
  • 网络artificial reef;artificial fish reef
  1. 人工鱼礁敷设计划分两期实施。

    The artificial reef deployment project was implemented in two phases .

  2. 中山人工鱼礁区渔获物调查

    A survey on catch in artificial reef area of Zhongshan City

  3. 但是GIS在人工鱼礁方面的应用国外还主要应用在人工鱼礁选址和投放中,国内则还一片空白。

    But applying of artificial fish reef at foreign counties are major in choosing location and putting , which is still vacancy at home .

  4. 调查结果表明:人工鱼礁投放后鱼礁区生物多样性指数和丰度均有所增加;鱼礁区CPUE比投礁前增加1倍左右,其中鱼类的CPUE增加最多。

    The CPUE in reef area was double than that before casting the reefs , in which CPUE of fish increased obviously .

  5. 高效二次燃烧高效耐久型人工鱼礁与近海渔业

    High Effective and Long Life Artificial Fish Reef and Inshore Fisheries

  6. 人工鱼礁材料生物附着效果的初步研究

    Preliminary study on effects of accrete organisms of artificial reef material

  7. 海州湾人工鱼礁海域生态环境的变化

    Change of ecological environment of artificial reef waters in Haizhou Bay

  8. 人工鱼礁物理稳定性及其生态效应的研究进展

    Research advances on physical stability and ecological effects of artificial reef

  9. 我国人工鱼礁工程及若干影响因素讨论

    The engineering of artificial fish-reef in our country and some influential Factors

  10. 日本人工鱼礁建设的现状

    The Status of Construction of Artificial Fish Reef in Japan

  11. 广东人工鱼礁区增殖放流种类初探

    Discussion on enhancement species of artificial reefs area of Guangdong

  12. 浙江省休闲生态型人工鱼礁建设现状与展望

    Current Situation and Prospect of Recreational Ecotypic Artificial Reef construction in Zhejiang

  13. 正方体人工鱼礁模型试验与礁体设计

    Experiment of Cubic Model of Artificial Reef and Reef Design

  14. 主要优势种的资源密度和渔获率明显增加,人工鱼礁资源养护效果明显。

    The densities and catch rates of the dominant species markedly increased .

  15. 人工鱼礁对邻近理化环境、生物环境产生影响。

    Artificial reef has the impacts on adjoining environment and biotic community .

  16. 人工鱼礁流场效应的数值模拟与仿真研究

    Research and Numerical Simulation on Features of Flow Field Around Artificial Reefs

  17. 大型海水养殖场、人工鱼礁工程;

    Projects of large seawater farms , and artificial fish-reefs ;

  18. 人工鱼礁建设实绩考察

    Reviews on Actual Achievements of Construction of Artificial Fish Reef

  19. 钢制四方台型人工鱼礁礁体设计及稳定性研究

    Study on the design and stability of the artificial steel prism reef

  20. 人工鱼礁的受力分析与设计要点

    Stress analysis and designing features of artificial fish reefs

  21. 关于渤海人工鱼礁建设构想

    Conceiving of Artificial Reef Construction in the Bohai Sea

  22. 人工鱼礁增殖技术中有好多急待解决的问题。

    There are a lot of problems to solve .

  23. 人工鱼礁发展概况

    General status of artificial fishing reef s development

  24. 投放人工鱼礁为海洋牧场建设的生境构建阶段。

    The deployment of artificial reef is the main part of marine ranching construction .

  25. 大亚湾人工鱼礁区浮游植物的种类组成和生物量研究

    Research on Species Composition and Biomass of Phytoplankton in Daya Bay Artificial Reef Area

  26. 人工鱼礁的起源和历史

    Origin and History of Artificial Fish Reef

  27. 人工鱼礁物品经济学特性

    The Economic Characteristic of Artificial Fish Reef

  28. 我国发展人工鱼礁业亟需解决的几个问题

    The Problems To Be Dealt With in The Development of Artificial Fish Reef in China

  29. 人工鱼礁工程的风险评估

    Risk Assessment of Artificial Fish - Reefs

  30. 铅直二维定常流中人工鱼礁流场效应的数值实验

    A numerical experiment of the effects of artificial reef on vertical 2-dimensional steady flow field