
méi píng
  • prunus vase
  1. 因有墓志,故其墓葬形制和梅瓶样式为鉴定同类墓葬形制和梅瓶的标尺。

    Because the epitaph is unearthed , the tomb becomes a standard of the same kind of ones .

  2. 本文通过全面梳理目前考古出土和传世的元明时期“内府”款梅瓶,着力探索其背后蕴藏的社会、历史和文化内涵方面的信息。同时。

    This article tried to search after the information about society , history and culture on basis of the study on Mei vase with Neifu inscription of Yuan-Ming period .

  3. 明代以永乐、宜德时期的梅瓶最具代表性,小唇口微外撤,短颈中部微束,丰肩,腹以下渐收敛,给人敦厚稳重之感。

    With that produced in the Yongle and Xuande periods as the representative , the Meiping in the Ming Dynasty is narrow out-curled mouthed , short-necked , and broad-shouldered , leaving a sense of sincerity and sedateness .