
  • 网络ghost culture
  1. 论鬼文化与中国现代作家的文学想象

    On Ghost Culture and Literary Imagination by Modern Chinese Writers

  2. 中日两国鬼文化差异之探寻

    The Differences of Ghost Culture Between China and Japan

  3. 二者风格之异源于郑地商旅文化不同于陈地部族巫鬼文化。

    The different beautiful styles originate from the differences of their societies and cultures .

  4. “鬼城”丰都更是鬼文化的集大成者。

    The Ghost City , Fengdu , is the comprehensive expression of the ghost culture .

  5. 从中日两国对外交流历史看民族心理对文化交流效果的影响中日两国鬼文化差异之探寻

    The Influence of National Psychology on Cultural Exchange The Differences of Ghost Culture Between China and Japan

  6. 第二章从成因和形态来分析西南地区的巫鬼文化。

    Chapter II analyzes the witch-ghost culture in the southwest of China on its reason and pattern .

  7. 第五章对巫鬼文化的本质进行了探讨,并提出了个人对于本课题的一些思考。

    Chapter V discusses the nature of witch-ghost culture and offers some personal thoughts on this issue .

  8. 第四章讨论了西南地区巫鬼文化的特点及流变。

    Chapter IV discusses the characteristics and the changes of the witch-ghost culture in the southwest of China .

  9. 鬼文化带来的伤痛&读毕飞宇的《玉米》

    The pain of injury that " Spirit s Culture " brings & reading Bi Feiyu ′ s novel " Maize ";

  10. 鲁迅、沈从文从巫鬼文化中借鉴了许些现代性的审美因素,其巫鬼文学书写在语言、意象、结构等方面为现代文学增添了新的美学因子。

    The two workers drawed lesson from some modern aesthetic factors . Their works about ghost and witch added new aesthetic factors to modern literature in language , image , structure and other aspects .

  11. 第二部分:考察了含有浓厚鬼文化气息的巫、优、傩、歌舞、祭祀仪式与戏剧的关系,推论戏曲从仪式中脱胎生成。

    The second part observes the relations between drama and the Wizard , Actor , Nuo , Song and Dance , Rite for offering sacrifices to gods or ancestors , which exists with dense ghost culture .

  12. 主要围绕无论是都市还是乡村,对欲望的追求,形成了一种鬼文化,而这种文化使人性扭曲异化,最终上演一幕幕悲剧。

    It mainly refers to a " Ghost Culture " formed by the pursuit for desire whether in the city or rural areas . This culture distorts and alienates human nature , and finally results in series tragedies .

  13. 它的产生,与其故楚地区巫鬼文化的传统有关,其音乐远源可追溯到先秦时期的楚声;

    Its birth was relevant to the tradition of the culture of witchcraft and ghost in the past area of Chu , and its music origin can trace back to the voice of Chu in the time of previous Qin Dynasty .

  14. 别介意啊,你们鬼妹的文化就是分崩离析爱。

    Spare me your white girl cultural divide love .

  15. 哈尼族原始宗教观念中的魂、鬼、神文化内涵

    The Cultural Connation of Soul , Ghost and Deity in Hani Nationality 's Ancient Religious Concept

  16. 鬼是中国文化必不可少的部分,而庆祝西方万圣节的中国儿童也越来越多,他们穿着吓人的服装参加私人派队或公立学校举行的聚会,索要糖果。

    Ghosts are an integral part of Chinese culture , and Chinese children are increasingly celebrating the Western festival of Halloween , both privately and in parties at state schools with candies and scary costumes .

  17. 对以巫鬼信仰为文化核心的乡土世界的表现只是表层,其深层涵义是探索和建构一种理想的人性形式和生存方式。

    The representation of the local world with witch beliefs as its core is . just the superficial layer , and the deeper layer lies in exploring and constructing an ideal humanity form and existence mode .

  18. 宗族性祭礼&婺源鬼舞的傩文化研究

    Clan of Ceremonies-Wuyuan Nuo Dance Ghost Cultural Studies

  19. 第一章主要是针对本课题的相关概念进行界定,包括巫、巫鬼、巫鬼文化。

    Chapter I defines all relevant concepts on the topic , including witches , witch and ghost and witch-ghost culture .

  20. 通过以上3方面对比发现,日本的鬼确实受到中国文化影响,但不是中国的鬼文化,而是从中国传入日本的佛教及中国的道教。

    In the further analysis of the three different aspects of ghost culture mentioned above , the author also find out that Japanese culture of ghosts is under the chief influence of Chinese Buddhism and Taoism , but not Chinese ghost culture .

  21. 鬼后有人&论中国现当代启蒙作家对巫鬼文化的认识

    Man Behind Ghosts : Recognition to the Wizardry in Writings of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Enlightenment Writers