
  • 网络Constructive Object
  1. 定义静态成员msArena和重载操作new()是为了可以在共享内存中构造对象。

    The static member m_sArena and overloaded operator new () are there to enable the construction of objects in shared memory .

  2. 如果要使用一种XML解析API,为何还要构造对象模型呢?

    Why would you want to construct an object model if you intend to use one of the XML parsing APIs ?

  3. 在反序列化的过程中,SOAP运行时环境使用缺省构造器来构造对象。

    The default constructor is used by the SOAP run time environment to construct the object during the deserialization process .

  4. 第二,JavaScript基于原型或现有的对象的实例来构造对象,而非基于类模板。

    Second , JavaScript bases object construction on a prototype , or an existing instance of an object , rather than a class template .

  5. 这意味着对象的结构与XML的结构没有联系-您可以重新构造对象类,而不必更改用于外部数据传送的XML格式。

    This means the structure of your objects is not tied to the structure of the XML & you can restructure your object classes without needing to change the XML format used for external data transfer .

  6. AXIOM和其他XML对象模型不同的地方在于,它利用新的XML解析器提供的灵活性来允许按需构造对象模型。

    What makes AXIOM different from other XML object models is that it uses the flexibility provided by new forms of XML parsers to allow on-demand construction of the object model .

  7. Guice传递给模块的Binder用于告诉Guice您想如何构造对象。

    The Binder that Guice passes to your module lets you tell Guice how you want your objects constructed .

  8. 这是Guice构造对象的第一种方式:显式询问。

    This is the first way of getting Guice to construct your objects : asking explicitly .

  9. JAXB使用工厂来构造对象类的新实例,而Zeus通过原型使用生成的实现类。

    Whereas JAXB uses a factory to construct new instances of an object class , Zeus uses a generated implementation class with prototyping .

  10. 不带参数的构造器确保可以根据序列化状态远程构造对象。

    A non-argument constructor ensures the object can be constructed remotely from a serialized state .

  11. 前两种方法属于对象识别中的图像预处理,有助于更好地构造对象识别所需的训练样本。

    The first two methods are applied in image preprocessing . They are useful to construct training sets for object recognition .

  12. 构造对象(集)趋势决策表,继而提出趋势概念格的概念。

    We construct the object ( set ) trend decision table , and then raise the concept of trend concept lattice .

  13. 某些很少见的情况下,可能需要从多个模式构造Schema对象。

    In some rare cases , you might want to construct a Schema object from multiple schemas .

  14. 对于这类应用程序,根据Schema构造的对象模型能提供一种非常快速的开始使用文档的方法。

    For these types of applications , the object model constructed from a Schema can provide a very fast way to start working with documents .

  15. 但是,随着XML更广泛的使用,并不是所有问题都继续需要由语法分析器来驱动。应用程序的开发人员需要一个更方便的方法有计划地构造XML对象。

    But as XML use becomes more widespread , not all problems continue to look so parser-driven , and application developers need a convenient way to construct XML objects programmatically .

  16. 将“.”分隔符和对象的名称属性添加到当前Package的全限定名来构造新对象的全限定名。

    The fully qualified name of the new object is constructed by adding the " . " separator and the object 's name attribute to the fully qualified name of the current Package .

  17. 与二维GIS相比,三维GIS表达的世界更能给人真实感、沉浸感,它以立体造型技术构造地理对象,不仅能表达空间对象的平面关系,而且能描述它们间的垂向关系。

    Comparing with 2D GIS , 3D GIS provides human with realistic feeling and immersion feeling . It constructs geographic objects with three-dimensional formation technology . It describes not only the horizontal relationships of spatial objects , but also the vertical relationships .

  18. 本文论述如何借用JSD的模拟技术来构造面向对象的信息系统分析模式。

    This paper discusses how to incorporate JSD modelling technique to create an Object-Oriented MIS analysis model .

  19. 通过对IDL接口文件所定义的接口予以实现来构造服务对象中间件,由服务对象中间件完成与数据库的交互,封装企业的业务逻辑,形成客户与数据库之间的中间层,对外仅以接口形式表现。

    By implementing the IDL interface , the SM can connect the database and execute the business logic . It encapsulates the server implementation and forms as a middle layer between client and server .

  20. 受经典控制利用控制对象的数学模型分析系统稳定性的启示。构造模糊对象的模糊模式来分析模糊系统的稳定性,并提出型式控制GA,用以解决模糊模式的系统辨识问题。

    In order to resolve that two questions , this paper uses constructing fuzzy model of model object and proposes scheme controlling GA inspired by classical control theory which used math model to analyze the stability of a system in order to resolve system distinguish of fuzzy model .

  21. 构造面向对象模型,采用ActiveX技术将模型中的对象制作成OCX控件,再将控件嵌入支持OLE技术标准的开发平台,组建ERP原形系统。

    An object-oriented model was constructed , and ActiveX methodology was developed to determine OCX component , then the component on the developing flat-roof which supports OLE criterion was embedded , and the ERP original shape system was consequently constituted .

  22. 定义源文件中代码构造的对象集合。

    A collection of objects defining code constructs in a source file .

  23. 从仿真数学模型构造面向对象的智能知识库

    Constructing object oriented intelligent knowledgebase from simulation mathematical model

  24. 要使用映射键从数据源检索数据以构造中间对象,请执行以下操作

    To retrieve data from a data source using mapped keys for constructing an intermediate object

  25. 这将指定在事件字段的基础上构造中间对象的所有字段。

    This specifies all the fields of the intermediate object that are constructed from event fields .

  26. 适逢对象不再自动破灭,除非他们完全配合和超越您的新构造的对象。

    Coinciding objects are no longer auto-dashed unless they fully coincide with and extend beyond your newly constructed object .

  27. 给出了版面逐层快速分解构造版面对象和基于有序树的阅读顺序确定算法。

    Based on ordered tree , an algorithm for reading order detection after page top-down decomposition for constructing layout objects is presented .

  28. 该文利用面向对象分析方法构造出对象关联模型,建立了一种光路计算的关键算法模型,它由基本算法模型和多光学零件的算法模型组成。

    The article firstly constructs the calculation model by object-oriented method , and then presents basic part and multiple optical part algorithms .

  29. 通过构造的对象以及相互之间的关系,通常的几何问题可以用一种特定的规则来描述。进而用高等的方法验证或者证明。

    With the constructed objects and their relations , geometric problems can be formulated with specified syntax , and then they can be verified or proved with advanced techniques .

  30. 视景仿真利用计算机图形技术,根据仿真目的来构造目标对象的三维模型、再现真实的环境,能够逼真地再现飞行过程。

    Visual simulation can realize flight course replay realistically , by means of constructing three-dimensional model of goal object and exhibiting actual environment based on the purpose of simulation , using computer graphic technologies .