
yì yì
  • free translation;paraphrase
意译 [yì yì]
  • [free translation;paraphrase] 根据原文的大意来翻译,不作逐字逐句的翻译(区别于直译)

意译[yì yì]
  1. 从中国古代民歌翻译看直译与意译

    Research on Literal and Free Translation through Chinese Ancient Folk Songs Translation

  2. 凡是人名或地名,都采用音译法而非意译法。

    Any name of people or place adopts transliteration , not free translation .

  3. 这时意译就比较好。在通往餐厅的门口有一位妇女,涂脂抹粉、细皮嫩肉、身着和服、十分迷人,她叫我脱下鞋子。

    At the door to the restaurant , a stunning , porcelain-faced woman in traditional costume asked me to remove my shoes .

  4. 外来词是相当于英语foreignword的意译。

    The Loanwords is equivalent to English " foreign word " paraphrase .

  5. 你知道HugoBoss(雨果·博斯,英语意译为“老板”)那个牌子吧?

    You know Hugo Boss , right ?

  6. 这意味着,大型并购不管是否愿意,反正(attheveryleast,注意与atleast的区别)必须取得官方通行证(意译),官方的评估至少30天,也有可能180天。

    At the very least , this means large mergers must be blessed by the Chinese authorities , which will have a minimum of30 days to assess them-and will be able to extend their review to180 days .

  7. 1.〈宗〉(佛教和印度教的)业,梵文「羯磨」的意译,即善恶行为所留下的一种无形而有力的能2.命运,宿缘n.来者,来的人;有成功希望的人n.空手道(日本的一种徒手武术)

    karma ( in the Buddhist and Hindu religions ) the force produced by a person 's actions in one of their lives which influences what happens to them in their future lives n.

  8. 他对经文中名词l术语的翻译采用音译加上意译的组合的形式,值得肯定和称赞。

    B. He translates the terms in the text by means of the combination of transliteration and free translation which deserves affirmation and praise .

  9. 试论增译的三类意译语言功能

    On the Three Linguistic Functions of Additional Translation with Free Translation

  10. 不同的篇章、体裁在直译与意译的趋向程度上往往有所不同。

    Different discourses or styles tends to focus on different stresses .

  11. 还可以通过意译重述关键词进行关键词转换练习。

    You can also practise scanning for paraphrases of key words .

  12. “译意”与“意译”都涉及“意”。

    Translation of liberal meaning and liberal translation both concern meaning .

  13. 浅谈直译与意译论直译与意译的辩证关系

    On the Dialectic Relationship Between Literal Translation and Free Translation

  14. 意译的本质&变与不变之间

    The Nature of Translating Meaning : Between Variants and Invariants

  15. 第二章主要分析了外来词的界定和分类,作者认为可从广义上将外来词分为三大类,即音译词,意译词和借形词。

    Chapter 2 analyses the definition and classification of loanwords ;

  16. 丰富的;自由的对作者总体意思的意译。

    a liberal translation giving a general idea of the writer 's intentions

  17. 翻译中的直译意译与读者关照

    Literal Translation , Free Translation and Consideration of Readers

  18. 对作者总体意思的意译。

    A liberal translation giving a general idea of the writer 's intentions .

  19. 意译是不是,死亡也救不了你?

    Not even death can save you from me ?

  20. 关于直译和意译新定义的研究

    Study on New Definitions of Literal and Free Translations

  21. 意译:那是使用高科技技术来捕获深海的动物的影片。

    It takes more than high-tech wizardry to capture deep-ocean creatures on film .

  22. 在翻译过程中用到的翻译方法主要有:意译、转换法、回译和补充说明。

    The methods include : free translation , backtranslation , conversion and supplementation .

  23. 在此基础上提出了两者互译的方法,即以意译为主,直译为辅。

    That is paraphrase , the main method , and sometimes literal translation .

  24. 处理这一现象应遵循意译借词原则和简译借词原则。

    It shall be followed the loanword principle of free and simple translation .

  25. 为了更准确的传达意思经常使用意译法。

    In order to translate exactly , the paraphrasing translation is often used .

  26. 浅谈文化词语的直译与意译

    A research on the translation of the culture-loaded words

  27. 从语用学的角度看,直译和意译的矛盾是可以解决的;

    From the perspective of pragmatics , the problem is not a paradox unsolvable .

  28. 因此今天被称为濯足节星期四,或者意译为授诫命的星期四。

    Hence today is called Maundy Thursday , or literally " Commandment " Thursday .

  29. 也有的学者认为文化意象,重在达意,即应该意译。

    Some other scholars think that cultural imagery should be done in free translation .

  30. 他用通俗英语意译了一篇演讲稿。

    He paraphrased a speech in colloquial English .