
xiāo shǔ
  • relieve summer heat;take a summer holiday
消暑 [xiāo shǔ]
  • [take a summer holiday] 消夏;去暑

消暑[xiāo shǔ]
  1. 这里还有很多处海水浴场,就在沿海街道的下面,是你夏日消暑的最好去处。

    There are also a lot of sea water bath fields here , for the underneath in circumlittoral street , best whereabouts been your summer to relieve summer heat .

  2. 消暑康临床药效观察

    Observation of effect about Xiao Shu Kang on clinical efficacy

  3. 我们可以在炎炎夏日中消暑一下。

    We can chill out a litle in such a hot summer .

  4. 西瓜&消暑解热之良果。

    A watermelon is a good fruit for relieving heat and sunstroke .

  5. 常饮此茶,既能消暑又能止咳、化痰、健胃。

    The tea good on the throat and Stomach .

  6. 绿豆消暑碳酸饮料的研制自热饮料

    Making heat-relieving carbonated drink from mung bean Self-heating beverages

  7. 水同时也可以帮你消暑除热。

    Water also helps get rid of the hear .

  8. 所以冷菜汤非常消暑。

    So a cold gazpacho is very refreshing .

  9. 消暑解毒酸奶的研制

    Manufacture of the sunstroke-prevention detoxifcation yoghurt

  10. 优质西瓜,消暑解渴。我渴望得到有关他们的消息。

    Top watermelons relieve heat and quell thirst . I am eager for news about them .

  11. 我渴望再获得你的消息。优质西瓜,消暑解渴。

    I 'm eager to hear from you again . Top watermelons relieve heat and quell thirst .

  12. 具有顺气、止咳、健胃、消暑、保养皮肤之功效。

    Along with gas , cough , stomach , summer heat , the effect of skin care .

  13. 冰冻的西瓜和其它的水果是最好的消暑解热方法。让我们大家一起来战胜这个盛夏吧!

    Snack on frozen watermelon and other fruit for a tasty way to beat this summer 's heat !

  14. 比较我国其它省份,吉林省夏季非常适宜游人来此消暑度假。

    Compared to other provinces in China , Jilin Province is very suitable for tourists to come in summer vacation .

  15. 在啤酒的生产过程中加入部分绿豆作为辅料生产具有清热消暑的保健绿豆啤酒。

    Mung bean was added as adjunct material during the beer production to produce health care beer with heat-dispersing function .

  16. 苦味食物中所含的生物碱具有消暑清热、促进血液循环、舒张血管作用。

    Bitter alkaloid contained in the food with heat heat , promote blood circulation , the role of diastolic blood vessels .

  17. 除了食物消暑方式之外,也别忘了这些-空调和电风扇。

    And for more non-edible methods of relieving the heat , don 't forget these * . air-conditioners and electric fans .

  18. 长江流域夏季闷热而潮湿,扇子是人们消暑必备的工具。

    Due to their muggy and wet climate in summer , fan has become an indispensible tool for people to relief heat .

  19. 被列入世界文化遗产名录的承德避暑山庄曾是清代皇帝们消暑度假的夏宫。

    A UNESCO World Heritage Site , this mountain resort was once a summer palace used by Qing Dynasty emperors on holiday .

  20. 介绍了以绿豆为原料,研制开发具有清热、消暑、解毒功能的新型保健饮料。

    The processing technology for a new mung bean carbonated drink with refreshing , heat-relieving and detoxification effects is reviewed in the paper .

  21. 凉皮在中部地区已是名声大燥。陕西凉皮被认为是最完美的消暑午餐或零食。

    Having grown in popularity across the Middle Kingdom , Shaanxi liang pi has established itself as the perfect summer lunch or a snack .

  22. 他们就要驻扎到白利屯去;我真希望爸爸带我们大家到那儿去消暑!

    They are going to be encamped near Brighton ; and I do so want papa to take us all there for the summer !

  23. 每周一到周五,全新的版块,不同的学习的内容,让大家在这个炎热的夏天,一起给头脑消暑充电吧!

    From Monday to Friday , we have newly contents and totally different study methods . let 's charge our batteries in this hot summer .

  24. 但喝冷饮不宜过多。温热的茶饮能舒张汗腺将体表温度降低1~2℃,消暑效果远优于冷茶。

    Warm and hot tea can help relax sweat glands and allow body surface temperature to decrease by1 to2 ℃, which is more cooling than cold tea .

  25. 中国一所大学在学生投诉宿舍没有安装空调后,订购了巨大冰块来给学生消暑。

    A university in China has responded to complaints about a lack of air conditioning in student residences by ordering huge chunks of ice to cool people down .

  26. 我没能联系到蒙代尔进行采访,他给我发的电子邮件称,他目前正在欧洲,在意大利托斯卡纳一栋风景如画的别墅里消暑。

    I was unable to speak with Mundell , who emailed me to say he was in Europe , where he summers in a picturesque villa in Tuscany .

  27. 在我对波兰最早的记忆中,贝格利写道,最清晰的部分就是在一个偏远的乡下地方消暑的经历。祖父母在那有一处小小的房产。

    At the core of my first memories of Poland , he wrote , is a summer in the remote countryside where my grandparents had a small property .

  28. 长白山天池较特殊,没有气候舒适期,但6、7、8月为其气候较舒适期,适宜游客消暑度假。

    Tianchi of Changbaishan is more special , and there is no climate comfortable period . But it has a relative comfortable period which is June to August .

  29. 京晶:七月、八月、九月多吃桃,西瓜和葡萄,马克:对于晚夏和初秋来说,那些都是很好的消暑食物呢。

    Have more peaches , watermelon and grapes in July , August and September . Mark : Those are good cool down foods for late summer and early autumn .

  30. 现代人用空调、电扇等消暑,但古时候没有这些,人们又是如何抵挡暑热的呢?

    Nowadays , air conditioning and electric fans help people beat the summer heat . But in ancient times , without such appliances , how did people find relief ?