
dé ɡuó péi chánɡ wèn tí
  • indemnity issue of Germany
  1. 一战后美国在德国赔偿问题上的政策演变

    On the change of American policy with the issue of Germany redemption after the First World War

  2. 从20世纪20年代中期开始,从维护自身的利益出发美国再次介入德国赔偿问题。

    Since the middle20s , America engaged again in the issue of Germany redemption from the standpoint of its state interests .

  3. 雅尔塔到波茨坦会议对德国赔偿问题做出了决议,三大国代表为此进行了激烈争论。

    Allies made resolution about Germany reparation in Yalta and Potsdam Conference , and the three powers representatives had a heated debate to this end .

  4. 1924年,在美国的支持下,英国连同欧洲相关大国缔结了旨在解决德国赔偿问题,恢复德国经济稳定的《道威斯计划》,该计划也是英国力图维护欧洲经济稳定的重要措施。

    In 1924 , with the assistance of the United States , the Great Britain together with correlative European countries concluded the Dawes Plan , aiming at solving the reparation and renewing German economy .

  5. 于是美国在1929年又一次通过杨格计划介入了德国的赔偿问题。但是由于美国国内外的环境发生变化,美国对德政策逐渐发生变化。

    So , America passed the Younger Plan to solve the reparation in 1929 .

  6. 这样,美国介入德国的赔偿问题势所必然。但美国选择了以经济的、非政治的方式主导德国赔偿问题的解决,美国官方并不直接介入。

    So America intervened in the issue of War reparation , but the America 's intervention was progressed in an economical and non-governmental way .

  7. 然而到目前为止,国内外学术界尚未出现全面、系统的研究两次世界大战后美国如何处理德国战争赔偿问题的专著。

    However , up to now , there are not any comprehensive and systematic monographs about " American war reparations policy for German " in the academic field .

  8. 但是,保持和巩固这一局面最终需要解决赔偿问题。于是美国在1929年又一次通过杨格计划介入了德国的赔偿问题。

    It was important to solve the issue of reparation completely in order to keep and consolidate this good situation . So , America passed the Younger Plan to solve the reparation in 1929 .

  9. 德国环境损害赔偿法律问题初探

    On Legal Issues of Compensation for Environmental Damages in Germany