
  1. 市镇,州和联邦政府日益增加对有关税收的减免或者其他的优惠刺激措施使你将自己的家建造成LEED标准的房屋或者其他绿色特征的房屋。

    Local , state and federal governments are increasingly offering tax breaks and other incentives for building LEED homes or adding green features to your home .

  2. 绝大多数的美国孩子与其他国家相比眼界较窄,对他们镇和州之外的事情知之甚少。

    The vast majority of American children are not worldly wise , they know little of life outside their town or state .

  3. 其次,在分布方面,晋东南社仓主要集中分布于市镇、州署附近和乡村,范围十分广泛。

    Secondly , the public granaries in Southeast Shanxi during the Qing Dynasties widely concentrated in the town , Department of near and country .

  4. 1976年我在霍普镇竞选阿肯色州检察长时和那些小孩子中的一位&约翰·威尔逊法官拉了拉家常。

    In1976 , when I was in Hope running for attorney general , I had a talk with one of those boys , Judge John Wilson .

  5. 缅因州,瓦萨波罗镇-该州一名男子被指控酒后驾”车“。之前,他和一位朋友开着一辆剪草机去买啤酒。

    VASSALBORO , Maine – A Maine man has been charged with operating under the influence after he and a friend made a beer run on a riding lawn mower .