
  • 网络work morale
  1. 美国中小学教师工作士气激励措施研究

    A Study on the Measures to Uplift the Teachers ' Morale in American Primary and Secondary School

  2. 这种现象可能耗损教师的工作士气和情绪,导致教师心身的倦怠。

    This phenomenon may consume teachers ' working morale and emotion , and it may also cause their tiredness physically and mentally .

  3. 第一章:从管理学、心理学、社会学和组织行为学的视角审视了教师工作士气的内涵,并对教师工作士气的四个层面进行了分析。

    Part one examines the implication of teachers ' morale from such perspectives as managing , psychology , sociology and organizational behavior , and analyzes its four compositions .

  4. 潜艇艇员工作应激与士气关系的研究

    A Research on the Relationship Between Submariners ' Work Stress and Morale

  5. 提高员工的工作满意度和士气;

    Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees .

  6. 但是,西方管理思想这种从物到人的演变过程,得出生产效率主要取决于工人的工作态度和士气的管理思想。

    The production efficiency mainly depends on the working attitude and morale of the employees .

  7. 管理者历来认为,裁员传言会影响工作,对士气不利。

    Managers have traditionally seen gossip about such an issue as detrimental to productivity and bad for morale .

  8. 黑利女士说,新的问候会激发州工作人员的士气并且能帮助她推销南卡罗来那州。

    Ms Haley says the new greeting will boost the morale of state workers and help her to sell the state .

  9. 新的研究表明,基于时钟的工作时间表会阻碍士气和创造力。

    New research shows that clock-based work schedules hinder moraleand creativity .

  10. 报告还显示,约有四分之三(71%)的千禧一代认为“办公室恋情会产生积极的影响,比如提升工作表现,鼓舞士气等。”在有些企业文化中,办公室恋情或许能有积极的影响。

    Almost three-quarters of millennials ( 71 % ) " see a workplace romance as having positive effects such as improved performance and morale , " the report adds .

  11. 在工作场所穿休闲服装能改善工作士气吗?

    Status Offline Do casual dress codes improve workplace morale ?