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  • Nicholas;Nicolas;Nicolas Cage
  1. 尼古拉斯20岁出头的时候母子就失去了联系。

    Mother and son lost contact when Nicholas was in his early twenties .

  2. 尼古拉斯先生恳请帮助以解决这起凶杀案。

    Mr Nicholas made his emotional plea for help in solving the killing .

  3. 那表示尼古拉斯还想要一块巧克力曲奇。

    That was Nicholas 's cue to ask for another chocolate chip cookie .

  4. 1448年,尼古拉斯被任命为红衣主教。

    In 1448 , Nicholas was appointed a cardinal

  5. 尼古拉斯把泊船的绳缆解开。

    Nicholas untied the boat from her mooring

  6. 尼古拉斯吃了一盘意大利面条。

    Nicholas ate a dish of spaghetti .

  7. 尼古拉斯在普罗旺斯买了一座条件简陋的大房子,8月份正在装修。

    Nicholas has bought a barn in Provence and is spending August doing it up .

  8. 1817年1月18日,在庆祝俄国大公尼古拉斯访问乔治四世的布莱顿展馆的宴会上,菜单上有120道特色菜,着重推出了8道不同的汤、40道主莱和32道甜品。

    For a banquet celebrating the Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia 's visit to George Ⅳ 's Brighton Pavillion on Jan. 18 , 1817 , the menu featured 120 different dishes , highlighting eight different soups , 40 main courses , and 32 desserts .

  9. 一个星期天,一名叫尼古拉斯的青少年去缅因州的Sugarloaf山滑雪。

    One Sunday , Nicholas , a teenager , went skiing at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine .

  10. 星期二,尼古拉斯又出去寻求帮助。

    On Tuesday , Nicholas went out again to find help .

  11. 不知不觉间尼古拉斯迷了路,孤身一人!

    Before he knew it , Nicholas was lost , all alone !

  12. 尼古拉斯用滑雪板建造了一个雪洞。

    Using his skis , Nicholas built a snow cave .

  13. 那天晚上,尼古拉斯真是饿坏了。

    By that evening , Nicholas was really hungry .

  14. 如果不是看电视,尼古拉斯可能不会在这场暴风雪中幸存下来。

    Nicholas might not have survived this snowstorm had it not been for TV .

  15. 尼古拉斯不知道他在哪里。

    Nicholas had no idea where he was .

  16. 第二天,尼古拉斯出去寻求帮助,但他找不到任何人。

    The next day , Nicholas went out to look for help , but he couldn 't find anyone .

  17. 由于不知道他还能活多久,尼古拉斯做了他唯一能做的事——他蜷缩在洞穴里睡觉。

    Not knowing how much longer he could last , Nicholas did the only thing he could — he huddled in his cave and slept .

  18. 当格里尔斯听说尼古拉斯的惊人事迹时,他对尼古拉斯的成功印象深刻,因为他比任何人都清楚尼古拉斯要想活下来必须付出多大的努力。

    When Grylls heard about Nicholas ' amazing deeds , he was super impressed that Nicholas had made it since he knew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive .

  19. 1792年的今天,拦路抢匪尼古拉斯·J·帕利特尔成为首位被送上断头台的人。

    1792-Highwayman Nicolas J.Pelletier becomes the first person executed by guillotine .

  20. 雷o尼古拉斯是美国威斯康辛州麦迪逊软件公司WidenEnterprises的开发总监兼产品经理,他决定一探究竟。

    Ray Nicholus , lead developer and product manager at software firm Widen Enterprises in Madison , Wisc . , decided to find out .

  21. 31岁的法国摄影师尼古拉斯·A(NicolasA.)也是同感。他没有透露自己的姓。

    Neither did Nicolas A. , 31 , a French photographer who would not give his last name .

  22. 第一个入职的是28岁的尼古拉斯儠塨,他于2013年入职,此前他曾在哈佛(Harvard)和北京著名高校清华大学(TsinghuaUniversity)学习法律。

    First on board was Mr Santo , 28 , who joined in 2013 after studying law at Harvard and Beijing 's prestigious Tsinghua University .

  23. 尼古拉斯玻姆,整个基础信息政策研究说,BT的行动为非法数据拦截。

    Nicholas Bohm , of the Foundation for Information Policy Research , said BT 's actions amounted to illegal data interception .

  24. 牛津大学著名的疟疾研究员尼古拉斯·J·怀特(NicholasJ.White)博士说,其他参与研究的人员同样应该获奖。

    Dr. Nicholas J. White , a prominent malaria researcher at Oxford , said that others involved in the research equally deserved the honor .

  25. 国际经济研究所(InstituteforInternationalEconomics)的高级研究员尼古拉斯•拉蒂(NicholasLardy)说,如果只有一个国家抱怨,中国还可以轻松地一笑置之;

    ' It 's easier for them to shrug off one country complaining , 'said Nicholas Lardy , senior fellow at the Institute for International Economics .

  26. 《身处自动化的玻璃牢笼》(TheGlassCage:WhereAutomationIsTakingUs),尼古拉斯•卡尔(NicholasCarr)著,288页,建议零售价20英镑(BodleyHead出版社)或26.95美元(WWNorton出版社)

    The Glass Cage : Where Automation Is Taking Us , by Nicholas Carr , Bodley Head RRP £ 20 / WWNorton RRP $ 26.95 , 288 pages

  27. 尼古拉斯•斯特恩(NicholasStern)是伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)IG帕特尔经济与政府学教授(I.G.PatelProfessorofEconomicsandGovernment)、格兰瑟姆研究所(GranthamResearchInstitute)所长;

    Nicholas Stern is I.G. Patel Professor of Economics and Government and chair of the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics .

  28. 在尼古拉斯•斯特恩爵士(SirNicholasStern)关于全球变暖问题的报告中,有两个令人诧异的疏漏,给怀疑者留下了抨击的空间。

    There are two curious omissions in Sir Nicholas Stern 's report on global warming . Both open it to flanking attacks from sceptics .

  29. 可他的经历还值得再讲一遍,Wired杂志编辑尼古拉斯•汤普森想到了一个绝妙的办法。

    Yet the story is worth re-telling , and Nicholas Thompson , an editor at Wired magazine , has hit on a clever way .

  30. 本周,影星尼古拉斯。凯奇(NicolasCage)位于洛杉矶富豪区的一幢都铎式豪宅遭止赎拍卖并归还给贷款人。

    Just this week , a Tudor mansion in Bel-Air belonging to film star Nicolas Cage was in foreclosure auction and reverted to the lender .