
shì fàn
  • set an example;demonstrate
示范 [shì fàn]
  • [set an example] 做出榜样或典范,供人们学习

  • 起示范作用

示范[shì fàn]
  1. ph.1.在城区设立的工业职业学校现在创建广东省示范性中等职业学校。

    Establish Guang Dong province set an example secondary vocational schools now .

  2. 接着舍监便开始示范。

    Then supervisor begins to set an example .

  3. 讲课中将不时插入实际示范。

    Lectures will be interspersed with practical demonstrations .

  4. 我来给你作个示范。

    I 'll give you a demo .

  5. 时尚顾问将示范如何穿着以给人留下深刻印象。

    A style consultant will demonstrate how to dress to impress .

  6. 克莱尔给我们示范了如何做巧克力卷。

    Claire showed us how to make a chocolate roulade

  7. 且慢,先让我做一下示范。

    Wait a moment , let me give you a demonstration .

  8. 我先做给你看如何击球,然后你必须照我的示范去做。

    I 'll show you how to hit the ball and then you must copy [ follow ] my example .

  9. 体态语在英语教学中有组织、示范、暗示作用。

    In English classes , body language has functions of organizing , demonstrating and suggesting .

  10. 我们想给后代在恢复海洋健康方面做出示范。

    We want to lead the way in restoring the health of the ocean for future generation .

  11. 约翰·高说:“其他国家的文化并不会像美国那样支持乔布斯所示范的创新。”

    " The culture of other countries doesn 't support the kind of innovation that Steve Jobs exemplifies , as America does , " Mr. John Kao says .

  12. 要在严格保护生态环境的前提下,全面提高资源利用效率,加快推动绿色低碳发展,努力建设人与自然和谐共生的绿色发展示范带。

    We should comprehensively improve the efficiency of resource utilization coexistence between human and nature .

  13. 8.国家文化产业示范基地

    National Cultural Industry Demonstration Base

  14. 我们将进一步降低关税和制度性成本,培育一批进口贸易促进创新示范区,扩大对各国高质量产品和服务进口。

    China will further cut tariffs and government instituted transaction costs , and open a number of demonstration zones for creative promotion of import trade to increase import of quality goods and services .

  15. 支持深圳实施综合授权改革试点,是新时代推动深圳改革开放再出发的又一重大举措,是建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区的关键一招。

    China has issued a plan on implementing reform measures is another significant step to advance the city 's opening-up in the new era and a key move in building a pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  16. 为更好发挥北京在中国服务业开放中的引领作用,我们将支持北京打造国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区,加大先行先试力度,探索更多可复制可推广经验;

    To better leverage Beijing 's role in spearheading the opening-up of China 's services sector , we will support the municipality in developing a national integrated demonstration zone for greater openness in the services sector . It will enable Beijing to take bigger , bolder steps as a trailblazer and gain more experience that would be replicable and scalable .

  17. 内蒙古自治区优质蒙药材生产及GAP示范基地建设

    Production of Genuine Mongolian Crude Drugs and Construction of GAP Demonstration Bases in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

  18. 香格里拉县污水处理示范项目的SWOT分析

    SWOT analysis of polluted water treatment model project of Shangri-La county

  19. 案例研究:SOAP互操作性示范

    Case Study : SOAP interoperability demonstration

  20. 基于J2EE规范的数字图书馆示范模型的设计与实现(下)&关键技术分析

    Design and Realization of an Example Model of Digital Library Based on J2EE Specifications (ⅱ) & Key Technology Analysis

  21. 运用GIS技术研究浙江省衢县白水畈农业科技示范园区土壤肥力状况及其空间分布变异。

    The soil fertility status and their spatial variability in Baishuifan agricultural demonstration zone were studied by application of geographic information system ( GIS ) .

  22. 用EDTA提取-原子吸收分光光度计测定法对示范区土壤微量元素铜、锌、铁、锰、硼的有效态含量进行了测定分析。

    Cu , Mn , Fe , Zn , B were measured in EDTA method .

  23. 在忻州、朔州等地示范推广5.44万hm2,平均防治效果为78.1%,增产11.1%。

    The average effect of control was 78 . 1 % and the yield increased 11 . 1 % .

  24. 采集了抚顺西露天采场植物修复示范工程区土壤、植物样品,实验室分析了Cu,Pb在土壤-植物系统中的含量分布,赋存状态;

    Based on the soil and plant samples collected in the western opencast of Fushun , the content , occurrence modes of Cu , Pb were studied by experiments .

  25. 本文主要采用Delphi法与AHP法相结合的综合评价方法及人工神经网络方法对牡丹江市持续高效农业示范区的可持续性进行评价。

    Research on the sustainable and high benefic agricultural demonstration garden in Mudanjiang The method of appraisal in this article is Delphi method combining with AHP method and Artificial Nerve Net method .

  26. 研究了基于COM构件技术的制造执行系统的设计和开发方法,针对示范企业和车间的生产管理现状,提出了完整的解决方案,实现了MES的原型产品。

    The Development of the Shop Management Information System Based on Make-to-order A total solution for the enterprise and shop management situation in application is presented which realizes the MES software prototype .

  27. 150MW商业示范PFBC-CC电站热力参数分析

    Thermodynamic Analysis of a 150 MW Commercial Demonstration PFBC CC Power Plant

  28. 以国家863/CFCIMS应用示范工程的TIS分系统为例,介绍了该系统的各相关组成部分及其相互间的集成性。

    In this article we used the TIS subsystem in the national 863 / CFCIMS to demonstrate the corresponding components and integration of each part .

  29. 方法新生儿出院后3d由专业护士上门通过现场示范、口头讲解、发放宣传手册等,给年轻父母普及新生儿护理知识,帮助解决新生儿护理操作上的技巧和认识问题。

    Methods On day 3 after discharging of neonates , hospital nurses visited their family , instructing the young parents about neonatal knowledge and handling their problems in nursing techniques and recognition by way of on-the-spot demonstration , oral explanation and distribution of pamphlets .

  30. 浅析38G无线电系统在上海磁浮示范运营线中的应用

    38G Radio System in Shanghai Maglev Demonstration Line