
jí dì kǎo chá chuán
  • polar research ship
  1. 极地科学考察船载ADCP资料处理

    Data processing of shipboard-adcp in polar scientific expeditions of China

  2. 通过对影响海流信息提取的干扰因素分析,本文给出了针对极地科学考察船载ADCP资料处理的解决思路。

    Based on disturbance factor analysis , the approach of data processing of Shipboard-ADCP in polar scientific expeditions of China is presented .

  3. 她还发现了另一个可以借鉴的东西,在参观的末尾处有几个自动照相棚,可以为参观者生成极地场景下的数字图像——照片中远处是中国的雪龙号极地考察船,近处则是北极熊和企鹅。

    She found another in the photo booths at the end of the tour that offered digital pictures of the visitors in a polar setting - the Chinese research vessel Xue Long , or Snow Dragon , in the background , polar bears and penguins in the foreground .