
  • 网络credo;My Motto
  1. 人生信条:不可能也会变成可能。

    Life credo : Impossible means I 'm possible .

  2. 我想,我们可以通过说它已经很接近金科玉律了来描述他的人生信条。

    I believe we may best describe his credo by saying that it approximates the Golden Rule .

  3. 人生信条:只要我想做,什么都可以做好。

    Motto : I can do everything if I try to .

  4. 生命中最大的快乐得益于我们所忠爱且有益于自身的人生信条。

    The supreme happiness is that the conviction that we are loved .

  5. 我的人生信条在工作中也得到了印证。

    My job itself is a reaffirmation of that by which I live .

  6. 长大以后我的人生信条在某种程度上有所改变。

    As I 've grown older my philosophy has changed & in a way .

  7. 他还说,这一点反映了离开麻省理工之后他的人生信条:“必须诚实守信”。

    This reflected his post-M.I.T.belief'in the need for honesty and integrity , 'he adds .

  8. 我奉行的人生信条很现实。

    I believe in a practical religion .

  9. 未雨绸缪地储蓄和杜绝无节制的消费是他们的人生信条之一。

    Saving for a rainy day and avoiding rampant consumerism was integral to their life philosophy .

  10. 作为一名艺术家,我的人生信条是热爱生活、热爱自由、热爱世界人民。

    My creed as an artist is to love life and liberty and the world of people .

  11. 善是莫里斯的人生信条同时也是犹太律法&《托拉》的精髓。

    Goodness is the life faith of Morris as well as the essence of Jewish Law & orah .

  12. 所以要时刻牢记成功人士的人生信条,以便你能清楚地知道要想拥有成功的人生自己应该做些什么。

    So keep in mind what successful people always hold to be true so that you will have a clear idea of what you should do to be successful in life .

  13. 性灵的文人们高举反礼教旗帜,肯定好色、好货的人生信条,带动了整个社会对物质享乐的狂热追求。

    The text of spiritual counter-ethics hold high the banner of the people , certainly , lust , good goods , people daily that road , the credo of life , led the entire community is extremely fanatical pursuit of material pleasures .

  14. 由于不凡的经历和秉性,王诗或以峭拔凌厉的议政表现在欲行禅的人生信条,或以隐喻曲笔表现其难言的归隐之心。

    Since his extraordinary experience and nature , Wang 's poems show creed of life of " acting Buddhism on desire " by discussing severe politics , or show his obeying living in seclusion heart which is bald to say by metaphors and turning tone .

  15. 在市场经济发展的今天,越来越多的经济人急功近利,有些甚至把惟利是图、见利忘义作为自己的人生信条。

    In today , as the rapid development of market economy , more and more " economic men " are becoming eager for quick success and instant benefit . Some even treat seeking nothing but profits and disregarding moral principles in pursuit of profit as their life creeds .

  16. 我常记起儿时在教堂里,站在我身边的父亲经常满怀激情地哼唱一首古老的赞美诗,“上帝啊,我时时刻刻需要你!”长大以后我的人生信条在某种程度上有所改变。

    As a girl I was fortunate in having old-fashioned , religious parents , and I often think of the old hymn my good father sang so lustily as stood beside him in church , " I need Thee every hour . " As I 've grown older my philosophy has changed - in a way .

  17. 当我做错的事情,心情很糟。这是我人生的信条。

    When I do bad , I feel bad . That 's my religion .

  18. 的确,我认为今天要过一个快乐和成功的人生,追随这些信条、价值和准则最为有效。

    In fact , I believe that to live a happy and successful life today , these precepts , values , and norms are the most useful ones to follow .