
  • 网络Liquidity
  1. 然而,点心债券的持有者去年秋天已得到教训,离岸人民币债券市场波动性大、可变现性差。

    Yet , as bondholders learnt to their cost last autumn , the offshore renminbi bond market is volatile and illiquid .

  2. 在促销方面,专家或亲朋推销和公共关系促销是最佳途径,这是由金融创新产品的迅速变现性和安全心理决定的。

    Concerning promotion , expert or friend sale and public relation is the best way , which is determined by the rapid cash converting and safety pursuing property .

  3. 变现流动性损失超出基金可承担的正常范围时产生流动性危机。

    When redemption liquidity lost exceeds the common range , liquidity crisis may break out .

  4. 第三,无论投资者是否充分投资,当价格接近全部价值时都会感受到变现的紧迫性。

    Third , whether or not an investor is fully invested may influence the urgency of raising cash from a stockholding as it approaches full valuation .

  5. 无论在理论上或者是在实践上,商业银行都得在变现能力、安全性和日常经营中的赢利性之间保持一种平衡。

    In theory or in practice , it has to maintain the trade-off among three objectives of Liquidity , safety and profitable in its daily operation .

  6. 首先是资产的流动性管理,这包括三个方面:确定最佳现金留存量;制定开放式基金最优变现策略;流动性评估及基金资产配置。

    First part is the mobility of asset management , which includes three aspects : to determine the optimal cash remaining stock , to develop open-end funds realized optimal strategy for mobility assessment and rational allocation of fund assets .

  7. 在适当的参数设置下,组合变现策略出现买入和卖空的情况,充分体现了股票组合变现的策略性。

    The buy-in and sell-short emerge in some case of special parameters , which incarnates the tactics in portfolio liquidation .