniere 's disease

  26. 方法:分析27例、29耳梅尼埃病患者的脑血流放射性核素显像。

    Method : The cerebral radionuclide angiography of 27 patients ( 29 ears ) were analyzed .

  27. 方法对12例梅尼埃病的病人行显微镜下内淋巴囊引流术,并进行了术后随访。结果随访结果表明,按疗效评定标准,A级3例;

    Methods 12 patients with Meniere 's disease were treated by endolymphatic sac drainage under microscope .

  28. 目的:考察抗晕片治疗梅尼埃病的临床疗效。

    Object : To invest the therapeutic effect of Kangyun tables in treating Meniere s disease .

  29. 梅尼埃病患者内淋巴囊减压术后的生活质量研究

    A Study of Quality of Life of Patients with Meniere 's Disease after Endolymphatic Sac Surgery

  30. 梅尼埃病患者耳蜗电图与听觉脑干诱发电位的关系

    Relationship between the electrocochleogram and auditory brain stem response in patient with Meniere ′ s disease