
  • 网络extreme weather events
  1. 中国国家科学技术部(MinistryofScienceandTechnology)的一份声明称,气温不断升高将进一步加剧中国北方持续存在的水资源短缺状况,引发极端气候事件。

    Rising temperatures will aggravate persistent water shortages in northern China and provoke extreme weather events , according to a statement from the Ministry of Science and Technology .

  2. 第四,对明代极端气候事件进行了重建。

    Fourth , reconstruct the extreme weather events of Ming Dynasty .

  3. 湘潭市近20a来夏极端气候事件诊断分析

    An Analysis of Summer Extreme-Climatic Incidents in Xiangtan in Last 20 Years

  4. 极端气候事件的极端状态(E1)以大暴雨发生的概率相对较高,各年概率值接近40%,2005年降大暴雨的概率在70%以上;

    Form Markov method . It is predicted that the occurrence probability of summer extreme climate incidents in E2 is relatively high ( usually more than 40 % ); that of summer rainstorm in E1 is about 40 % ;

  5. 探讨灾害规律的理论基础&极端气候事件概率

    Theoretical Basis For Discussing Disaster Disciplinarian-The Probability Of Extreme Climate Event

  6. 极端气候事件对农业生产有重要影响。

    There were important impacts of extreme climate events on agriculture .

  7. 四是极端气候事件明显增多。

    Fourthly , the extreme climatic events were raised highly .

  8. 极端气候事件增加;

    The extreme climatic events are in an increase trend .

  9. 极端气候事件的经济成本是惊人的。

    The economic costs of extreme weather events are stunning .

  10. 极端气候事件对重庆市传染病流行影响

    Impact of extreme climate event on incidence of communicable disease in Chongqing

  11. 东亚季风区的极端气候事件及其原因

    Pleistocene climate extremes in East Asia and their causes

  12. 白垩纪至早第三纪的极端气候事件

    Extreme climates events in the Cretaceous and Paleogene

  13. 极端气候事件对桥梁安全性的影响分析

    Influences of extreme climate events on bridges

  14. 极端气候事件的研究是气候变化科学中的一个热门课题。

    Extreme climate events is a hot topic in the research work of climate change .

  15. 西南大旱是全球气候变化异常影响下的一次典型的极端气候事件。

    Southwest drought is a typical extreme weather event under the influence of global climate change .

  16. 1955~2004年极端气候事件的时空变化特征研究

    A Statistical Analysis of the Temporal-Spatial Changing Characteristics of Extreme Climate Events over China : 1955 ~ 2004

  17. 气候变化可能会增加极端气候事件的几率,引发意外的人道主义危机。

    Climate change is likely to increase the risk of extreme weather events that may become sudden humanitarian emergencies .

  18. 控制试验的结果表明,区域模式能够较好地模拟中国区域的极端气候事件。

    Analysis of the control run of the regional model indicates that it can reproduce well the extreme events in China .

  19. 世界气象组织指出,南亚的暴雨仅仅是今年众多极端气候事件之一。

    The World Meteorological Organization says the rain in South Asia is just one of many extreme weather events this year .

  20. 今年,美国经济在五场极端气候事件中受创,每一次都至少造成了10亿美元的损失。

    America has suffered five incidents of extreme weather this year , each inflicting at least $ 1 billion in damage .

  21. 对社会发展造成重大影响的往往并不是单一的极端气候事件发生,而是两种及以上的灾害发生。

    Significant impacts to development of society are not caused by single extreme climate event , but by two or more disasters .

  22. 另外,通过互相关分析探讨了火与极端气候事件之间的关系。

    In addition , the relationships between fire and the extreme climate events were investigated via the cross correlation analysis ( CCF ) .

  23. 而全球气候变迁及极端气候事件所造成的经济损失,在过去四十年平均上升了十倍。

    The economic losses caused by global climatic changes and extreme weather catastrophes are ten times greater than the circumstances four decades ago .

  24. 尽管如此,政府间气候变化小组报告所包含的关于极端气候事件的信息可能不足以支持本次专家会议的讨论。

    However , the IPCC report contains less information on extreme events than may be necessary to support discussions in this expert meeting .

  25. 天气发生器是气候影响评价研究的重要工具,在气候变化、地球生态系统及极端气候事件发生的风险分析等方面有着广泛的应用。

    Weather generator is an important tool in studying impacts of weather / climate on a variety of systems including ecosystem and risk assessment .

  26. 地球气温将逐渐升高,但频频发生的极端气候事件造成的影响则是突然和剧烈的。

    The warming of the planet will be gradual , but the effects of more frequent extreme weather events will be abrupt and acutely felt .

  27. 近年来,一些地区的极端气候事件,如暴雨、干旱等灾害发生越来越频繁,且强度越来越大。

    In recent years , the extreme climate events like rainstorm and drought have taken place with a higher intensity and frequency in some regions .

  28. 近年来,极端气候事件频繁发生,如何应对气候变化带来的诸多影响成为多学科交叉研究的焦点。

    Recently , extreme climate events occurred frequently , how to cope with the impacts of climate change have became the focus of interdisciplinary research .

  29. 仅就中国而言,由于极端气候事件而引发的气象灾害就占整个自然灾害的70%以上。

    As far as China is concerned , due to extreme weather events and weather disasters caused by natural disasters accounted for70 % of the above .

  30. 无论是温度还是降水,目前都处于高的气候基本态和高气候变率时期,致使极端气候事件呈增加趋势。

    Either the temperature or the precipitation is in high climatic essential state and climatic variability period at present , so the extreme climatic events increase .