
  • racer;racing driver;Race Car Driver
  1. 她的工作是作为虚拟化团队的成员设计基于数学化的电脑程序,其中一些程序曾在制作《黑客帝国》(TheMatrix)和《极速赛车手》(SpeedRacer)等电影中使用。

    Her job entails working as part of a virtual team that designs mathematically based computer programs , some of which have been used to make films such as'The Matrix'and'Speed Racer .

  2. Shank是一名铁石心肠的街头赛车手,她对待自己的角色和精心设计的赛车非常认真,不喜欢输。

    Shank , a tough-as-nails street racer , takes her role and her tricked-out car very seriously and doesn 't like to lose .

  3. 做一名女赛车手很不容易。

    It 's very difficult being a woman in motor racing .

  4. 他是一位英俊潇洒、风流倜傥、敢于挑战死神的赛车手。

    He was a handsome , debonair , death-defying racing-driver .

  5. 看见她一身赛车手打扮,我一时没反应过来。

    I did a double-take when I saw her dressed in biker 's gear .

  6. 信我的没错——这是一级方程式赛车手有史以来所取得的最高成就。

    Take it from me — this is the greatest achievement by any Formula One driver ever .

  7. 两个赛车手伺机竞相领先。

    The two racing drivers fenced for a chance to gain the lead .

  8. 第一部《速度与激情》是关于非法街头赛车手的低成本警察惊悚片,但是续集一部比一部拍得更盛大也更荒唐。

    The first film was a low-budget cop thriller11 about illegal street racers , but the sequels have grown bigger and sillier every time .

  9. 只有23岁的F1方程式赛车手,以98分的成绩成为了F1历史上最年轻的世界冠军。

    The23-year-old Formula One driver became the youngest-ever F1 world champion this year with a total of98 points .

  10. 《财富(福布斯)》杂志把F1方程式赛车手麦克尔列为2005年第二最高酬金的运动员,仅次于泰格。伍德兹。

    Forbes magazine listed F1 racecar driver Michael Schumacher as the second highest ? paid athlete in2005 after Tiger Woods .

  11. IMG未就代理英国F1赛车手刘易斯•汉密尔顿展开任何磋商。

    IMG has not had any discussions about representing British Formula One racing driver Lewis Hamilton .

  12. 问卷Ⅰ(赛车手调查问卷),旨在反映CCC参赛车手的情况。

    The questionnaire I ( survey of athlete ) is to make reflection to the status of athlete joined in CCC .

  13. 电动方程式(FormulaE)锦标赛将于2014年开始,10支队伍、20名赛车手将参赛。该项赛事的目的是吸引传统的F1团队、电动汽车厂商和全球品牌的竞争者。

    The Formula E championship will start in 2014 and involve 10 teams and 20 drivers , the aim being to draw competitors from traditional F1 teams , electric car companies and global brands .

  14. LanceArmstrong是一个伟大的赛车手,可是如果没有他的团队成员的支持,他无法获得环法自行车赛。

    Lance Armstrong is a great bicycle racer , but he could not have won the Tour de France without the support and assistance of his team members .

  15. 潘世奇公司的掌管人是前赛车手RogerPenske,他还拥有NASCAR和IndyCar赛车组。

    Penske is owned by a former race car driver Roger Penske who also owns NASCAR and IndyCar racing teams .

  16. 那个世界与其说是一款游戏,不如说是一个生活着巫师、机器人和赛车手的豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯(JorgeLuisBorges)式宇宙,它是由詹姆斯·哈利迪(JamesHalliday,马克·里朗斯[MarkRylance]饰)创造的。

    That world - less a game than a Jorge Luis Borges cosmos populated by wizards , robots and racecar drivers - is the creation of James Halliday ( Mark Rylance ) .

  17. FRD设置了各种规格的比赛,甚至也有专为业余赛车手安排的项目,比如赛道日,赛车课堂以及社团日。

    Since then FRD has launched a variety of races and even conducts events for amateur racers , like Track Day , Racing School and Corporate Day .

  18. 虽然这位F1薪酬最高的赛车手并没有在去年的世界杯锦标赛中取胜(他位居第三名),但他仍能在1年内赚到约4500万美元。

    While Formula 1 racing ` s highest-paid driver failed to win the title in last year ` s world championship standings ( he placed third ), he still managed to pull down an estimated $ 45 million during the 12-month period .

  19. 无论是是一个横越全国的赛车手、纯山地越野者,或者仅仅是一个追求新纪录的人,新XTR都将是你骑行最好的装备。

    Whether you 're a cross-country racer , an all-mountain rider or just someone who wants the very best , new XTR is engineered for the way you ride .

  20. 我最讨厌文本中出现“winningest(常胜的)”,比如“迈克尔·舒马赫是有史以来的最常胜(winningest)赛车手”。

    My pet hate is " winningest " , used in the context " Michael Schumacher is the winningest driver of all time . "

  21. 我的伙计们是世界上最好的赛车手

    My guys are racers . Best drivers in the world .

  22. 我是个半职业赛车手。

    I 'm a " semi-pro " race car driver .

  23. 如果没有成为赛车手你会做什么?

    What would you be if you weren 't a racing driver ?

  24. 尼克:赛车手一定很生气,很失望。

    Nick : the driver must have been really annoyed and disappointed .

  25. 上周六晚澳大利亚的一名赛车手死里逃生。

    A drag racer in Australia survived this spectacular crash Saturday night .

  26. 我以前有告诉过你我曾经是赛车手吗?

    Did I ever tell you that I used to race cars ?

  27. 我们怎么知道圣诞老人是一个很好的赛车手?

    How do we know Santa is such a good race car driver ?

  28. 麦斯是个赛车手,他会来的。

    Maxx is a racer . he 'll show .

  29. 韩寒既是一名职业赛车手也是一位职业作家。

    He is a professional racecar driver and author .

  30. 小雷并不是一个出色的赛车手。

    Ray Junior is not cut out for racing .