
  • 网络quality;volitional quality;volitional characteristics;virtue of will;willpower
  1. 顽强的意志品质会激发学生的自觉性;

    Tenacious quality in will can stimulate the students ' voluntariness .

  2. 大学生意志品质的培养与素质教育

    The Quality Education and Fostering the will Character of University Students

  3. 挫折承受能力是衡量人的意志品质的一个重要指标。

    The endurance of setbacks is a standard mat can evaluate the volitional character of a person .

  4. 我国职业足球运动员意志品质的调查研究

    A Study of Chinese Professional Football Players ' Will and Character

  5. 散打教学对学生意志品质影响的研究

    The Effect of Sanda Teaching on the Students ' , Willpower

  6. 说道意志品质就不能不提到莫尼卡·塞莱斯。

    Monica Seles had more mental strength than anybody I played .

  7. 足球运动与学生意志品质的培养

    Football sports and the Development of the students ' Willpower and Virtues

  8. 男子汉应该具有野性、勇气、坚强的意志品质和责任心。

    A man should be wild , brave , tough and responsible .

  9. 有利于培养大学生良好的意志品质,(3)有助于大学生创造能力的提高。

    It is helpful to improve the college students ' creative ability .

  10. 而意志品质又是非智力因素中最为关键的因素。

    The quality will also non-intelligence factors , the most crucial factor .

  11. 高校体育教育与学生意志品质的培养

    Physical Education at College with the Cultivation of Students ' Volitional Characteristics

  12. 上周的比赛是对我们的意志品质的严峻考验。

    Last week 's game was a stern test of our character .

  13. 孔子首先是把勇定位在意志品质上。

    Confucius is firstly set the courage on the quality of will .

  14. 浙江省少年运动员的意志品质研究

    Study on the quality of will in Zhejiang juvenile athletes

  15. 加强和提高体能、心理素质及意志品质。

    Improve and advance the physical fitness and psychological competence and mental values .

  16. 学生的学习兴趣和意志品质属于非智力因素的范畴。

    Students ' study interest and will quality are not categories with non-intelligence .

  17. 注重培养学生良好的意志品质

    Laying Stress on Cultivating Students ' Quality of Will

  18. 高校公体教学与学生意志品质的培养

    PE in Universities and Development of Students ' Characters

  19. 论体育人之意志品质素质及其运动生涯基础

    Discussion on Physical Culture Man 's Will Quality and Base of Sport Career

  20. 第三,在教育教学中注重培养学生的意志品质;

    Third , lay stress on fostering students ? will power when teaching ;

  21. 论刑事警察必备的意志品质

    On the Qualities of Willpower Required of Criminal Police

  22. 体育教学培养中小学生意志品质的途径

    Cultivation of the Will to the Student in the Teaching of Physical Education

  23. 体育教学中应重视学生意志品质的教育

    Paying Attention to the Fostering of Students ' Volitional Character in Physical Education

  24. 论学校体育对学生意志品质的影响论体育精神和体育品格

    On the Spirit and Moral Character of Physical Education

  25. 论少年长跑运动员的意志品质与培养

    On Long Jogging Athlete Will Quality and Raise

  26. 性格:意志品质、情绪性、理智感、进取心4项指标。

    Character : will quality , emotion , rational feeling and spirit of enterprise .

  27. 大学生意志品质与学业成就相关研究

    Study of Correlation Between College Students ' Will and Achievement Motivation for School Work

  28. 浅谈学生意志品质的培养

    On The Cultivation Of Students ' Willpower Quality

  29. 定向运动对中学生的意志品质有明显的促进作用。

    Orienteering has a significant role in promoting on the students ' will quality .

  30. 浅析远程教育学生意志品质的培养

    On Fostering the Characters of Distance Education Students