
  • 网络structural layer;tectonic layers;synthem;Fabric;S-D-J
  1. 凹陷下构造层具有裂陷特征,基底具有多隆多洼结构,古近系由13个小洼陷组成,分割性较明显。

    Depression tectonic layers present faulted depression , the basement with more depression , Paleogene it includes 13 small sag , Segmentation more apparent .

  2. 裂谷期前火山岩近水平展布于基底之上,裂谷期沉积则分布于半地堑内,两者属于不同构造层。

    Pre-rift volcanic rocks are distributed subhorizon-tally on the basement , while the sediments of the rifting stages are distributed in the semi - graben , both belonging to different tectonic layers .

  3. 金的成矿作用及金矿床的形成,通常与含金丰度相对较高的地台构造层有密切的成因联系,它们提供了重要的物质来源,可认为是矿源层(Sourcebeds)。

    Gold metallogenesis and the formation of gold deposits usually have close relationship with the platform strata with relatively high gold abundance . These strata are considered ore-forming material source beds .

  4. 研究区内构造层平面走向发生两次变化(由NNE→NE→NNE)。

    The strike in this area has changed twice ( from NNE to NE to NNE ) .

  5. 结合Agent的本体的概念,本文讨论了Agent通信模型中本体的重要性,给出了在Agent交互层之上建立构造层,建立Agent的知识库。

    Combining the ontology theory of agent , we discuss the importance of the ontology on agent communication model , and provide the idea of building agent knowledge base in construction level , which is on communication level of agent .

  6. 在老、新结核不同构造层中,Ce的演化趋势同TMn等元素,其他稀土元素与Fe等相似。

    In different spherical layers of both the old and new nodules the varying tendency of Ce is similar to that of TMn while varying tendency of other REE to that of Fe .

  7. 第二次发生在E2末T03构造层形成之前,即始新世末,此时区内主要烃源岩都已经进入生烃高峰,是区内主要的油气生成、运移期。

    The second time occurred in the end of E 2 ( end of Eocene ), a period during which the main source rock generated hydrocarbon in its maximum amount .

  8. 早三叠构造层(Tt1);

    Early Triassic layer ( TT3 );

  9. 晚元古界早期构造层,为山前凹地或山间盆地磨拉石堆积,形成于1000-800Ma;

    The third one , formed at early stage of later-Proterozoic ( 1000-800Ma ), was belong to molasse formation accumulated in foredeep or intermountain basin ;

  10. 马尼特拗陷的地震反射构造层与地质发展历史

    The seismic structural layers and the geological history of Manite depression

  11. 原地系统为O-S构造层。

    , The autochthon was O - S structure layer .

  12. 华北三重构造层的沉积演变和岩石化学特征

    The sedimentary evolution and petrochemical characteristics of three tectonic layers in North China

  13. 该构造层含有丰富的油气资源。

    It contains rich resources of oil and gas .

  14. 第二构造层为青白口纪晚期大陆裂谷火山&沉积岩。

    The second one is volcanic-sediment in continental rift during late Qingbaikou Period .

  15. 鄂西渝东地区中构造层储层预测

    Reservoir prediction of the middle structural formation in West Hubei and East Chongqing area

  16. 第三-第四系构造层。

    Structural layer of Tertiary - Quaternary .

  17. 黄骅盆地南部前第三系构造层中广泛发育有逆冲构造。

    Thrust structure widely developed in pre Tertiary basement in south area of Huanghua basin .

  18. 控制该构造层的成盆背景是以弱伸展的坳陷作用为主。

    The tectonic settings of formation of this basin was controlled by the weak extensional depression .

  19. 基岩地震反射构造层以内部无反射为特征。

    The basement is reflection-free inside .

  20. 低温地板辐射采暖构造层传热模拟

    Numerical Study on Heat Transfer of Constructing Layer in the Low Temperature Radiant Floor Heating System

  21. 下构造层为海相层系,主要表现为压性构造。

    Lower tectonic levels are marine series of strata , which are characterized by compressional structures .

  22. 中国东部地洼区不同构造层中地洼期岩金矿成矿地质特征

    Characteristics of DIWA TYPE GOLD METALLOGENY in different structural layers in DIWA regions of eastern China

  23. 二叠系构造层;

    Structural layer of Permian ;

  24. 黑龙江东部晚中生代盆地群构造层划分及构造沉积演化

    Subdivisions of structural layers and tectonic-sedimentary evolution of eastern basins in Heilongjiang in Late Mesozoic schistose structure

  25. 第一构造层为蓟县纪&青白口纪早期弧后边缘盆地沉积。

    The first one is back arc basin sediment in margin of back arc during Jixian Period-early Qingbaikou Period .

  26. 塔北隆起西部不同构造层构造样式及其成因关系

    The Structural Styles of Different Structural Layers in the Western Part of North Tarim Uplift and Their Genetic Mechanisms

  27. 下构造层发育逆冲断层、褶皱、走滑构造和岩浆底辟构造;

    The thrust faults , folds , strike-slip faults and magmatic diapir structures were formed in the lower layer ;

  28. 歧口凹陷是黄骅坳陷新构造层油气勘探的最有利地区。

    Qikou Sag is the most favorable area of neo-tectonic strata for oil and gas exploration in Huanghua Depression .

  29. 垂直海岸线的横向分带由南向北依次为稀有和稀土金属带、多金属带,它们受控于基底构造层的大地构造性质、物质组分及区域地球化学背景场等条件。

    From south to north the assemblages zones of ore deposit Perpendicular to the coast are rare metals and REE-polymetal .

  30. 构成上述峰林的岩石为时代属于晚泥盆世的地台构造层的石英砂岩。

    The rock making up the above mentioned peak forest is quartzose sandstone of the Late Devonian platform struetural layer .