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jí xíng
  • capital punishment;the death penalty;extreme penalty;castration
极刑 [jí xíng]
  • (1) [extreme penalty]∶死刑

  • 其极刑。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

  • 处以极刑

  • (2) [castration]∶古时也指宫刑

极刑[jí xíng]
  1. 你试着让他说出对实行极刑的意见了吗?

    Have you tried pinning him down on the question of capital punishment ?

  2. 很多人相信极刑能阻止犯罪。

    Many people believe that capital punishment deters crime .

  3. 在英国法律上死刑曾是极刑。

    The extreme penalty of the law in England used to be punishment by death .

  4. 他因密谋暗杀沙皇在1887年被判处极刑

    He was executed in 1887for plotting to assassinate the tsar .

  5. 后来鲁休斯要求处以极刑。

    And then he asked for the worse , lucius .

  6. 铸私钱在那个时代是要受极刑的。

    Counterfeiting was still punishable with death at that epoch .

  7. 这是会处以极刑的罪名。

    A crime which still carries the death penalty .

  8. 他因所犯罪行而被处以极刑。

    He paid the final penalty for his crime .

  9. 谁敢说不同观点,重则极刑,轻则流放。

    Anyone who dared to voice different opinions would be executed or exiled .

  10. 最残酷的方式处以极刑他被最血淋淋的方式

    He 's executed in the most extraordinarily gory way

  11. 我父亲下令偷窃是要处以极刑的。

    My father has ordered that looters be executed .

  12. 受犯罪者的伤害更甚于自己犯罪的苔丝被处以极刑。

    Tess , more sinned against than sinning , has paid the great penalty .

  13. 电刑在电椅上受极刑。

    To undergo execution in an electric chair .

  14. 我们要对他们处以极刑。

    We shall impose extreme penalties on them .

  15. 这个强盗应处极刑。

    The robber is deserving of capital punishment .

  16. 有些国家的极刑是死刑。

    The extreme penalty of the law in some countries is the death penalty .

  17. 1961年摩根被捕,处以极刑。

    He was caught and executed in 1961 .

  18. 由于有确凿证据对其不利,林肯被处以电椅极刑。

    With strong evidence against him , Lincoln is sentenced to death by electric chair .

  19. 在这种情况下,我别无选择只能判你极刑。

    Under the circumstances , I have no choice but to sentence you to death .

  20. 在古希腊如果已婚妇女去看奥林匹克运动会,就会被处以极刑。

    Married women could not view the Olympic Games in ancient Greece under penalty of death .

  21. 死刑是以剥夺人的生命为内容的极刑。

    Death penalty is the capital punishment that aims to take away life of a person .

  22. 唯一能让我避免被处以极刑的方法,就是找到真正的凶手。

    The only way for me to avoid being executed was to find the real culprit .

  23. 处死(坚持信仰者),使殉难折磨某人,尤其是对为宗教献身的人给极刑。

    To make a martyr of , especially to put to death for devotion to religious beliefs .

  24. 日本战败后,中国当局在对她施以极刑的呼声中以叛国罪将其逮捕。

    After Japan 's defeat , the Chinese authorities arrested her for treason amid calls for her execution .

  25. 对于是否重新采用极刑能减少武装抢劫案,这是个有争议的问题。

    Whether the reintroduction of capital punishment would reduce the number of armed robberies is an open question .

  26. 杰克·鲁比因为打死了奥斯瓦尔德(即那个暗杀肯尼迪总统的凶手)而被认定有罪,判处极刑。

    Jack Ruby , killer of President Kennedy 's assassin , Oswald , was found guilty and sentenced to death .

  27. 我们应当刺杀奥尔洛夫,他是人民的叛徒,应当处以极刑。

    We should call for the assassination of Orlov-he is traitor , betraying the people , and he should be executed .

  28. 去年另一队的一名球员被处以终身禁赛极刑并且剥夺了他的冠军头衔。

    Last year , a player on another team was banned for life from the sport and stripped of his championship titles .

  29. 非正式的种族压制加紧了,许多黑人由于触犯种族成规而受极刑。

    Informal race controls were tightened , and many a Negro suffered the extreme penalty for violating the rules of racial etiquette .

  30. 然而巫师可能感觉到人群里连行将的极刑刺激也无法驱散的不安,举起了一只手示意先停止。

    But Magicka , perhaps sensing an uneasiness in the crowd that not even the excitement of a forthcoming execution could quite banish , raised a restraining hand .