
  1. 非洲森林象现在更临近灭绝,被列为极度濒危物种。

    Forest elephants are now even closer to extinction2 – critically endangered .

  2. 这种动物被列入了“极度濒危物种”的名单,也就是说只有几百头苏拉生活在野外。

    The animal is listed as critically endangered , with just a few hundred thought to exist in the wild .

  3. 鸮鹦鹉的数量正在急剧减小,已列入官方极度濒危物种名单,研究者称地球上仅剩的鸮鹦鹉屈指可数。

    Their numbers are rapidly dwindling , they are officially a critically endangered species . Researchers can count the number of Kakapos left on earth .

  4. 鸮鹦鹉的数量正在急剧减小,已列入官方“极度濒危”物种名单,研究者称地球上仅剩的鸮鹦鹉屈指可数。

    Their numbers are rapidly dwindling , they are officially a " critically endangered " species . Researchers can count the number of Kakapos left on earth .