
  • 网络Variant form;deviant forms;Variant form of name
  1. 他找到了该基因出现了变异形式的证据。

    He found evidence of mutated forms of the gene .

  2. 可变碱基的主要变异形式为碱基转换(94.17%),其次为颠换(2.53%),最常见的碱基转换类型为A→G和T→C。

    The dominant type of variation was transition ( 94.17 % ), followed by transversion ( 2.53 % ) . The most common transition types were A → G and T → C.

  3. DMS气体促使异常微细的水滴形成。退化:细胞或组织向一种细微变异形式的退化。

    DMS triggers the formation of unusually small water droplets . Cataplasia : Degenerative reversion of cells or tissue to a less differentiated form .

  4. 如果窃贼可以恢复hansolo81,那么他们就能顺藤摸瓜,进入你的银行账户、PayPal或者其他任何你使用这个密码或这个密码的可预测变异形式的地方,例如Hansolo81、han$olo81或者hansolo82。

    If the thieves can recover hansolo81 , they can ride it into your bank account , PayPal - or anywhere else you used this password or predictable variants of it , such as Hansolo81 , han $ olo81 or hansolo82 .

  5. 科学家已经知道另一个基因突变会引起类似的先天缺陷:感觉疼痛迟钝性,在他们的新研究中,英国剑桥大学的GeoffWoods和他的同事对11家家人的PRDM12基因变异形式进行了鉴定。

    Scientists already knew that mutations in another gene caused a similar birth defect : this insensitivity to pain . In their new study , Geoff Woods of the University of Cambridge in England and his colleagues identified 11 families with mutated forms of the PRDM12 gene .

  6. 性别语言是语言的一种变异形式。

    Gender language is one of the variations in language .

  7. 英语成对词的变异形式

    Variations Of English idiomatic pairs Of words

  8. 污水管网优化计算中动态规划变异形式和比较

    Various Kinds of Dynamic Programming Approach Applied to Optimal Design of Waste Water Network and Their Comparison

  9. 宜丰话词汇层面的声调有两种变异形式:表示小称的高升变调和表示名词属性的高平变调。

    The paper describes two types of the lexical tone change and their functions of Yifeng dialect in Jiangxi province .

  10. 网络语言是现代汉语的一种变异形式,是人们在参与网络交际时,为适应网络交际语境,而采用的现代汉语语言变体。

    Cyber speech is the variant Chinese which is applied in cyber communication to adapt to the cyber communication context .

  11. 性别语体作为语言的一种变异形式的研究始于20世纪70年代初期。

    The research on the gender style as a variation of language began in the early 70s , 20th century .

  12. 其次,英汉类词缀是由实词素走向典型词缀过程中的不同变异形式所构成的连续统,而这个变异的过程正是语法化过程。

    They are a continuum of variants from content words to prototypical affixes and their forming process is the process of grammaticalization .

  13. 与一般植物染色体的常见变异形式相反,在裸子植物中存在从高不对称性到低不对称的变异形式。

    Contrary to common variation type in Angiosperms , the variation from high unsymmetric karyotype to low unsymmetric karyotype was found in existence in Gymnosperm .

  14. 代理是“代理的完全形式,无权代理是“代理”的缺陷形式,表见代理是“无权代理”的变异形式。

    Agency is the complete form of " agency ", unlawful agency is the defective form of " agency ", superficial agency is a variation of unlawful agency .

  15. 你似乎爱上了书本中最古老骗局的一种变异形式:指望他明天早上仍会对你表示尊重。

    You appear to have fallen for a variant of the oldest trick in the book : the promise that he will still respect you in the morning .

  16. 其为现代汉语变异形式的一种,是人们为适应网络交际的语境,采用的一种现代汉语的变异形式。

    That it is a mutated form of modern Chinese , is the people to adapt to the context of network communication , the use of a variant form of modern Chinese .

  17. 对铝合金双丝焊熔滴过渡的试验和分析研究表明:双丝焊熔滴是以亚射流和射滴为主,短路、射流及其它变异形式为辅的形式过渡;

    Examination and research shows that melting drop transform mode of Al-alloy double wire welding included sub-shot stream , shot drop mainly , short circle , shot stream and other variant transform mode .

  18. 蒙古族和达斡尔族的蛇郎故事都是汉族蛇郎故事不同地区的变异形式,但较之汉族故事其故事情节已经简单化了。

    The snake story in Daur and Mongolian stories is the variant forms of the Han nationality stories in different regions . But compared with the Han nationality story , this story has been more simplified .

  19. 动态性是语言的本质所在,语言总是在不断发展着并以各种变异形式存在,在语法方面,程度副词+名词就是程度副词+动词+名词的变异形式。

    Being dynamic is the nature of language , which is always developing and exists in variation form s. In grammar , extent adverb + nounis the variation form of adverb of degree + verb + noun .

  20. 它认为现实生活中人的语言表现多种多样;任何活生生的语言都有变异形式,这种变异总是会受到复杂的社会因素的制约。

    They propose that the manifestations of language spoken by people in real life are assorted ; any living language has its own forms of variation . This kind of variation is always restricted by various complicated social factors .

  21. 在总结了前人研究成果的基础上,通过分析语料,对产品命名实体的界定、构成及变异形式作出了阐述,并对产品命名实体中最具典型性的产品型号部分进行了详细的特征分析。

    Based on the achievements of previous studies and corpus analysis , the author elaborates the definition , composition and variations of product named entity , and gives a detailed feature analysis for product model , which is the most typical part of product named entity .

  22. 一方面,关于英语中的合法变体,我们着重讨论下列变化:替换;增加;删减;改变;较小变异形式(包括名词数的变化、动词时态的变化、冠词省略和嵌入变量)。

    On the one hand , with regard to legal variations in English , we will discuss the following : replacements , additions , deletions , permutations and minor variations including number variations of nouns , tense variation of verbs , article deletions , and built-in variables .

  23. 作为基因变异的主要形式,SNPs在对疾病的起因、风险评估和防治方面有着巨大的潜力。其研究已成为人类后基因组时代的主要内容之一。

    As the mostly major in the human genetics variability , SNPs have immense potentiality in the study of disease ' etiopathogenisis , risk assessment , prevention and treatment . It is now one of the main areas in the post-genomics era .

  24. 艺术语言意象,往往以变异的言语形式呈现出来。

    The images of artistic language are often shown as variant speech forms .

  25. 广告英语中语言变异的表现形式及运用

    Ways and Applications of Linguistic Deviation In Advertisement English On Linguistic Deviation in Poetic Language

  26. 进一步分析m396抗体的结构表明,它能成功地让SARS病毒所有已知的毒株失去效力。但是科学家还是警告说,SARS病毒有可能变异成未知的形式。

    Further analysis of the structure of m396 suggested that it could successfully disable all known forms of the SARS virus .

  27. 目的探讨近一年里乙型肝炎患者感染HBV-pre-C区段变异病毒株的形式并分析其意义。

    Objective To observe the form about the HBV precore mutant in HBV patient in hospital for one year recently .

  28. 但这一差异是染色体结构变异还是基因表达形式,有待进一步探讨。

    However , whether the differences are caused by chromosomal structural variation or gene expression form , it will need a further query .

  29. 词汇变异是英语语言变异的形式之一,它常被用于诗歌、小说等文学语篇以及广告、日常口语等非文学语篇中。

    Lexical deviation is one of the important forms of linguistic deviation , often used in both fictional contexts and non-fictional writings .

  30. 文章对仿词、拼写变异及创新拼写三种主要的变异形式进行分析研究,并试图探讨其美学及语言学意义。

    With adequate examples , this paper analyzes three forms of the lexical deviation used in advertising discourse , that is , parody , anagrammatical spelling and coinage .