
  • 网络Communicative action;communication action;communicative acts
  1. 交往行为理论是哈巴马斯创建的全新理论架构。

    Communicative Action Theory is a new theoretical frame built by Habermas .

  2. 他给出的回答是交往行为理论。

    His answer is the theory of communicative action .

  3. 网络交往行为的伦理反思

    The Ethical Reflection of the Communication Behavior on the Internet

  4. 网络交往行为与人的自由的哲学解读

    Network Communication Behavior and the Philosophical Interpretation of Human Freedom

  5. 翻译是一种以理解为目的的交往行为。

    Thus , translation is an action of communicating based on understanding .

  6. 解读哈贝马斯的交往行为概念

    An Analysis of Harby Maas 's Concept of Communicative Behavior

  7. 既而讨论了交往行为理论的理论基础。

    And then theoretical foundation of Theory of Communicative Action is probed into .

  8. 交往行为理论与国际政治研究&以德国国际关系研究视角为中心的一项考察

    Communication Action Theory and International Politics : A German Perspective on IR Studies

  9. 交往行为理论又是何以可能的?

    How is the theoryof communicative action possible ?

  10. 农民交往行为选择的逻辑

    The Logic of Peasant Communicative Behavior Choice

  11. 雄性大鼠的主嗅觉系统与其同性别社会交往行为有关。

    The main olfactory system is related to the male rats ' isosexual social interaction .

  12. 异国文化边缘上的年轻人&人际交往行为的实证探究

    The youth on the edge of foreign cultures & A demonstration study of human communication

  13. 江苏省513名大学生短信交往行为与焦虑状况相关研究

    The Relationship Between SMS Exchanges of 513 College Students and Anxiety Status in Jiangsu Province

  14. 西安市外国游客旅游交往行为及交往效应研究

    A study on the tourist communication behaviors between foreign visitors and local residents in Xi'an

  15. 生活世界指交往行为的背景假设和交往行为者相互理解的信念储蓄库。

    Life world is the background hypothesis and the faith warehouse of the communicative action .

  16. 接着我们又对女工的一般社会空间交往行为进行了梳理。

    Then I analysis the communicative action of the general social space for female workers .

  17. 教育是一种交往行为,所以教育中必然存在主体间的问题。

    Education is a kind of communication , therefore , it surely involves inter-subject problems .

  18. 试析大学生网络交往行为的约束体系

    The Restraining Systems of Communication in Network

  19. 住区外部空间儿童交往行为的案例研究

    Research on the Cases of Children 's Communication Behaviors in External Space of Residential Area

  20. 从交往行为理论试析英语阅读过程的交际性

    Exploring the Communication in English Reading

  21. 第一部分主要阐述了交往行为理论产生的社会背景和理论背景。

    Part One mainly presents the social and theoretical backgrounds of the theory of communicative action .

  22. 第二章阐述了生活世界和交往行为理论的内涵。

    The second chapter elaborates the contents of life world and the theory of communicative action .

  23. 教育归属于交往行为&交往理论视野下的教育本质解读

    Education Belongs to Communication Behavior

  24. 要实现生活世界合理化,关键是要实现交往行为的合理化。

    The key to the rationalization of the life world is the rationalization of the communicative action .

  25. 法兰克福学派社会批判理论的范式转变&从传统社会批判理论到交往行为理论

    The Model Transformation of the Socio-Critical Theoryof Frankfort School : From Traditional Socio-Critical Theory to Communicative Action Theory

  26. 哈贝马斯交往行为理论体现了对主体的尊重,对现代文明传承和建设的重视。

    Theory of Communicative Action embodies the principal of respect , heritage and development of modern civilization attention .

  27. 纠纷是人与人之间交往行为的产物,也是一种普遍存在的社会现象。

    Dispute is the product of behaviors between people , and it is also a widespread social phenomenon .

  28. 第三部分:哈贝马斯交往行为理论评析。

    In the third part the author intends to set some comments on the theory of communicative action .

  29. 所以我对交往行为理论的切入点&普遍语用学作了交代。

    So I explain the cutting point of the theory of communicative action which is general language theory .

  30. 他力图以交往行为为核心提出交往范式的分析理论,并由此对马克思的历史唯物主义进行了重构。

    He tries to put forward the communication-cored analysis theory of communication Paradigm , thus reconstructed Marxist historical materialism .