
  1. 试论冀东地区朝鲜民族抗日英雄周文彬

    Study of Korea National Hero Against Japan in Area of Eastern Hopei-Zhou Wenbin

  2. 这些小说刻画了少年抗日英雄对敌斗争的机智、勇敢以及对革命事业的坚定与忠诚,也歌颂了革命的乐观主义精神。

    These novels not only depicted the fight against juvenile enemy anti-Japanese hero of ingenuity , courage and revolutionary cause of the firm with the loyalty , but also sing the praises of the revolutionary spirit of optimism .

  3. 涞源县抗日小英雄王二小的献身故事已广为流传;

    Laiyuan County small anti-Japanese hero Wang dedication small story has already been ;

  4. 抗日小英雄海娃为坚持敌后斗争的游击队送信,机智勇敢地完成任务的故事。

    Anti-japanese little hero sea Eva persisting the guerrillas himself behind the struggle , wit brave to accomplish the task of story .

  5. 新英雄传奇以积极投入生活的姿态,叙写了一大批抗日传奇英雄,高扬着英雄主义、乐观主义的旗帜,闪耀着理想主义的光芒。

    New heroic romance focuses on the anti-Japanese heroes with an attached way of looking into life , describing their heroism , optimism , and idealism .