
  • 网络Professionalism;professional;professional spirit;professional dedication
  1. 戴维·布鲁门萨尔(DavidBlumenthal)和萧庆伦(WilliamHsiao)近期在《新英格兰医学杂志》(TheNewEnglandJournalofMedicine)发表文章称,职业精神的缺失会扭曲一切。

    A lack of professionalism skews everything , according to a recent report by David Blumenthal and William Hsiao in The New England Journal of Medicine .

  2. 加强临床实习生的职业精神教育;

    It should enhance the education on professionalism among clinical interns .

  3. 对建筑业进入e时代应具有的职业精神作了描述。

    With the entry into the E era , professional spirit for architects in their field is described .

  4. 讨论了其职业精神的运载形式、主体内涵和追求主题,回答了作为e时代的建筑师如何在设计中发现创新思想,如何实现设计创新的问题。

    Its carrying form , major meaning and subject pursued are discussed , which answers how to dig creative thoughts and realize initiative design for architects .

  5. 各级医院过度片面强调发表医学科研论文,尤其强调SCI影响因子高低,更不利于医师职业精神培养;

    Fourth , overemphasizing the importance of medical research papers , with particular emphasize on the level of SCI impact factor , will be against to promoting physician 's professionalism .

  6. 下面是解释我们应当把Obie作为职业精神榜样的三个原因。

    Here are three more reasons why Obie should be your career spirit animal .

  7. 在职业精神应激与EH关系中,工作特征以及工作环境等因素影响着职业应激或职业应激反应类型以及EH的患病风险。

    In the relation between high occupational mental stress and EH , the factors such as working features and environment influence the high occupational mental stress , its types as well as the risk of developing EH .

  8. 他们堪称为医生高尚职业精神的杰出楷模。

    They showed us excellent examples of the high professional spirit .

  9. 我说的相似之处在于他们的职业精神。

    The similarity I am talking about is their work ethics .

  10. 医学生的新挑战:医师职业精神与医患沟通

    New challenges to Medical Students : Medical Professionalism and Doctor-Patient Communication

  11. 试论学习型组织的理论与实践对培育职业精神的作用

    Theory & Practice of Studying Group Affecting on Rearing Professional Spirit

  12. 图书馆职业精神在期刊阅览工作中的实现

    The realization of the professional spirit of librarians in the periodical work

  13. 对图书馆职业精神的思考&从善待每一位读者谈起

    Thought on Library Professional Spirit & Talking from servicing every reader well

  14. 他非常具有职业精神,从不欺骗顾客。

    He is a real professional and would never cheat a customer .

  15. 网络传播者职业精神的缺乏;

    Shortage of the professional spirit of the network disseminator ;

  16. 斯诺的新闻实践对新闻职业精神做了最佳诠释。

    Journalist career of Snow has interpreted journalists ' professional spirits perfectly .

  17. 探寻先辈足迹构建职业精神指导当今事业

    Probe into the Past to Construct Professional Spirit and Guide Current Undertakings

  18. 我看公共图书馆职业精神

    My Opinion on the Professional Spirit of the Public Library

  19. 未完成的现代性:谈信息时代的图书馆职业精神

    Unfinished Modernity : Core Values of Library Profession in the Information Age

  20. 中国医学人文、医学职业精神的主要研究议题与制度化决定因素

    The main issues and deciding factors of medical humanism and professional spirits

  21. 图书馆员的核心能力源于职业精神

    On the Librarian 's Occupation Spirit and Core Ability

  22. 发挥职业精神,有安全意识,并保持高的职业道德。

    Practice professionalism , be safety conscious , and maintain high ethical standards .

  23. 职业精神:高校辅导员培训的核心内容

    Professionalism : Core Content of College Counselors ' Training

  24. 职业精神和竞争意识已经渗入生活的方方面面。

    Professionalism and competitiveness have entered every aspect oflife .

  25. 促进医学职业精神建设优化医学的社会职能

    Optimal Construction of the Medical Professionalism to Promote the Spirit of Social Functions

  26. 谈谈新时期新闻工作者的职业精神

    Discussion about Professional Spirits of Journalist in new Period

  27. 斯诺新闻实践与新闻职业精神

    Journalists ' Professional Spirits and Activity of Edgar Snow

  28. 她以友好的职业精神接待了我们这是她的特点。

    She treated us with the friendly professionalism that has become her hallmark .

  29. 分析及解决问题能力以及职业精神;

    Strong analytical and problem solving abilities , professionalism ;

  30. 这些投资提升了学者创业的规模和职业精神。

    These investments have increased the scale and professionalism of academic entrepreneurial efforts .