
qiáng tǐ cái liào
  • Wall material;materials for wall
墙体材料[qiáng tǐ cái liào]
  1. 冷弯薄壁住宅钢结构以冷弯C型钢龙骨结构体系为代表,采用经济型材冷弯型钢为承重骨架,以轻型墙体材料为围护结构所构成。

    The Light Steel Framing Building adopts the cold-formed steel as the bearing framework and light material as the enclosing structure .

  2. 为了验证秸秆复合墙体材料热工性能的可靠度,本课题组利用ANSYS有限元结构分析软件对其进行了周期性稳态热分析。

    Periodic steady-state thermal analysis has completed with finite element analysis software & ANSYS to Confirmation the reliability of the straw wall thermal properties .

  3. 通过分析墙体材料的导热系数k、热容C和墙体厚度对墙体延时与削弱作用的影响,发现热容C和导热系数k对墙体延时与削弱作用影响明显。

    By analyzing the thermal conductivity , heat capacity and the thickness of the wall , it is found that heat capacity and the thermal conductivity have distinct effect on time lag and the decrement factor .

  4. 以改性EPS颗粒为保温骨料,石膏-矿渣胶凝材料为胶结材料,辅以尼龙纤维和活性激发剂,可配制保温性能良好的墙体材料。

    The wall material made by modified EPS grain as insulation material , gypsum-slag as binding material , nylon and activator had good thermal insulation .

  5. EPS(聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料)混凝土是一种新型轻质、保温墙体材料,是以废弃的聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料(EPS)骨料和水泥为主要成分。

    Polystyrene concrete is a new style , light weight and thermal insulation wall material , which is mainly made up of polystyrene foam plastics aggregate and cement .

  6. 介绍了EPS混凝土复合墙体材料的组成特点,从保温效果、居住环境、使用面积等方面阐述了EPS混凝土外墙砌模技术的优点,从而推进并实现建筑节能。

    It introduces characteristic of EPS concrete compound wall materials , and illustrates merits of EPS concrete external wall masonry technology from insulation effect 、 residential environment and utilization area , which to promote energy-saving of building .

  7. 在综合分析BIF尾矿基本特性的基础上,以BIF尾矿为主要原料,选择不同的粘结剂制备轻质墙体材料。

    Based on the comprehensive analysis of their basic properties , BIF tailings were used to make light wall materials with different binders .

  8. 且墙体材料的耐久性指标和HTCS的放射性指标均满足国标要求。

    Both durability properties of the two wall materials and radioactive indexes of HTCS meet the national standards ' prescription .

  9. QTC复合砌块是一种新型的墙体材料,具有隔声、防火、轻质墙吊挂力大、施工方便的特点。

    The QTC compound building block is a new kind of wall material and has features such as sound isolation , fire protection , large lifting capability and easy construction and so on .

  10. 本论文将就常见的墙体材料NALC与复合墙体材料金邦板与框架结构的连接构造进行详细的论述,运用有限元软件Ansys,分别对框架结构、框架结构带有填充墙的柔性和刚性连接进行分析。

    This paper will be discussed in details on common wall materials NALC , composite wall materials Jin bang board and tectonic connection of frame structure by using the finite element software ANSYS .

  11. 附录部分还着重介绍了一种由本人牵头研制的,并已取得国家专利的新型墙体材料KGC复合轻质隔墙板,详细说明了该产品成型工艺,施工作法,安装构造、工程应用。

    It has been gotten the national patent . The molding arts , construction technique , install constitution and engineering application of this wallboard are demonstrated in detail .

  12. 高汰型高炉渣生产墙体材料技术的研究重点是如何激发HTCS的活性,用其生产墙体材料-实心砖和混凝土空心砌块。

    This study focuses on activating the reactivity of HTCS and using it to produce wall materials - solid brick and hollow concrete block .

  13. 山东省掺工业废渣新型墙体材料天然放射性水平调查

    Survey of naturally radioactive level of some new type wall materials

  14. 新型墙体材料&瓦斯泥粉煤灰砖

    A new material for wall-gas silt and pulverized fuel ash brick

  15. 蒸压粉煤灰砖是一种新型墙体材料。

    Autoclaved Flyash-lime brick is a new type material of wall .

  16. 利用选金尾矿生产系列硅酸盐墙体材料的工艺技术研究

    Technological study on producing silicate wall materials with gold concentrator tailings

  17. 建筑模网混凝土是一种新型节能墙体材料。

    Construction mesh concrete is a new energy-saving material for walls .

  18. 德阳市墙体材料应用现状调查与分析

    Inventory survey and analysis of wall materials application in Deyang city

  19. 建筑节能墙体材料计算机管理系统

    Computer Management System of Wall Material of Building Energy Saving

  20. 轻质墙体材料上抹灰质量通病的预防措施

    Measures to prevent the common plastering quality defects of light-weight walling material

  21. 墙体材料的收缩率越大,受力越大;

    The stress increases as the shrinkage ratio of walling material increase ;

  22. 新型墙体材料裂缝分析及治理

    Analysis and treatment of the cracks of new-type wall materials

  23. 双箱法测定墙体材料导热系数的研究

    Measurement of thermal conductivity of wall material by bi-box approach

  24. 从墙体材料的发展谈混凝土空心砖块的应用

    The Application of Concrete Air Brick with the Development of Wall Materials

  25. 造纸废渣和污泥的综合利用&生产新型墙体材料

    The utilization of residue and sludge of papermaking producing novel wall material

  26. 通过期望成本分析新型墙体材料的使用

    Analysing the Using of New-Type Wall Materials Through Expection Cost

  27. 石膏憎水珍珠岩复合墙体材料研究

    The study of composite wall materials by gypsum and hydrophobic expanded pearlite

  28. 煤矸石烧结多孔砖新型墙体材料施工技术

    Coal waste rock agglomerated lacunaris bricks-constructing skills of a new wall material

  29. 免蒸压粉煤灰轻质墙体材料的试验研究

    The Experiment Research of the Non-autoclaved Fly-ash Light Wall Material

  30. 利用邯郸铁矿尾矿制备轻质隔热墙体材料

    Preparation of Light Heat-Insulation Wall Material Using Handan Iron Mine 's Tailings