
  • 网络anti-risk;risk resistance capacity;anti-risk capacity
  1. 有利于提高企业抗风险能力。

    It is helpful for enterprises to improve anti-risk capability .

  2. 完善政府的服务体系,提高烟农抗风险能力;

    Improve the service system to enhance the anti-risk ability of tobacco farmer .

  3. 在分析近5年的财务数据后,可以看出G专科医院的赢利受外部环境的影响非常大,抗风险能力比较弱。

    After analyzing five year ` s financial data , the CEO of G hospital found that G hospital ` s earning ability was deeply affected by exotic environment and was weak in resisting all kinds of risks .

  4. 股权投资具有周期长、风险高等特点,随着股权投资的兴起,具有高抗风险能力的VAM型投资协议(实践常译作对赌协议)倍受投资者青睐。

    With the development of the equity investment , VAM ( often translated as ' gamble up ' agreement in practice ) has attracted investors for its high ability on resisting risks as equity investment has the characteristics of long cycle and high risk .

  5. 提高筹资水平可以提高合作医疗的抗风险能力。

    Better financing is able to enhance the risk resistance capabilities .

  6. 第二,提高国内零售企业的资产聚合度,增强整体市场竞争能力和抗风险能力。

    Improve the whole industry abilities of competition and against risks .

  7. 我国远洋渔业竞争力下降、抗风险能力降低,是当前我国远洋渔业迫切需要解决的首要问题。

    Less competition and resisting risk constitute our most urgent problem .

  8. 依托保险制度提高企业抗风险能力

    Strengthen risk - resistant capabilities of enterprise by insurance system

  9. 通过不确定性分析,项目的抗风险能力也较高。

    Through uncertainty analysis , the project shows strong risk-avoiding .

  10. 对不同项目进行抗风险能力的具体分析。

    The project-specific risk resistance analysis must be performed .

  11. 商业银行目标客户选择有偏差,抗风险能力弱;

    Chinese commercial banks ' wrong market targeting and weak anti - risk capability ;

  12. 加快转换企业经营机制,增强企业抗风险能力;

    Switches the operation system and enhances the risk resistance ability of the enterprise ;

  13. 开发能力低,抗风险能力差;

    The development ability is low , the anti - risk ability is poor ;

  14. 集群网络本身具有一定的抗风险能力,集群网络的无标度结构使得这种抗风险能力同时具有鲁棒性和脆弱性的双重特征。

    Furthermore , clusters ' capabilities of anti-risk are of both robustness and fragility .

  15. 深化改革,增强抗风险能力&关于国际金融危机的几点思考

    To Deepen the Reform and Improve Counter-Risk Ability & Considerations about international financial crisis

  16. 猪沼果模式具有较强的盈利能力和抗风险能力。

    The pig-biogas-fruit operation mode achieves the better economic efficiency and stronger capability of risk-resistance .

  17. 有利于增强抗风险能力,改善农业产业结构;有利于政府对农业的支持,提高农业竞争力。

    It is beneficial to strengthen ability that resist risk , improve agriculture industrial structure .

  18. 组织结构的抗风险能力分析。

    Risk resistant ability of organizational structure .

  19. 发展农业保险,增强现代农业抗风险能力

    Develop Agriculture Insurance to Strengthen Agricultural Risk-Ability

  20. 是为了银行能更好的营运,增强抗风险能力。

    Only for the sake of bank can operate well , strong their anti-risk ability .

  21. 得到该项目盈利水平高、抗风险能力强的结论。

    To get the project profit level is high , strong ability to resist risks conclusion .

  22. 它的抗风险能力与筹资水平和家庭疾病经济风险有直接关系。

    The risk resistance capabilities and financing abilities are closely linked with family disease economic risks .

  23. 农村老年人是一个疾病经济风险较大,而自身抗风险能力却很弱的群体。

    High disease economical risk and weak anti-risk power are the traits of the rural elderly .

  24. 柑桔产业不比传统农业产业更具有抗风险能力;

    The mandarin orange industry has no more ability to resist risks than traditional agricultural industries ;

  25. 提高合作医疗抗风险能力的对策研究

    Research on the Countermeasures to Improve the Ability of Cooperative Medical System Against Economic Risk of Disease

  26. 提高农民进入市场的组织化程度,增强农民的抗风险能力;

    Improving the organization degree that peasants enter the market and strengthening their ability to resist risk ;

  27. 项目确定排污收费为0.60元/吨,具有一定的抗风险能力。

    The fee for the pollutant discharge is 0.60 Yuan per ton , which has some anti-risk ability .

  28. 建立公司+农户的模式,提高市场抗风险能力;

    Establish the company + peasant household of mode , increase the market anti - risk the ability ;

  29. 为了提高对二甲苯装置竞争力及抗风险能力,可选择适当联产邻二甲苯的途径。

    Co-production of o-xylene is a selective route for increasing the competition and anti-risk abilities of p-xylene unit .

  30. 我国作为一个传统的农业大国,农业抗风险能力却非常脆弱。

    Our country as a traditional agricultural country , but agricultural ability to resist risk is very fragile .