
tuì zhí
  • retirement;retire;quit working;resign from office;withdraw from office;unseat;retire from work;went out
退职 [tuì zhí]
  • [unseat;retire from work;withdraw from office] 辞去或从职务中离任

退职[tuì zhí]
  1. 因为单位人事部害怕员工离职后没有办理退职手续,所以要求每个员工在月底必须签工资单才可以领到工资,请问这合理吗?

    Because Ministry of unit human affairs fears , quit working formalities was not dealt with after employee leaves his post , ask every employee must sign payroll to just can get pay in lunar base so , is this excuse me reasonable ?

  2. 韦伯斯特即将从中央情报局局长的位子上退职。

    Webster is retiring as head of the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) .

  3. 最近的丑闻流传出来后,人们希望这个牧师识时务地自动退职。

    After the recent scandal , the priest is expected to do the decent thing and resign from his position .

  4. 约翰逊正是从湖人了里退职的,不是吗?

    Johnson just retired from the Lakers , didn 't he ?

  5. 得知自己感染上了病毒后,他就退职了。

    He retired after learning he was infected with the virus .

  6. 退休、退职工作要分期分批进行。

    Such work should be carried out in stages and in groups .

  7. 老板告诉约翰,要他退职。

    John was told by his boss to pack up .

  8. 到规定年龄退职制度领导制定公司制度/规范

    Age-limit system Lead development of corporate policies / practices

  9. 干部、职工的退职费、退休费;

    Severance pay and retirement pay for cadres , staff members and workers ;

  10. ph.1.【英】(大笔的)退职金;解雇费所有的经理都会得到丰厚的退职金和养老费。

    The directors will each get a large golden handshake and a pension .

  11. 退职、退役、退休之状况因工致残退休职工是否计发困难补贴?

    Because labour causes damage retired worker whether allowance of plan hair difficulty ?

  12. 根据这份文件,我有资格办理自愿退职。

    According to this document , I 'm eligible to take voluntary redundancy .

  13. 两个即将退职的董事提出要求重新当选。

    Two retiring director offer themselves for re election .

  14. 他因健康原因退职。

    He retired from the job on health grounds .

  15. 每月交30英镑用作退职基金。

    30A month goes towards a pension fund .

  16. 真了不起,那他为什么要退职呢?

    Wonderful , then why did he retire ?

  17. 最近,亚历山大?纳扎勒夫荣誉退职。

    Alexander Lazarev was recently appointed Conductor Emeritus .

  18. 本表不包括民政部门支付离休、退休、退职费的人数。

    Excluded retired and resigned staff and workers Paid by the civil adminstration organs .

  19. 纳扎勒夫荣誉退职。皇家苏格兰国家交响乐团近期在挪威、希腊、西班牙和瑞典进行了巡回演出。

    The RSNO has recently toured to Norway , Greece , Spain and Sweden .

  20. 他是一名退职民航飞行员。

    He is a retired airline pilot .

  21. 佩恩的公司给他发了养老金让他退职,他对此事很想不开。

    Mr Penn took it very much to heart when his firm pensioned him off .

  22. 他的退职昨天刊载于公报上。

    His retirement was gazetted yesterday .

  23. 到规定年龄退职制度电容式规律性度试验机

    Age-limit system capacitance-type regularity tester

  24. 他们一旦退职或退休、从公司花名册上除名,就得交出公司的房子,放弃一切福利,自谋生路。

    Once off the payrolls , retirees must surrender company houses and other benefits and fend for themselves .

  25. 他太老了,干活不快了,因此老板就叫他退职了。

    He 's too old to work fast , so his employers have turned him out to grass .

  26. adj.有关历史的总统一退职就把所有的历史文件送进图书馆。

    historical Upon retiring from the office , the President gave all the historical papers to the library .

  27. 基于韦布分布的机械系统服役年龄建模与仿真退职、退役、退休之状况

    Modelling and simulation on the service age of mechanical system based on Weibull distribution condition of being retired from work

  28. 退职工人易地安家的,可以发给相当于本人两个月标准工资的安家补助费。

    Resigned workers who resettle elsewhere may be paid a resettlement subsidy in a lump sum equivalent to two months their standard wage .

  29. 按照国家统一规定发给干部、职工的安家费、退职费、退休工资、离休工资、离休生活补助费;

    Settlement pay , severance pay , retirement pay and retirement living allowances received by public servants and workers under state uniform provisions ;

  30. 1,辞职(书),让位,退职2,抛[放]弃,断念3,屈从,服从,听任准予辞职提交辞职书,递交辞呈听天由命

    resignation n. accept sb . 's resignation give in [ hand in ] one 's resignation meet one 's fate with resignation entitlement