
yì tú
  • intention;intent;purpose;point;thought;conation
意图 [yì tú]
  • [intent;intention] 希望达到某种目的打算

  • 这首诗的主要意图是为了使冲突戏剧性地表现出来

意图[yì tú]
  1. 明显有意图要削弱黑人的选举力量。

    There was a clear intention to dilute black voting power

  2. 我们的意图是想方设法出售这个公司以获取奖金。

    Our intention is to capitalize the company by any means we can

  3. 实验的结果与原来的意图相反。

    The experiment had the reverse effect to what was intended .

  4. 他从一开始就明白说出了他的意图。

    He 's been upfront about his intentions since the beginning .

  5. 她被指控意图谋杀丈夫。

    She has been charged with the attempted murder of her husband .

  6. 这些暴行的意图何在?

    What 's the point of all this violence ?

  7. 我承认我误解了他的意图。

    I admit that I mistook his intentions .

  8. 这背后的意图是什么?

    What 's the idea behind this ?

  9. 我完全误会了她的意图。

    I completely misunderstood her intentions .

  10. 该法律意图保护那些年轻且无判断力的电视观众。

    The law is intended to protect young and impressionable viewers .

  11. 广告的意图是以公开的信息传达隐含之意。

    Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message .

  12. 他对皇帝的高尚意图深信不疑。

    He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor .

  13. 他们很大程度上误读了选民的意图。

    They largely misread the mood of the electorate .

  14. 他指责一些国家有不可告人的目的,意图损害法国的影响力。

    He accused foreign nations of having a hidden agenda to harm French influence

  15. 极右势力已经清楚地表明了其意图。

    The far-right has now made its intentions clear .

  16. 他们为什么不能不再闪烁其词,说出他们真正的意图呢?

    Why don 't they stop pussyfooting around and say what they really mean ?

  17. 她的书不无为自己作传的意图。

    Her book is not without autobiographical meaning .

  18. 他拿不准他哥哥的意图是什么。

    He was uncertain about his brother 's intentions

  19. 议会一名反对党议员指责政府意图凌驾于法律之上。

    One opposition member of parliament accuses the government of wanting to be above the law

  20. 媒体歪曲他人言论、曲解他人意图的做法真是可耻。

    It 's a shame the way that the media can twist your words and misrepresent you

  21. 要弄清楚他们这样做的原因,必须要了解他们的意图。

    To understand why they are doing it , it is necessary to know where they are coming from

  22. 我不同意作者的生活和意图与他的文本没有联系的学说。

    I disagree with the doctrine that the writer 's life and intention have no bearing on his texts .

  23. 敌人表明了要攻击那座城市的意图。

    The enemies have manifested their intention to attack the city .

  24. 他打破窗户意图入室行窃。

    He broke the window with the intent to enter and steal .

  25. 他暗示了他来访的意图。

    He hinted about the purpose of his visit .

  26. 她没有正确理解他信中的含义,因而误解了他的意图。

    She misinterpreted the implications of his letter and thus misunderstood his intentions .

  27. 对他的意图我有几分怀疑。

    I 'm somewhat suspicious of his intentions .

  28. 我把他的文章读了一遍又一遍,但对他的意图仍百思不解。

    I read his article again and again , trying hard to understand what he was driving at but in vain .

  29. 总统似乎愿意按参议院的意图行事。

    The president seemed willing to accommodate himself to Senate desires .

  30. 他们压制了一切新闻报道自由化的意图。

    They beat down every attempt to liberalize the press .