
  1. 向后退转,为什么要愉快呢?

    Why should he feel joy at turning back ?

  2. 开发心中的欢喜,就能利益众生,永不退转。

    Let your mind cultivate happiness for the benefit of all sentient beings everywhere .

  3. 拿着不退转的决心。

    With my blood , sweat and tears .

  4. ◎出家人要有高尚的节操、远大的志向和永不退转的菩提愿。

    Monastics are supposed to bear noble moral integrity , long-range ambition and rekindled Bodhi mind .

  5. 斯蒂夫•乔布斯上个月刚刚从苹果CEO位置退下来转任董事会主席,他对自己的慈善行动向来所言甚少。

    Apple Chairman Steve Jobs , who stepped down as Apple CEO last month , has said little about his own philanthropic activities .

  6. 通过对相关政策和具体数据的调查和分析,研究结果表明实施退盐转农调整项目,不但具有良好的经济效益,也将产生显著的社会效益和环境效益。

    Investing and analyzing the relevant policy and certain data , this paper shows withdraw from salt to agriculture would have well economic benefit , as well as social benefit and environment benefit .

  7. 因结业,休学,退学等原因而提前离校者,宿费可按实际居住天数结算。学费不退,不转。

    The accommodation fee would be calculated by days of living if anybody leaves the school ahead in any reason .

  8. 我每周都要来区公共就业(人才)服务中心几趟,办理招工、退工、档案转存等事宜。

    I come every week in Public Employment Service Center ( talent ) several times , for the recruitment , dismissal , file transfer and other matters .